EQ Classic? Not really.


Life's a Dream
It's never been "official" per say, but YL said that it would be virtually impossible to run more than 1 client of EQ Classic on a computer at a time. Apparently the trilogy client uses 100% of the available CPU. It isn't optimized at all. That's why 2 boxing back in the day was difficult. You needed multiple PC's, which is what you would need in this situation as well (supposedly).


It's never been "official" per say, but YL said that it would be virtually impossible to run more than 1 client of EQ Classic on a computer at a time. Apparently the trilogy client uses 100% of the available CPU. It isn't optimized at all. That's why 2 boxing back in the day was difficult. You needed multiple PC's, which is what you would need in this situation as well (supposedly).
Have to wonder what would happen if you set a different core to a different client if it would by-pass that.

I remember way back in the day you couldn't alt-tab out of the classic client.
That's why EQw was made.


Life's a Dream
This client is the same way. I remember during alpha, we couldn't alt tab out. Made it a bitch when trying to report a bug problem. I ended up having to keep a pad of paper next to me to jot down any bugs I came across and register them after logging out for the evening.


Trakanon Raider
I hope you can double box, single boxing on p99 while nice at times was boring as fuck for the rest of the time, only a select couple classes actually need your full attention. Double boxing at least keeps me entertained/allowed to Pl an alt.

Plus, who doesn't own a desktop + laptop?


I recall back in the day having to run EQPlayNice in order to be able to alt-tab out. Wasn't it around Velious release that SOE relaxed their stance on that?


Trakanon Raider
I recall back in the day having to run EQPlayNice in order to be able to alt-tab out. Wasn't it around Velious release that SOE relaxed their stance on that?
There was a small tidbit in the Windows rules (I don't think it was EULA, because that doesn't make sense, but it was something) where Microsoft basically said you HAD to allow alt-tabbing, or at least the ability to minimize the window.

Which was funny, because SOE at the time was all hard-on about their EULA, and they were violating a license agreement with someone else with the product they were fucking people over on the basis of their own license agreement on. It was hi-larious.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Revision: 868
Author: Harakiri
Date: 8:00:12 PM, Thursday, November 28, 2013
Fixed: Issue #409 - Pick Pocket will no longer be able to steal all coins an NPC has even when trying multiple times
Fixed: Issue #410 - Rogue's Poison Proc will now only go off when you hit with a piercing weapon
Fixed: Issue #426 - Rogues and Warrios with a Bind Wound skill > 200 will also be able to bind up to 70% of their HP
Fixed: Issue #413 - Bind Sight spells can now be clicked off to cancel the effect
Fixed: Issue #429 - The spells Shroud of Death/Undeath were using an incorrect trigger spell, they are now using the correct weapon proc.
Fixed: Issue #393 - Turning off hide manually through the skill button now works.
Fixed: You no longer get an evade message when using hide while out of combat.
Fixed: Using hide would sometimes still show yourself as visible.
Updated: Identified the sneaking flag for players, now new players zoning into zone will see if existing players are sneaking
Updated: Identified the bodyType field in a players profile
Updated: Identified the pitch and force fields in the spell casting struct
Added: Found new Opcode to cancel sneak and hide

dude is still working on this shit at a fairly good pace


Life's a Dream
Hara still plans on releasing the project, I think. He hasn't officially said anything, but the work speaks for itself.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Hara still plans on releasing the project, I think. He hasn't officially said anything, but the work speaks for itself.
Yeah, while he hasn't said anything, his actions are speaking much louder than words. I could see not a single reason he'd continue to work (decently hard, apparently) on this unless...


ResetEra Staff Member
Hopefully he finishes the project. I have no doubt that he's capable, probably one of the few people that still can besides myself.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I agree.. except that they're so vehemently against releasing a PvP server.. so I'm kind of bitter about that.


TLP Idealist
I'm still bitter that Yeahlight would let the project exist for years as EQClassic and then have the audacity to claim he had no intention of making a classic eq server.

I'm sure he could have made a great custom content experience but still, fuck that guy for misleading a whole community of neckbeards.

Don't worry though Flex, I'm sure if Harakiri ever does finish this then the community will eventually force someone to make a pvp box, if only to segregate the vztz crews from the blue population.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
i decided fuck these nerds when they started spewing custom content bullshit after like 7 years of checking their nazi forum for updates regarding "EQClassic"

you know classic as in not custom


ResetEra Staff Member
This ware is going to vaporize yet again, mark my words.
Harakiri lives overseas so the whole legality thing is pretty much negated. The project sounds pretty much done aside from identifying stuff in the player profile netcode wise, the only thing remaining should be game mechanics and other things like DB work.

Though, honestly, the whole protocol is pretty much outlined for him thanks to SOE putting the entire thing in the mac client (and most of the opcodes, if not all, are just 0x20xx instead of 0x40xx.)

It's really just a matter of identifying the purpose of each of those fields (and what ones are used internally only) and getting them to work properly. Yeahlight and himself have already done the needed work on the networking code.


As far as I know, they haven't got a database at all. That's not the most skill-intensive part of making a server, but it is the biggest workload and one that can in no way be done by one person. If you want any kind of legitimacy, it takes a shitload of research and testing or you'll get a Kegz-like mess of broken, inaccurate bullshit. It takes easily a week of hard, boring work to do the spawns and loot tables for just one zone, and burnout is another huge roadblock as people typically can't stand doing this for any length of time.

Getting a passionate programmer to code the engine isn't really the big issue since you know there's already one there, it's the database that tends to present the wall that kills off projects like these. There'll be pressure on them to produce something very close to legit classic because they can't get away with doing something significantly worse than P99, but it's still surprisingly difficult to actually get it right even when you have something to model it after as it's really not that easy to glean spawn locations/timers and loot tables without access to the data.

Harakiri is nowhere near done and is facing the part that's most likely to kill it off because it's no longer just up to him but rather to a bunch of volunteers who will need to spend weeks upon weeks doing the most boring shit in the world for no pay and with no real obligations not to quit on him.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
it's no longer just up to him but rather to a bunch of volunteers who will need to spend weeks upon weeks doing the most boring shit in the world for no pay and with no real obligations not to quit on him.
Sounds perfect for the EverQuest community


Lord Nagafen Raider
Is this project real?
I remember joining their forum back in 2007 (or was it 2006?).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is this project real?
I remember joining their forum back in 2007 (or was it 2006?).
Yeah, there was a gameplay mechanics alpha but the lead dev recently quit. However, the other dev is very capable of completing it and is still working on the project.