Dune: Part Two (2023)


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>

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Avatar of War Slayer
trailer was okay.

nothing in there that convinced me it's going to be an improvement over Part 1

Dune (novel) is timeless. Dune (2021) is very much a product of 2020s.
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<Gold Donor>
I’ll watch it. Yeah it will be horribly dumbed down and get a lot of things wrong. First one was fun for what it was, and I like the dune series, so I’ll encourage more of it until it gets bad, which is probably inevitable.

There’s not a chance in hell that this movie will do the confrontation between the emperor and baron harkonnen justice, they gave up on that entirely when they didn’t have the balls to put the first chapter in the movie, but with how stupid modern audiences are I’m not surprised. I’m also not sure I agree on their look for feyd, assuming that pasty bald guy was him.
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Tranny Chaser
Yeah they made Feyd pasty and bald its certainly an interesting choice, but it is consistent with the Harkonnen visual language in this version.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Looks good enough. I am still not the greatest fan of the scream music.


FPS noob
the actor playing Feyd is the dude who played Elvis in the latest Elvis movie, right? Crazy transformation.

I do like the sandworm mounting scene, its always felt a little too easy and clean in previous TV/film and that trailer version looked terrifying and super dangerous, which is how it should be.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The first one was a visual masterpiece. The Sardaukar scene alone got me hard. I'll watch this one for those reasons alone, despite the many story "misses" from the first movie.
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Vyemm Raider
Why? What can I search wiki for?

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Why? What can I search wiki for?

So these movies have a bit of a different view on how the Harkonnen's would look. Giedi Prime is essentially Blade Runner 2049 over the course of thousands of years. They import all of their food, there is very little sunlight as a year for them is over 2 for us, and is mass industrial not caring for anything but efficiency. Denis decided that after working on Blade Runner it wouldn't make sense for the people of the planet to look like normal people, cause well they wouldn't. In the book, they are use terms like handsome, and have hair, its much closer to Lynch in that regard, particularly Sting. I get the change, I think it makes sense and I am okay with it but its not lore accurate.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
So these movies have a bit of a different view on how the Harkonnen's would look. Giedi Prime is essentially Blade Runner 2049 over the course of thousands of years. They import all of their food, there is very little sunlight as a year for them is over 2 for us, and is mass industrial not caring for anything but efficiency. Denis decided that after working on Blade Runner it wouldn't make sense for the people of the planet to look like normal people, cause well they wouldn't. In the book, they are use terms like handsome, and have hair, its much closer to Lynch in that regard, particularly Sting. I get the change, I think it makes sense and I am okay with it but its not lore accurate.
The Harkonnen are basically Dark Elves in DVs imagining, twisted and evil and pale from their complete industrialization. I agree it isn't how they are described in the books but I will go with it as everything else looked so. fucking. amazing. Tribal scream music is weird but Everything about this adaption is just so, epic and different than I had imagined it myself. That he made the Atreides Spanish/Greek hybrids and the Harkonnens outer appearance as ugly as their inner, and the tech looks unlike anything else. I hate to call it original/fresh but it really does strike me in that way. Has it been confirmed if Tim Blake Nelson is playing Fenring in Part 2?
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The Harkonnen are basically Dark Elves in DVs imagining, twisted and evil and pale from their complete industrialization. I agree it isn't how they are described in the books but I will go with it as everything else looked so. fucking. amazing. Tribal scream music is weird but Everything about this adaption is just so, epic and different than I had imagined it myself. That he made the Atreides Spanish/Greek hybrids and the Harkonnens outer appearance as ugly as their inner, and the tech looks unlike anything else. I hate to call it original/fresh but it really does strike me in that way. Has it been confirmed if Tim Blake Nelson is playing Fenring in Part 2?

It hasn't been confirmed that he is, but if you were a betting man, you would probably win that bet since Lady Margot was cast and seen.
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