EQ Never


I'm surprised one of these kickstarters hasn't tried to make an EQ at this point.

Just take all the stuff from that game ,and make another game. Doesn't have to run on the fanciest new graphics. Just get good low poly texture artists,and animators like they do with IPAD games.

If you look at all these indie houses, they are just re creating all the games they liked as kids.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I'm surprised one of these kickstarters hasn't tried to make an EQ at this point.

Just take all the stuff from that game ,and make another game. Doesn't have to run on the fanciest new graphics. Just get good low poly texture artists,and animators like they do with IPAD games.

If you look at all these indie houses, they are just re creating all the games they liked as kids.


Thats still EQ tho. Just take all the stuff that made EQ memorable, and make a new game.
Problem is there is not a list of things you can program in to a game that adds up to how you experienced everquest. You will not capture that feeling simply by adding up the parts that went in to making everquest a game. You would have to intentionally leave in things that weren't intended in eq and got fixed, and on top of that you would have to wipe your memory of playing mmos since part of the awesomeness of eq was that there was nothing like it available. The first of anything feels pretty damn awesome, and when its a good game on top of that you get how you feel about eq. But you will not be recapturing that feeling simply by adding up the parts and coding it in to a game. You would also have to wipe the memory of everyone playing the game and play it in a vacuum where the poor community behavior of other games can't seep in.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Thomas Keller, a chef.... you are waisting your time...
I see what you did there. Nice misspelling pun!

So, what you're saying is you shouldn't ever eat really tasty, well-made food, and eat nothing but Hungryman frozen dinners because you are who you are and nothing, not even changing your quality of life, even if it's just a perceived change, can make any difference in your life?

I don't think most people in this thread are desperately seeking some initial high they got from the first time they tried smack and will do anything desperate to get it. I think most of us are grown up enough to just want a game that doesn't feel like we're paying for prime rib and getting shank. We want to go to Thomas Keller's restaurant because we'd rather pay for something that gives us a unique, high-quality, memorable experience that maybe doesn't change our lives, but enhances its quality. We don't think all restaurants should be Denny's because it's cheap and 'still food' just because our loser friends never got real job or used a rubber and can't afford nice things.

But, you're right, EQN will not be a fine dining experience. That doesn't mean wanting, or allowing a fine-dining experience to exist, is a bad thing. And you'll 'prolly' be playing EQN for a year or two? Yeah? And my loser friends will 'prolly' still be getting the same tastless dish at Denny's in two years from now, or Shari's or Perkins or Ihop, or any of the other chain diners serving the exact same frozen food from the exact same boxes that come on the exact same delivery truck. That doesn't mean we're living some illusion because we want something better, it means we've upped our standards, so up yours.


Problem is there is not a list of things you can program in to a game that adds up to how you experienced everquest. You will not capture that feeling simply by adding up the parts that went in to making everquest a game. You would have to intentionally leave in things that weren't intended in eq and got fixed, and on top of that you would have to wipe your memory of playing mmos since part of the awesomeness of eq was that there was nothing like it available. The first of anything feels pretty damn awesome, and when its a good game on top of that you get how you feel about eq. But you will not be recapturing that feeling simply by adding up the parts and coding it in to a game. You would also have to wipe the memory of everyone playing the game and play it in a vacuum where the poor community behavior of other games can't seep in.
That is absolute bullshit. Did you even play vanilla EQ?

It was based off the old muds, all they did was add a graphical interface too it.

Just make another old time western RPG with DD archetypes, and use there type of zone design. Have true classes without the skill tree garbage, and Real quests,
Make leveling take forever, Lose exp when dieing etc etc.

EQ was Zone A = newbie grounds with a possible high level dungeon so new players can see high level players
Zone B = Next leveling tier up with high level rares, as well as real threats to the current leveling population ( I.E. Sand Giants etc)

EQ is textbook man. Anyone could compile that shit together.

I could give a shit about trying to regain memories of EQ, just make a throwback game. Obviously theres still interest in games like that.
Doesn't have to be some high budget thing. Just copy that game exactly in game design, and make your own world based off of Classic Western RPGs.

I doubt people even care if it looked all low poly like the original EQ. Just hire good world designers, and artists/animators.


Sparkletot Monger
That doesn't mean we're living some illusion because we want something better, it means we've upped our standards, so up yours.
If you are looking for the experience where you aren't going to find it, then you are living an illusion.

Over and over again in this thread Ive read peoples biggest complaint is that EQN isnt going to replicate what the original EQ gave them. Its not about standards. Its about chasing some idyllic notion of something that most likely never even was. If you want EQN to be a great game, and will judge by that, not using original EQ as some sort of litmus test then that post doesnt apply to you. But if you are one of those people that post "Its not EQ", then fuck you. How can any game live up to someones wistful memory. How can any sex be as good as your first (unless it was in prison or with a tranny, then yeah, see Fedor), any line of coke as good as the first, any concert be as good as your first, any night as good as the first night you went crazy out with your friends?

Some of you remind me of the parents of junior football players, talking about days of yore in their "glory" and how much better the old days were, how much better the team would be if the stupid coach would just run what they ran in high school.

