Epic Seven


Buzzfeed Editor
So how many portraits are you guys going for? Obviously wasn’t around for the last collab, but I’ve farmed 3 mlb and was thinking about whether I would need another

I have 3, but going to go for 4--just because I have a glut of warriors, and there is pretty much only one damage warrior artifact (Draco). Four would allow me to cover most of my warriors, which will save me a huge pain in the ass during guild wars (Yufine, Lilibet, Sigret, Judge, Cermia, Luna and typically my Coli uses one too ect).

3 is probably plenty though, as said, its mainly due to a lot of my sets ups favoring big hit warriors/rogues.
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Karazhan Raider
Baller, just pulled Lillias from login 4-5* card. Too bad I don’t have gear to actually use 90% of my heroes
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Vyemm Raider
I got a watcher schuri from thre free covenant summon today. Free Units are fun. This account has been way luckier than my last one. Although things are weird sometimes. It feels like this game produces a lot of dupes when pulling in rapid succession.

Anyways I have spent most of my free skystone and bookmarks from the first chapter, some unrecorded history, abyss up to floor 50 and the side events on pulls in various banners. Now I am sorting through everything in my roster to pick out what to invest in.

Lena is my first and only 6*

My notable available heroes:
Organized by base rarity.
5* Sigret, Dizzy
4* Karin, Clarissa, Coli, Dominiel
3* Taranor Guard, Alexa, Mistychain, Lena, Montmorancy (Halfway done with SC)

5* Elphelt, Aramintha, Ravi, Sol
4* Dingo, Khawana
3* Carmainerose

5* Baiken, Ray
4* Purrgis
3* Kiris, Kluri, Roozid, Adlay, Jecht

4* Watcher Schuri
3* Celeste, Elson

4* Assasin Cidd, Shooting Star Achates, Roaming Warrior Leo :(
3* Otillie, Lorina

I am not sure what kind of team should be my main focus first. Wyvern Hunt?

It seems like you build a specialized team for each area of the game you want to tackle. A few heroes like Otillie are used in one spot and no where else. Fortunately for her she seems to require basically zero investment to be effective in golem hunts.

For a wyvern team it's looking like dizzy, sigret, montmorancy and one more. Either Karin or Taranor guard. Karin's 1 turn def break can be extended to 2 turns via Dizzy and re-applied with little downtime so she almost works for that roll. But that requires montmo to tank which I guess is tough to make work at higher ranks.

At this point I am just farming catalysts from side story and leveling fodder.


Silver Knight of the Realm
W13 generally speaking is a good goal. I always recommend doing your midgame stuff with as many 3* so you can save your molas for meta defining characters. You could run Sigret, A. Momo, TG plus one more. If you get your A. Momo tanky enough to tank and heal, you can add more DPS, otherwise you may have to run Mistychain as healer.

On the side, I'd recommend working towards advancing abyss. Kiris is great for Abyss into the 90s. Kluri is good too and making a bit of a comeback in RTA. While you may want to put together a golem team, its rarely something you should be farming. Once you have enough speed gear which is never, you'll want some destruction gear. Baiken is tops for that. But I'd wait on that.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I got a watcher schuri from thre free covenant summon today. Free Units are fun. This account has been way luckier than my last one. Although things are weird sometimes. It feels like this game produces a lot of dupes when pulling in rapid succession.

Anyways I have spent most of my free skystone and bookmarks from the first chapter, some unrecorded history, abyss up to floor 50 and the side events on pulls in various banners. Now I am sorting through everything in my roster to pick out what to invest in.

Lena is my first and only 6*

My notable available heroes:
Organized by base rarity.
5* Sigret, Dizzy
4* Karin, Clarissa, Coli, Dominiel
3* Taranor Guard, Alexa, Mistychain, Lena, Montmorancy (Halfway done with SC)

5* Elphelt, Aramintha, Ravi, Sol
4* Dingo, Khawana
3* Carmainerose

5* Baiken, Ray
4* Purrgis
3* Kiris, Kluri, Roozid, Adlay, Jecht

4* Watcher Schuri
3* Celeste, Elson

4* Assasin Cidd, Shooting Star Achates, Roaming Warrior Leo :(
3* Otillie, Lorina

I am not sure what kind of team should be my main focus first. Wyvern Hunt?

It seems like you build a specialized team for each area of the game you want to tackle. A few heroes like Otillie are used in one spot and no where else. Fortunately for her she seems to require basically zero investment to be effective in golem hunts.

