EQ F2P- Returning Players & Current Content

Pseudo Random_sl

The RoF Overview that was postedleft out a crapload of details about RoF: Collection quests, Banestrike/Slayer Achievements, Aggro Meter, Offline Trading (kind of), and named are much easier this expansion.

The named aren't 15 minute fights anymore and don't use abilities that can one shot you. They also tend to use abilities that actually make killing named interesting (spread out, run around if you get a debuff, delete the gem if you get one, etc, etc).


There isspeculationabout RoF having additional content (aka Tier 3 or more), once the portals complete constructing.

Some people think it may be DLC, and some others are scratching our heads since if the content exists it was never beta tested.


Registered Hutt
When you say named do you mean group content? Because there wasn't any HoT or VoA group stuff that took 15 minutes to kill...with a group.

Aggro Meter and Offline Trading are cool, but collection and banestrike/slayer are gay. Banestrike is just weak as hell. It's not worth putting on your bar unless you're OOM, and even then I'd rather not find hotbar real estate for such a pittance.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The features you describe as leaving out "a crapload of details" can be summed up in the 8 words you used to do it: "Collection quests, Banestrike Achievements, Aggro Meter, Offline Trading". The eight total words used are also appropriate when describing their importance to the game, minimal. Seriously... did you want me to share an opinion on picking up shinies on the ground like some anal retentive degenerate? Or killing 100's of the same mob type so you can click a button and do "lol-worthy" damage to those mobs?

If you want a expansion feature list, go read SOE's own advertisements and posts about the launch of the expansion. I wanted to share a perspective of someone that has actually been consuming the content and give feedback. I still stand by the assertion that serious corners were cut with this expansion and it is a shame. Also, if they are holding back on Tier 3 or additional content, that just leads credence to my theory that this expansion was put out by a skeleton crew that was in over their heads.

The good parts of this expansion are in the content and the expanded playground it provides to experience EQ's gameplay. Past that, they mailed it in.

Pseudo Random_sl

Fight, oh sorry, I didn't realize you were going to go crybaby on me when I talked bad about your writeup.

My short list was to give an idea of what was missing in your writeup, not to give an explanation of those systems. Could your overly verbose writeup be nailed down to a few words? Of course, but I'm not going to be anal about it like you.

I was trying to be nice about it, but your article has loads of misinformation in it and far too much subjective bullcrap in it, and some of it flat out isn't true, such as, the reason for the AA patch.

Granted, the expansion has a lot of copy and paste stuff (gear, AAs, spells), but if you've played Everquest before, this is nothing to make a huge fit over.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

Vishimtar down on 2nd attempt to 39 TFO.

DoN now on farm status.



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Fight, oh sorry, I didn't realize you were going to go crybaby on me when I talked bad about your writeup.

I was trying to be nice about it, but your article has loads of misinformation in it and far too much subjective bullcrap in it, and some of it flat out isn't true, such as, the reason for the AA patch.
I don't know what to tell you then. It is what it is, one guy's opinion. You have an open platform here to do the same and share yours.

On the misinformation and subjective bull-crap... care to elaborate? I don't see what your talking about, and I certainly have zero reason or motivations to drag EQ through the mud unnecessarily.

I felt like I was giving an honest assessment of what I have experienced with the expansion. If you just don't like my opinions, that is fine. But, debating someone else's opinion is pretty boring and goes nowhere most of the time.


So in the FF thread there was some talk about the music from EQ. Clicked on some youtube links and got lost for a while listening to the old stuff. I decided to turn my music back on in game, usually I just listen to mp3s in the background. It's kind of nice for a change of pace and really does at a lot to the immersion of EQ. The theme in feerrott is nice and simple, yet foreboding and eerie.

It was weird going back to Feerrott to do my own HSing. I got PL'd there back when I played on Luclin and I was scared of the entire zone, now i'm stomping hordes of lizardmen and killing nameds left and right. I'm excited to gain some AA here then continue the long haul to 100.

-Alluvia - Test-


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I love EQ music, always have. Funny thing, when I was in the new ROF Crystal Caverns the other day down by the Coldain fort, the music that plays is Kelethin music. I remember Velious only having a few original songs (othimar's in Cobalt Scar) and the rest was re-used from existing sound files.

EQ music definitely adds tons of atmosphere and immersion. Original, PoP, GoD and OoW had amazing sound tracks.
EQ midis were god damn great.

Had a huge folder of shamelessly downloaded EQ midis on my old computer. No longer have it; but the HD remains. The link is out there somewhere where you can download them all, ranging from major cities to those rare ambient ones. I'm on a shitty cell phone or I'd look.


thats one of the things yeahlight was able to do, convert the old midis to work in game, goddamn that music really changes things, they got super cheesy with a pretty early update in like the early 2000s


Blackwing Lair Raider
Anyone know where T2 RoF gauntlet pattern drops? If there is one thats an easier camp outdoor would be great since ill be boxing the group.


Trump's Staff
When you say named do you mean group content? Because there wasn't any HoT or VoA group stuff that took 15 minutes to kill...with a group.

Aggro Meter and Offline Trading are cool, but collection and banestrike/slayer are gay. Banestrike is just weak as hell. It's not worth putting on your bar unless you're OOM, and even then I'd rather not find hotbar real estate for such a pittance.
Well, when VoA came out, people were used to having to key/attune for the final group zones. VoA had no attunement unlike HoT and Underfoot, so some people went straight for the T4 zones at level 91, and at that point, yeah named took 15 minutes to kill and could one-shot you.


Well fuck me. Bored, browsing through Steam for something to check out, and EQ pops up. Been trying to avoid the temptation to play again, but it looks like the Test server guild has gotten to about the point where I quit? How do I go about joining up, if recruitment is open? Running a berserker character.

... Now to see if I remember my login info after five or six years.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The progression guild on test looks fun, in fact Vish was the last raid mob I killed back in the day before I quit raiding. Good memories.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well fuck me. Bored, browsing through Steam for something to check out, and EQ pops up. Been trying to avoid the temptation to play again, but it looks like the Test server guild has gotten to about the point where I quit? How do I go about joining up, if recruitment is open? Running a berserker character.

... Now to see if I remember my login info after five or six years.
Apply on our forums:http://thefacelessorder.com/


Molten Core Raider
I did one of the new RoF raids where you have to find out a member of your raid murdered a dude or something. The raid mechanics are okay, but what really blew me away was the use of music. Holy shit it was perfect.