Epic Seven


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I think Yufine is already pretty good, but I would guess they are going to increase the chance to strip on her S2 or something.....maybe increase the chance to armor break on s1. I can't see them doing much else....and I kinda hope they don't as her kit is already good imo.


Molten Core Raider
Man that push to try to get legendary is real, its only top 100 people. I had 12 minutes left with arena timer for the week and was ranked 63 on the server but my defensive teams win 1 of 20 if i'm lucky in champ and above. So every win i get i lose 1-2 haha, so hard. I lost 1 offesnive one at 12 mins left and my score changed - 30 from when i started and dropped me all the way from 63 into champ I. Was mid match that may have got me bumped back to legendary but time ended.

Mrs Turbo made a push last night and actually made it up to champion I when challenger 1 was her highest finish before with her ludewig cleave team. But to show the difference in quality of teams, her defensive team had a 73% win rate in challenger 3-4 all week, and had about 10% in champion.

Good times. And i know you have to look at the whole game but when you face 95% C.Armin's in champion above i have to say ....shit needs to be tweaked.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Man that push to try to get legendary is real, its only top 100 people. I had 12 minutes left with arena timer for the week and was ranked 63 on the server but my defensive teams win 1 of 20 if i'm lucky in champ and above. So every win i get i lose 1-2 haha, so hard. I lost 1 offesnive one at 12 mins left and my score changed - 30 from when i started and dropped me all the way from 63 into champ I. Was mid match that may have got me bumped back to legendary but time ended.

Mrs Turbo made a push last night and actually made it up to champion I when challenger 1 was her highest finish before with her ludewig cleave team. But to show the difference in quality of teams, her defensive team had a 73% win rate in challenger 3-4 all week, and had about 10% in champion.

Good times. And i know you have to look at the whole game but when you face 95% C.Armin's in champion above i have to say ....shit needs to be tweaked.
If you got a spot open in GW feel free to add me there. Cant attack as I've not been assigned a defense i think.


Buzzfeed Editor
God damn it, they nerfed ML Ara in PvE...lol. WTF? Its such an odd set of nerfs. It doesn't change her much in PvP. ML Baal also didn't change too much, but I think I'll still replace him with ML Ken, can't miss an opportunity to grab that beast.

Arb Vild is a good change, he just doesn't get attack up now. He's still insanely strong but he can be countered a little more easily.

Now I just have to decide whether or not to swap ML Ara for Vildred or Ruele. Sucks because I'm going to have to re-do all my freaking Lab comps, ML ara was amazing for morale. She also did great single target and ridiculous AE damage--but I don't feel like she was OP in PvE. She did really good damage, was great at clearing but brought no team enhancing debuffs. I don't think she did too much damage given that, if anything if it weren't for her morale I wouldn't use her because her damage doesn't make up for the lack of damage enhancing debuffs she can bring (And she still does bring the fire debuff, so she's still a liability on bosses that are anti-debuff--without the benefit of team enhancement).

So meh. I'll have to play with it some to see how she is in PvE now. As said, will be a pain in the ass ripping apart my comps. (And it just seems weird, because I don't see this changing arena much if at all.)

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Yeah Im not too worked up over the Arb vildred changes. I think Im going to keep him rather than trade him in. I'd love a Judge Kise, but Vildred will still do work I think, Ill just need to pair him with a buffer or maybe a second damage dealer to push him along. He may not be nuking things from orbit like he was, but he's still pretty strong


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
It doesn't change her much in PvP. ML Baal also didn't change too much, but I think I'll still replace him with ML Ken, can't miss an opportunity to grab that beast.

That's my dilemma as well. He still good and will probably keep carrying me well in PVP, but Ken is so damn tempting.

Bellona Banner is up. Had to join the 121 club to get her, didn't get a single one of the artifacts.

Edit: Got Asscart from the ML pulls, not bad.
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Most Baal users in my guild are already digging his grave. They say his lower cr push coupled with his longer S2 cooldown makes him a liability now. He doesnt bring much else to a team other than crowd control, now F Ceci can almost hard counter him. I dont have Baal or ML Ken, but the hype about Ken has always been strong, tagging him in for Baal might not be a horrible idea.

The new Bellona is great though. She completely shits on w11. My janky geared, zero mola Bellona is doing as much damage as my +12 Luna over the course of a fight. She's also going to be a strong counter to fire Corvus in pvp. Not sure how much overall usage she will have, but I may invest in her a bit, she's a lot of fun.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I did 40 summons for bellona and nothing. Not using anymore money in this game after all the shitstorms.

Will try with event bookmarks and germs from arena and that's it.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
I had 35k banked skystones, so after I burned through the 200 or so bookmarks I had it wasn't that hard of a decision to go all the way. Just annoyed I didn't get an artifact though.

I probably will be cashing in my Baal for Ken. I was fine with the changes but the increased cooldown sucks balls.

Somebody on reddit put together a summary of the summons changes that are coming:



Buzzfeed Editor
Most Baal users in my guild are already digging his grave. They say his lower cr push coupled with his longer S2 cooldown makes him a liability now. He doesnt bring much else to a team other than crowd control, now F Ceci can almost hard counter him. I dont have Baal or ML Ken, but the hype about Ken has always been strong, tagging him in for Baal might not be a horrible idea.