Take the game and judge the game on its own merits. Its not EQ, it wont have the impact of EQ, but it might be a good time for a couple hours a few times a week.


Sparkletot Monger
That is absolute bullshit. Did you even play vanilla EQ?

It was based off the old muds, all they did was add a graphical interface too it.
Like 15 people played old MUDs, most of them owned comic book stores. That's like telling people who thought Elvis was something new and unique in the 50s that they know shit because they didnt listen to Elmore James in the 1930s


Trump's Staff
The 'nothing will feel like EQ because it was your first' argument is getting so tired. I definitely had that feeling in WoW after I was already an MMO vet.

My first login into Tirisfall was immersive and very similar to EQ. I was legitimately apprehensive entering several areas, and there was even an assbeating mid teens worgen/kobold thing roaming around in Silverpine. Seeing Undercity for the first time was a spectacular moment and I ran around for a good 20 minutes just exploring it. I got severely wtfpwned when I ran too close to Scarlet Monestary too soon iirc..

Then I realized MOBs leash after 50 yards...and death means a short mildly annoying run... And that feeling was gone forever.




Gemstone and Neverwinter were pretty big before EQ and UO came out.

Also If anyone was to kickstart something like that they should do some of the old school stuff.
Enforce roleplaying names, have a real guide program again, and cap servers to 3k.

EQ did all these things except for the capped stuff. They just had a low population so they were able to maintain those type of numbers.

I'm telling you, a very small team could make a throwback game in the vein of EQ in todays market pretty easily.
That's why I'm surprised no one has even gave it a shot yet.

They could even charge 10 bucks a month. People pay that for the emulators, and shit


Trakanon Raider
If you are looking for the experience where you aren't going to find it, then you are living an illusion.

Over and over again in this thread Ive read peoples biggest complaint is that EQN isnt going to replicate what the original EQ gave them. Its not about standards. Its about chasing some idyllic notion of something that most likely never even was. If you want EQN to be a great game, and will judge by that, not using original EQ as some sort of litmus test then that post doesnt apply to you. But if you are one of those people that post "Its not EQ", then fuck you. How can any game live up to someones wistful memory. How can any sex be as good as your first (unless it was in prison or with a tranny, then yeah, see Fedor), any line of coke as good as the first, any concert be as good as your first, any night as good as the first night you went crazy out with your friends?

Some of you remind me of the parents of junior football players, talking about days of yore in their "glory" and how much better the old days were, how much better the team would be if the stupid coach would just run what they ran in high school.

Take the game and judge the game on its own merits. Its not EQ, it wont have the impact of EQ, but it might be a good time for a couple hours a few times a week.
this argument would hold water if this was a brand new IP. however, they are calling the game everquest next, so i don't think it's too outrageous that people would want the game to feel and play like, you know, everquest.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The 'nothing will feel like EQ because it was your first' argument is getting so tired. I definitely had that feeling in WoW after I was already an MMO vet.

Then I realized MOBs leash after 50 yards...and death means a short mildly annoying run... And that feeling was gone forever.
These 2 statements contradict each other(considering the latter was there right at the start). Not to mention maps, full DB sites in beta ready to go, VOIP etc. You are not getting that EQ first time playing feeling back.


Trump's Staff
These 2 statements contradict each other(considering the latter was there right at the start). Not to mention maps, full DB sites in beta already etc. You are not getting that EQ first time playing feeling back.
No, they don't contradict each other at all.

Maps and DB sites are irrelevant to 'the feeling'unless you are a mega scrub and actually use them.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
These 2 statements contradict each other(considering the latter was there right at the start). Not to mention maps, full DB sites in beta ready to go, VOIP etc. You are not getting that EQ first time playing feeling back.
The argument can always be made that availability =/= required use, but I imagine for the majority of people on these boards, getting a competitive edge and min/maxxing are more important than attempting to relive that blissfully ignorant "first MMO" experience.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
True, but anyone who says they didn't use the map or a DB site is full of shit. :p And as soon as they were available, players used them in EQ, which iirc wasn't that long after launch, think allah was around 2000- 2001ish.

Those 2 things are just 2 minor things out of quite a bit that will keep people from forever getting "That EQ feeling" again and players have only themselves to blame.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Could we just have one fucking game where the player-mob power dynamic isn't insanely fucked up from the get-go? It's honestly one of the strongest points of Everquest, and without it the entire design falls apart. Too many people ran into an orc pawn with a scythe, get decimated, lost their gear and never played again. It is purely developer will that prevents us from having challenging, teamwork based games from the get-go.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Just to restate why EQ will never happen again.

There wont be forced grouping ever again because you lose 90% of potential players by having that. EQ could get away with forced grouping because of the semi monopoly it held. Once WoW released that era of gaming was over forever.

You can't have contested content in a game without the forced grouping aspect because of the basic degeneracy of the average MMOG player. If there is no forced grouping then there is no real reputational risk from being a asshole. If there is no downside to being a asshole then contested content just becomes a competition where the biggest asshole wins everytime.

Travel and Death timesinks are simply wastes of time that while adding depth to a game will in the end be rejected by players. The only reason I see for having these types of timesinks in a game is to slowly get rid of them over time as a reward for progressing in the game.