Enlightened Dark: Ascension EQEmu Server


ResetEra Staff Member
Hey, everyone.

I've found what could possibly be the start of something awesome.
There's this new, custom EQEmulator server releasing on March 1st which is called Enlightened Dark: Ascension, and it's shaping up to be one of the coolest things I have ever played in terms of custom EQEmulator servers.
I am no way involved in the server's development, I simply asked to check it out because there was so much work put into the concept.

Enlightened Dark: Ascension - Home

The feature list is as follows:
  • -Entirely revamped class system. There are 8 classes with entirely new skills and abilities. None of these classes resemble the original EQ classes in any way, but they all play in a familiar way to veteran EQ players.
  • -Custom stats system. Each class benefits from stats differently, and stats upgrade your character's raw potential in different ways than in traditional EQ.
  • -Gear customization and upgrades via tradeskills. This means that you can customize the procs and specialize your classes' gear in the way you want to play them.
  • -Gear upgrade system. Some items can be upgraded to increase their base stats, from +0 to +9. Some items are more expensive to upgrade than others, like your class charm. The higher you go, the harder it gets (I think?)
  • -The skills/stats work intertwined. Some skills, like the Lancer's shield bash, is dependent on the shield's AC. Since shared bank is enabled, you can give your Lancer a shield with a high AC amount as a form of twinking.
  • -There are only four tradeskills as of the alpha I was playing, and each one is tailored to a specific type of item. Crafted gear seems to have more aug slots than non-crafted gear. There's a potion making class, and an independent tradeskill from all the other 4 called Tinkering which allows for adding raw procs to items.
  • -Mobs have special 'grades' to them. Elite NPCs are meant for a group (I was able to solo some of them if I was careful enough) and there are world bosses which will take a full group or more. There are also underling NPCs which have no special tag and are meant to be soloable.
  • -Level cap of 50. EXP rate slightly higher than PEQ's exp rate, but matches the pace of the progression system. I was impressed at how well this flows in.
  • -I haven't gotten this far, nor were there enough testers online, but there is supposedly instanced group content as well for specific level ranges. Not all content is instanced though.
  • -There's sidequests in each area in addition to a 'Main Story' quest line.

My personal thoughts is that this server, at first glance, seemed boring and another EQ-with-custom server. But once I got out of the starting area and started using skills, I was very impressed and shocked at how well everything was put together.
The EXP rate flowed into the rate of tradeskill materials you obtained, and I felt like my character was visibly gaining power as I got new gear. Some of the skill effects on the class I played, Archer, were some familiar EQ skills, some not.
For example, Endless Quiver is granted at level 1, and your arrow has a damage/delay amount to it that gets better with drops. There's also small mana skills like Shoot, which gives a burst of damage at the expense of mana. Then I leveled up a bit, got some new skills, and felt more powerful.
I had a bow/arrow drop in the starting area from random NPCs, and that plus the stats from my gear and skills upgrades made my damage visibly higher. It feels a bit like WoW in a way, but that's not always a bad thing.

The class list is similar to TERA's class setup, and is as follows:
  • Lancer -> Dragoon
  • Knight -> Crusader
  • Champion -> Myrmidon
  • Blackguard -> Assassin
  • Archer -> Hunter
  • Mystic -> Prophet
  • Sage -> Sorceror
  • Priest -> Archon

If you are looking for a classic EQ experience, then stay away from this server, it won't be appealing to you.
But if you are looking for something new and fresh done in the EQ engine, give it a try. It caught my attention for sure.

Also, get the Underfoot EQEmu client from PirateBay if you are going to be trying out this server. It's required for some of the zones.


ResetEra Staff Member
Server is live preemptively, trying to get my stream up, lol.

It's pretty good so far - I have no complaints, and it's new, and kind of fun.
let me know how it is. looking for something new to do. so bored with EQ Test atm I'm considering subbing my wow account (terrible idea; please save me)


Meh not going to bother with this. They only allow two characters per IP so only being able to play 1 toon with my husband does not sound appealing. Hopefully this will change in the future but kills my interest for now.


Toilet of the Mod Elect
I started a priest - Nylab in game.

It seems like a cool start to a game, given a few years It could really keep some people around I think. Im only level 7-8 and have only seen two zones but... its fun

Thanks for the help, Secrets!


In the same guild as Secrets. We have about 10+ people on all the time. It's really fun. I advise coming to the server if it sounds interesting at all. Try and get a higher tier weapon from someone if you're starting out, it will make a huge difference. Send me a message in game and I'll see what I have.



Ripcord here, fun stuff but its getting a bit laggy. and they just jacked up mob movespeed in all zones, no more 100mob pulls


Toilet of the Mod Elect
Keep everything once you get some bags for the bank and yourself. A DS will fast track you through the pointless shit as always. in order to hail and do quest hails you need to be right on top of mobs or quest givers. Like directly on top or super close, thats really my only gripe.


ResetEra Staff Member
Streaming for a bit provided my connection can handle it, so you guys can see what gameplay is like.

link below



they did away with the IP limit, you are still only allowed to play 2 chars max, and 1 additional non-combat in bazaar to trade, but for people like lindz now 2 people in a house can both 2-box as far as i understand it. just dont have them all autofollowing one char, or have the husband/wife playing all 4 when the others at work or something :p


Golden Knight of the Realm
Been having fun here, have a Champion and Mystic in the mid 20's atm. Just wish there was a way to reset the trade-skill you chose.


Molten Core Raider
Im pretty damn excited to give this a try. I read about it while I was out of town working this week. First day back and the server is down which is super upsetting.

I am also having a tough time getting the modified UF client working. I made a fresh install and unzipped the files from the servers website and I am getting a weird error. I am trying using the Steam version of UF now see if that helps.

edit- Fixed it, the steam version worked, now if the server would come back up!