The new Bellona is great though. She completely shits on w11. My janky geared, zero mola Bellona is doing as much damage as my +12 Luna over the course of a fight. She's also going to be a strong counter to fire Corvus in pvp. Not sure how much overall usage she will have, but I may invest in her a bit, she's a lot of fun.

His lowered CR shouldn't be an issue. If someone uses him he needs to be extremely fast because once you max out the turn bar the next to go is the highest speed. And since his main use is going after their CR pusher, their entire team is going to have maxed out the turn bar--so if your Baal isn't faster, he doesn't go. So almost every Baal is going to be fast enough that the CR push shouldn't matter.

Unless they were using him for PvE...Was thinking of trying a PvE build with him for fun, just stacking damage to obscene levels, and never using his S2 so I could exploit fast enemies and spam his S1..but don't have the resources to play around with it lol. Overall though, his extra turn cool down and only having a single dispel COULD be an issue. I'm not sure if its enough to sink him, but yeah Ceci is now a hard counter and his S2 taking longer can hurt a lot depending on comp (With a 2 round cleave team, his S2 re-popping on the third round allowing me to spam S1 sleeps has saved my bacon quite a few times, I suppose the 5% CR could be an issue here too, but I think he'd be fine with just that--the extra turn for S2 to pop though will suck.).

Surprised at Bellona, didn't think she'd end up being good. Didn't even think about how Wyveren would stack her S2 really quickly.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Regarding ML ken. He is a BEAST. I have him since early (was like my 3th or 4th ml pull), and i use him basically everywhere pve/pvp,raids.tower etc etc. IF build right in pvp is a nightmare unless u can 1shot him (and atk based luna can 1shot mine, a speed based luna cant). His crint counter usually hit for over 10k unbuffed and over 20kbuffed/def broken. IT is seriously good.

I also have a ml baal, but i used him only for pvp, but now im thinking of switching it, i jsut dunno what to go for:
ML ARA seem nice even with the nerf
Ruele? seem good
Judge kise - would be awesome for pvp
Armin -even withj the nerf seem strong?

My other notable ML are C dom/ASS cidd (he ROCK BTW, shut down dizzy easy)/Ml keen and bhaal obv. What u guys think? who should i change bhaal for ?

Also im kinda pumpled for the changes to lilibeth/lidica and yufine! hope they will pull a Tamarine on those (went for underwhelming to OMGOP!, not that yufine/lidica are underwhelming).

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Molten Core Raider
Days like yesterday are what makes the guild wars worthwhile. My guild went up against Bigband, who was a top 5 or 6 guild throughout the pre-season. Along with another large guild, Ano, the two recently booted all their "dead weight" and merged into a new super guild, while keeping the dorkier of the two names. Their leader is a super elitist assclown who streams and spent his time on twitch yesterday bashing my guild for being "unknown", telling our guild leader directly on discord that preparation didn't matter as they would full clear us in the war.

They did do a number on us offensively but completely walled when they got to me in the stronghold. The "gonna full clear you all" guild spent 20 attacks against my defenses and still didnt finish me off. They did eventually win the war, but the final score was barely 2k havoc apart instead of the thousands their leader demanded of their members. Good times.
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Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Ruele, Blood Blade Karin, Dizzy in team 1, Arbiter Vildred, Fallen Cecilia, and Diene in team 2.

Everything is gonna change next week though. So many free ML summons, ML Ravi hitting the mystic summon, mystic summon refunds. Better than Christmas. I want to retire BBK, I feel like other units could do what she's doing better, but i dunno who yet. Hoping to pull something good.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How does the event work? Need 10 of some special boss from some maps for hidden achievement. Goblins and the scorpion. I'd it just random and I have to redo map until they pop?

Got 3 scorpion chicks but no idea how they spawned.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
These hidden achievement/rep rewards are the most infuriating thing Ive seen them add to events.

The things you need randomly spawn on certain maps. The goblins can spawn randomly on the 5-S1, 5-S2, 5-S3 or 5-S4 maps on the Summer Reingar map. The scorpion chick can spawn on 9-S1, 9-S2, 9-S3, 16-S1, 16-S2, or 16-S3 on the underwater map.

If they spawn, they will always be the second fight on that map, so you can enter the map, clear the first fight and look at the minimap. If you get the boss skull icon on the minimap, then the goblin or scorpion will be there. If it's the crossed swords, that's a regular fight. If the goblin or scorpion didnt spawn, yield out to save energy and go to the next map. You cycle through all the maps they could possibly spawn on checking that second fight. If you check them all and dont see a spawn, you need to clear a map (any of them, doesnt matter, do an easy one to save energy) to refresh the spawns and do the rotation again.

If you see the goblin or scorpion on easy difficulty, kill it, clear the map then move up in difficulty on the same map and there's usually a good chance they will be there too. It's tedious, annoying, and fucking infuriating to clear.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't really understand people complaining about it. I farmed the same area for both and easily completed everything before I even came close to clearing the ones for monsters/stages.


Lord Nagafen Raider
uh, after a buttload of crap from moonlight pull, managed to get judge kise yesterday, gues speed + crit build? or speed + immunity, but what artifact?


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
uh, after a buttload of crap from moonlight pull, managed to get judge kise yesterday, gues speed + crit build? or speed + immunity, but what artifact?

Speed + Hit? I'd imagine you want her to go as soon as possible and have the best chance of landing the skill delay.