E3 2016


Silver Squire
Anyone that says Destiny had a good or OK story is crazy. The actual mechanics of shooting / movement were very tight but other than that Destiny was but a tiny shell of the game it should of been. Very over rated for what it was.


FPS noob
dragon age for $6, shadow of mordor for $10, battlefield 4 for $5, bf:hardline for $5 are also good deals on this weeks E3 PSN sales. if you spend $100 (including pre orders) you will get back $15 too, doesn't have to be in one checkout

also interesting thing someone pointed out on neogaf: every protaganist from the major studios this fall is a minority.

Mafia 3: black
Dishonored 2: woman
Battlefield 1: black guy? (not sure if the guy on cover is the guy you play in SP)
COD: Infinite Warfare: hispanic guy
Watch Dogs 2: black guy
Fifa 17: story mode lead is black guy

White kids only have Zelda

While Mafia 3 is a game I really look forward to playing, love the whole setting and stuff, I do kinda wonder if people are going to pass once they find out you play a black dude experiencing racism and shit. Seems kind of a turn off for an escapism game, vs being an italian guy mowing down hundreds of people and climbing the godfather ladder. The game is massively budgeted too.


A Mod Real Quick
Destiny made me so mad that I had to come back and just reiterate that it is the biggest piece of shit game ever made. The fact they made you pay for that DLC is infuriating - either you guys were blind to how shitty the game was or are retarded and bungie gets to sit back like Huell on his stack of cash.

This is bungie:

I kind of liked Titanfall, but Titanfall 2 looks like a must play.
The weapon feel and movement in Titanfall were better than any other console FPS in history IMHO.

  • Majority of console FPS: 30 FPS so they pretty much automatically lose in the weapon feel / movement department.
  • COD franchise: always had 60 FPS but maybe its just me, but the guns in the latest CODs feel kinda meh.
  • Halo 5: So Halo was finally 60 FPS, but I dunno wtf they did. The guy in Halo somehow had more clunky controls than the mechs in Titanfall. Most of the guns were worthless.
  • Battlefield: always clunky as hell controls on console, due to 30FPS, but this generation they finally feel smooth.


Golden Knight of the Realm
And my theory continues. Destiny hate stems from peeps sucking at its PVP. Because if your complaining about unfulfilled promises, you are playing the game wrong. RAIDS/PVP/TRIALSis what Destiny is now and has been for sometime. Yeah it got old after awhile, but to this day there isn't anything comparable on console.
By raids do you mean the part where I have to log on to my PC to access a website so I can meet up with people to down an encounter which will just be reskinned and released again down the road only so I can do the same thing again. Not to mention doing all of this with a story that makes NO fucking sense.

By PVP do you mean non-dedicated servers and no open world PVP combat? Bungie's bread and butter was capture the flag yet we are stuck with different versions of effectively team slayer.

By Trials do you mean ridiculously exploitable content which also requires logging on to a website to communicate with the player base just so I can get special skinned armor which will be barely recognizable once I put on a teal shader or whatever the new hotness is that everyone and their brother is using as a shader also.

And since it was not mentioned: The story could have tied in to the PVP. All these factions and you're telling me there wasn't enough time or money in the 500 million dollar budget to let me pick one and fight against other people in different factions? MMO my fucking ass.

Ut's "prettiest ugly girl in the bar syndrome" is spot on. For comparison Watch Dogs would have killed if Grand Theft Auto did not exist. Destiny has a nice little shit filled niche for now until someone decides to actually make an MMO FPS. Until then 500 million dollar was flushed down the toilet along with any street cred Bungie had from Halo.


Vyemm Raider
Anyone that says Destiny had a good or OK story is crazy. The actual mechanics of shooting / movement were very tight but other than that Destiny was but a tiny shell of the game it should of been. Very over rated for what it was.
This, Destiny story, ESPECIALLY y1 was laughable at BEST - The missions were enjoyable the first 1-3 times but after that it was just tedious. The story was an abortion and outside of the "godly" gun mechanics there isnt anything i could praise it on. The pvp was fun but i never played it for pvp and i dont hate its pvp i just could not care less. Some love it and play it all day long but it was the gunplay that kept me.


Reggie on NX: - YouTube

I don't get him or Nintendo. It's obvious that the upcoming Zelda game could be so much more on better hardware--they have to fog up the whole game world and make it look like worn animation from the 80s (which is charming, but a strong console could do it cleanly). And if Nintendo isn't interested in "red oceans," why the hell are they wading into the ap market? That's like the Dead Sea of red oceans, and if they are after it's money, they are going to have to prostitute the Nintendo name and screw customers with the gacha game.


Molten Core Raider
Reggie on NX: - YouTube

I don't get him or Nintendo. It's obvious that the upcoming Zelda game could be so much more on better hardware--they have to fog up the whole game world and make it look like worn animation from the 80s (which is charming, but a strong console could do it cleanly). And if Nintendo isn't interested in "red oceans," why the hell are they wading into the ap market? That's like the Dead Sea of red oceans, and if they are after it's money, they are going to have to prostitute the Nintendo name and screw customers with the gacha game.
I'm thinking this means it won't match up to Scorpio or Neo. I didn't expect that it would anyway. But if it's much weaker than vanilla PS4 or One I'll be pretty pissed off. If it matches them then that'll be fine. The system absolutely MUST run Unity, UE4, and Frostbite.


