Engagement rings


Silver Baronet of the Realm
What Tuco said. Also, there really isn't any reason to rush into a marriage, especially when you are young. My wife and I dated for about 1.5 years, then lived together for 3 more years, before we got married (and we were in our 30s). I look at my little cousin, just got married, probably to the first girl he ever banged, now they have a kid, and he's 19 years old. I really just wanted to smack him upside the head, but what can you do.


If it is the right person, why wait? If that is the person you see yourself with forever, you are living together and sharing finances, what is the point in dating for several years?

Am I behind financially because I am 28, have 3 kids, never finished college and am a stay at home mom? Obviously. Am I doing with my life what I really wanted? Yes.

That's what matters, to me at least. Having more money makes things easier but it doesn't necessarily make it better.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If it is the right person, why wait? If that is the person you see yourself with forever, you are living together and sharing finances, what is the point in dating for several years?
Because A: you could be wrong, B: because your marriage could suffer from rushing, C: you'll have decades to be married but only a few years to enjoy dating each other.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not saying absolutely don't get married if you are young, I'm saying that if you can do it by being smart and reasonable and staying within your financial means then you are probably responsible enough to handle marriage and all it entails, whether you're 18, 30, 50, or whatever. If you're broke and 18 and you want your family to plunk down 50K for a wedding, well, you're a dumbshit and you have a LOT of growing up to do before you should even consider marriage.

tl;dr live within your means, if you can't then you're gonna have problems regardless of how old you are


Sure you'll have decades to be married, but it is also nice to be able to have kids while you're young. I never wanted to be mid thirties and just starting a family.

You can also be wrong when you get married at 40. I didn't say rush into marriage, I said get married if it is the right person.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Forgive me if I sound ageist here, but the majority of teenagers/early 20-somethings have no idea who is or is not the right person. Especially if that's the only person you've ever dated. I don't understand the rush to get that piece of paper that says you're married. You're together, who cares if you have it or not. The only real pertinent benefit for most people would be health insurance from spouse or *maybe* lower taxes. Oh, and spousal benefits from your armed forces spouse (but I find that is more often a "scam" than not).

My wife's cousin got married damn young. Bought a home *just* before he got married, wife never worked a day, he put her through school. Just as she's about to finish, she starts cheating on him, leaves him, gets a divorce, and he has to pay her off in the high five digits just so he's not forced to sell his home... that she never paid a dime into... and it wasn't like she was staying home taking care of the kids (they had none). Had they not rushed into marriage, and just dated longer, he'd have had more time to see what a crazy psycho bitch she was.

Half as many people get divorced each year as get married. It's not some sacred thing apparently. What's the rush? /shrug

(PS I never wanted to be in my mid 30s starting a family either, but it took me that long to find the woman I was willing to spend my life with. I'm glad you found that much sooner, we can't all be that lucky)


Meh, just sounds like what you are saying is that shitty people are shitty.

It all just comes down to when it feels right. And for some, that turns out to be wrong. But people get divorced at all age ranges, after months of marriage or after many years. People who are not mature enough to get married young, shouldn't, obviously. I get that.


Molten Core Raider
My wife's ring cost about $500. It has a small stone of whatever name and is made of Palladium. She didn't give a flying fuck I guess, because she was already 34 when I proposed...
Our wedding rings are also Palladium. She doesn't wear gold jewelry only silver, so it was Palladium or Platinum, and at 4-5x the price that wasn't an option, at all.

The wedding itself cost... I don't know, 20 bucks at the town house. Then nothing for church, we pay church tax for that. Of course, with flowers, dress, and reception for roughly 100 people we probably spent $10k, but broke even with the gifts. Didn't matter either way.

I'm either having a d?j?-vu here or we've discussed this on FoH/MN already.


You definitely right, they taking money just for brending or for they rents payment in Malls. In Israle we have some shops near the diamond exchange and they have relly good prices. Try to find shops like this near you.


Trakanon Raider
Because A: you could be wrong, B: because your marriage could suffer from rushing, C: you'll have decades to be married but only a few years to enjoy dating each other.
I'm 30, and my girlfriend is 25. This isn't my first LTR or anything, but she's honestly the first person I've ever seriously thought about marrying without a single second thought. We just sorta click, and everything feels like it fell into place. That's the only reason it's even on radar for me.

We're in no rush, and when I started this thread it was mainly as a way of starting to educate myself and get some feedback from people who have been through the whole experience. I know *nothing* about diamonds or jewelry, so the pointers have been valuable, but we're certainly not getting married next month or anything. I doubt I'll even be making a purchase until summer at the earliest. In every discussion we've had, it's been important to both of us that I make sure my financial affairs are in order and that it isn't going to break the bank to start down this road (she's a gerontologist by training, so she's keenly aware of necessities like saving early and living within our means now so that we can enjoy retirement in good health later).

I could be totally wrong about this. I could easily end up like my dad, who just got released from jail yesterday after a judge put him there until he paid thousands in back alimony, and just totally shit all over my entire life by melting down. I seriously doubt it though. It's not something I've made a decision to do lightly.


Trakanon Raider
Your GF looks at vaginas all day? Sweet.
In case not trolling, no.
Gerontologists are specialists in aging and the elderly.



this is one of the greatest videos i've seen in a LONG time. big anniversary coming up next year--now i've got an idea of what i could get her. i've never liked the idea of getting jewlery because its just too dang expensive!


Bronze Knight of the Realm
My GF and I went looking at rings yesterday and the place we went to didn't acknowledge stones other than diamonds even existed lol. This shit is such a scam.


<Prior Amod>
Haha, yeah I went out with a buddy of mine who knows dick about rings, he was shopping for a ring for his GF. He knows she doesn't want a diamond, but want's something vintage looking with a Sapphire and maybe some smaller diamonds involved somehow.

Once place we went to flat out told us "She's lying to you, you should probably get her a diamond" The next place flat out didn't stock anything that wasn't a diamond as a center stone and told us a special order would cost extra.

finally we went to a place whos employees don't work on commision and they ended up creating a ring there in the store for him to his exact specifications. Kinda wish I had ewent there when it was all said and done for my wifes ring.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Yeah I'm abandoning the chains and I'm going to go and look at some smaller stores next.