For a wyvern team it's looking like dizzy, sigret, montmorancy and one more. Either Karin or Taranor guard. Karin's 1 turn def break can be extended to 2 turns via Dizzy and re-applied with little downtime so she almost works for that roll. But that requires montmo to tank which I guess is tough to make work at higher ranks.

At this point I am just farming catalysts from side story and leveling fodder.

w13 should be your goal. Sigret is great and momo is good for all pve content. I’d recommend TG over Karin since he adds the chance for dual attacks with cr boosts. Just build him for speed so he goes before the rest of your units and disable his skills so he’ll hopefully apply def break on each round. You’ll want to pick up another debuffer when possible to make your runs more consistent. SSB is ideal for that if her banner comes back soon. Dizzy might work in the mean time.
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Buzzfeed Editor
I got a watcher schuri from thre free covenant summon today. Free Units are fun. This account has been way luckier than my last one. Although things are weird sometimes. It feels like this game produces a lot of dupes when pulling in rapid succession.

Anyways I have spent most of my free skystone and bookmarks from the first chapter, some unrecorded history, abyss up to floor 50 and the side events on pulls in various banners. Now I am sorting through everything in my roster to pick out what to invest in.

Lena is my first and only 6*

My notable available heroes:
Organized by base rarity.
5* Sigret, Dizzy
4* Karin, Clarissa, Coli, Dominiel
3* Taranor Guard, Alexa, Mistychain, Lena, Montmorancy (Halfway done with SC)

5* Elphelt, Aramintha, Ravi, Sol
4* Dingo, Khawana
3* Carmainerose

5* Baiken, Ray
4* Purrgis
3* Kiris, Kluri, Roozid, Adlay, Jecht

4* Watcher Schuri
3* Celeste, Elson

4* Assasin Cidd, Shooting Star Achates, Roaming Warrior Leo :(
3* Otillie, Lorina

I am not sure what kind of team should be my main focus first. Wyvern Hunt?

It seems like you build a specialized team for each area of the game you want to tackle. A few heroes like Otillie are used in one spot and no where else. Fortunately for her she seems to require basically zero investment to be effective in golem hunts.

For a wyvern team it's looking like dizzy, sigret, montmorancy and one more. Either Karin or Taranor guard. Karin's 1 turn def break can be extended to 2 turns via Dizzy and re-applied with little downtime so she almost works for that roll. But that requires montmo to tank which I guess is tough to make work at higher ranks.

At this point I am just farming catalysts from side story and leveling fodder.

I forget if you got torn sleeve or not. Torn Sleeve makes Karin a beast on Wyv 13, she's really exceptional. Sigret is also exceptional on it. My current Wyv 13 team is Sigret/Karin/Angelica/SSB (But might replace SSB with Furious). If you don't have Torn Sleeve, then as Qwirb said, TG (As long as he's faster than your Sigret) might be better, especially if you have the artifact that does the burn on S1 (Since you actually want to set TG to only use S1, combined with his dual attack chance, he actually applies quite a few on Wyv).

That said, did you manage to farm a few copies of Sol? If you have a few of him, he might be a good bet for your next 6 star, since the extra copies will make it a lot easier to 6 star him, and he's actually really strong against a wide variety of bosses, especially in raids and Abyss (And Golem, he's ridiculous on Golem)

But yeah, overall I'd focus on Wyv.
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Buzzfeed Editor
Baller, just pulled Lillias from login 4-5* card. Too bad I don’t have gear to actually use 90% of my heroes

Lillias is amazing, one of my most used units--she's just great in a ton of places. Slots in to some nice Lab teams, and works on a wide variety of bosses--she's a great way to have an Aurius knight in your group who is beefy, without losing a ton of damage (That dual attack is amazing).


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How the hell do you beat Abyss 92. I hardly do any dmg and then they do their attacks and just deletes my teams.


Vyemm Raider
I forget if you got torn sleeve or not. Torn Sleeve makes Karin a beast on Wyv 13, she's really exceptional. Sigret is also exceptional on it. My current Wyv 13 team is Sigret/Karin/Angelica/SSB (But might replace SSB with Furious). If you don't have Torn Sleeve, then as Qwirb said, TG (As long as he's faster than your Sigret) might be better, especially if you have the artifact that does the burn on S1 (Since you actually want to set TG to only use S1, combined with his dual attack chance, he actually applies quite a few on Wyv).