Vyemm Raider
I'm thinking this means it won't match up to Scorpio or Neo. I didn't expect that it would anyway. But if it's much weaker than vanilla PS4 or One I'll be pretty pissed off. If it matches them then that'll be fine. The system absolutely MUST run Unity, UE4, and Frostbite.
But...would this surprise you? You know the biggest cost of the NX will be whatever gimmick they toss into it.


Avatar of War Slayer
Obviously Nintendo's underpowered systems have under-preformed, multiple generations in row. The Wii was a massive outlier into the blue ocean. And the handheld market is getting out maneuvered by phones as well.
I certainly can't answer why Nintendo refuses to try and be competitive with Sony and MS in terms of system power. Is the cost that much?
The gimmicks and blue ocean gave them the Wii. Great. but, at the same its cost them, 3rd party support. A WEAK system is one thing, but games can still be ported to a weak system. Having to totally redesign controls, and port to a weaker system, with less total units is a no win for the publishers...

Microsoft Xbox One Reportedly Tops 20 Million Units Sold Worldwide, Still Trailing PS4 : Business Tech : Tech Times

For ref.. 40-55million ps4 thought to be sold worldwide.
20million Xbones.
13 million WiiU.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Dude, Nintendo is about entertainment not hardware, cause my ps4 doesn't do that. How he could say that with a straight face is baffling


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
And the handheld market is getting out maneuvered by phones as well.
Hardware-wise, maybe. The quality of the games compared to actual handheld game systems still isn't even remotely in the same ballpark, and that's not going to change as long as phones lack analog pads, d-pads, and real buttons. The last/only good phone I ever had for games was my Xperia Play; anything with pure touch controls is a fucking abomination even for the small handful of quality games (mostly limited to FF and other Square-Enix IPs) that get ported from other systems.

Getting a little further off-topic, I also have to wonder how much the change to cell plans in the US will affect the adoption rate of newer/better phone tech. I used to get a new phone every 1-2 years when it was free/subsidized by my contract, but now that I have to pay for it? Fuck that. I can't imagine I'm the only person who upgraded so often simply because it was "free" instead of any real necessity. Probably less of an issue on the Apple side of things because those people are just weird about obsessively upgrading their shit at full sticker price, but still... Android has a vastly larger userbase.


A Mod Real Quick
The cell phone market is crazy

The worst part is it's perpetuated by all those people that need to get a new one every 6 months

you know.. teenage girls and bald douches that wear them on their belt clip


FPS noob
Nintendo just can't compete anymore on hardware, and hasn't been able to for a decade, and its caught up to them. People think the PS 4 and Xbox One are cheap PCs-in-a-box but both companies still spent hundreds of millions taping out the VLSIs/PCBs, just because AMD and NVidia make cheaper GPUs it doesn't automatically turn it into a console upgrade. The console mfg still has to spend significant amounts of money on iterating new manufacturing designs, (paying for) factory retools, etc and its even more problematic when chips move to smaller scale and either the old factories become obselete or they simply can't support those new 14nm etc standards and have to be retrofitted. Every new Intel motherboard and NVIDIA GPU cycle requires hundreds of millions in board layout design, these things number in the billions of transistors and it takes extremely large teams now to get all the electric signaling to work.

Apple spent $8 billion on R&D last year (across everything tho), Samsung spent $14 billion, LG spent $6 billion, Sony spent $5 billion. Nintendo spent $500m last year, across both hardware and software. Every year they fall further and further behind, honestly at this point its not a matter of IF they become just a software publishing company, but WHEN. Probably at least another 2 rounds of hardware that undersells before they throw in the towel.


This, Destiny story, ESPECIALLY y1 was laughable at BEST - The missions were enjoyable the first 1-3 times but after that it was just tedious. The story was an abortion and outside of the "godly" gun mechanics there isnt anything i could praise it on. The pvp was fun but i never played it for pvp and i dont hate its pvp i just could not care less. Some love it and play it all day long but it was the gunplay that kept me.
I don't even know why people give a shit about a good story in a Diablo clone. There is plenty to pick apart with Destiny, but that is one thing I never understood from people.
Division had a better story, and it didn't make a rats difference.

I played wow for years, and the only time I even paid attention to the story was when the nerds in guild chat would break out their Lore cocks to see who was the biggest wall scroll hangin dweeb.

Destiny did first person raiding better then any game. Their core game was pretty solid, they failed in not supporting the game itself. I think the Devs really stopped caring because Destiny is such a big money maker for them even today. Even all their lazy ass expansions do well.

That game can be made amazing at anytime because the core is so solid in it. Really just need a new Dev team in there that is excited about making it great.