That said, did you manage to farm a few copies of Sol? If you have a few of him, he might be a good bet for your next 6 star, since the extra copies will make it a lot easier to 6 star him, and he's actually really strong against a wide variety of bosses, especially in raids and Abyss (And Golem, he's ridiculous on Golem)

But yeah, overall I'd focus on Wyv.
Didn't get sleeve, but I did get one copy of elphelts artifact. Only got 1 copy of Sol though. I farmed two maxed copies of portrait and not a whole lot else other than random catalysts and molas.

As for a wyvern team, I think I am going to unlock furious through the hero connections next and maybe stick elphelts artifact on him. Then use him with Sigret, Momo and either Karin or Dizzy. Dizzy helps with survivability and extending debuffs a lot... but doesn't do much damage. I suppose furious sigret momo and crozet as a tank is also an option if I do his connection as well.

Also, Ray is really nice as just a straight up healer. Ray and dizzy together is pushing me through levels of the abyss I have no business clearing right now. Need to work on getting kiris up and running as well.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Furious is nice for W13, but requires molas on his S3 for max def down chance. The art is nice, but with only 1 copy you'll end up having a less than 50% chance to def break on your S1. Furious doesn't have a ton of use outside of w13, so I don't think is worth putting molas in.

With your setup, I would run Sigret on DDJ, TG with junkyard dog art, a. momo. TG works fine at level 50 and the dual attack chance is really nice. If a. momo can tank (not easy to do), then run Alexa in your last spot. But mistychain is nice as support healer/dps. The reason I say this setup is that because of Dizzy's long cooldowns, it doesn't stabilize W13 runs as much as the kit would suggest. And honestly Sigret should cover most of your debuffs anyways. You could always run Sigret, TG, Momo, and Crozet.
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Karazhan Raider
Jesus fucking Christ, iron fan and Haste out of the star summon. Really hate this fucking game sometimes
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Karazhan Raider
Haste and Ettikas Scepter here. Dupes.
Honestly I expected a dupe of the hero with my luck (already having about half of the pool), but holy shit my 5 star artifact situation is so fucked. I think I’ve pulled multiple copies of every single worthless 5 star artifact there is while at the same time having absolutely none of the good ones


Karazhan Raider
Oh, and beat wyvern 13 finally with my basically half finished and half geared team. It’s only like 25% win on manual and zero on auto, but at least I can beat it. Gotta toughen my g purrgis up a bit and finish getting some real gear for my damage dealers
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Karazhan Raider
Looks like collab hero is going to be free to get and next skin looks like tama so hopefully her banner is coming too. I’m getting closer to 2 pities worth of SS/BMs, so shouldn’t have a problem picking up both Tama and SSB when she comes around. If there’s another limited summer hero released I might need a bit of luck.


Buzzfeed Editor
Looks like collab hero is going to be free to get and next skin looks like tama so hopefully her banner is coming too. I’m getting closer to 2 pities worth of SS/BMs, so shouldn’t have a problem picking up both Tama and SSB when she comes around. If there’s another limited summer hero released I might need a bit of luck.

Nice! Yeah, Tama is the most powerful PvE hero, flat out. Its not even close. IMO she's one of the few heroes I would say is an essential pity if you don't have her.


<Bronze Donator>
I have enough skystones to guarantee a pull, and I was considering going for Vildred. Based on the last few posts, I'm guessing I should save them to guarantee Tama?

Trying to decide what my best path forward is and who I should promote or use as my main team. This is what I have now:

6* Chloe, Lena

5* Aither, Kitty Clarissa, Ras, Sol

4* Cartuja, Challenger Dominiel, Clarissa, Dingo, Hazel, Leo, Lots, Mercedes, Purrgis, Rin, Silk, Zerrato

3* Adlay, Ains, Alexa, Azalea, Batisse, Butcher Corps Inquisitor, Carmainerose, Carrot, Ennot, Hataan, Jecht, Judith, Kiris, Lorina, Montmorancy, Mucacha, Nemunas, Pearlhorizon, Pyllis, Rima, Roozid, Sven, Taranor Guard, Taranor Royal Guard, Teiria

I'm thinking I should level Sol and Challenger Dominiel, am I wrong? Should I be trying to get Krau or something through connections? Been mostly farming catalysts while leveling fodder recently