EQ Never




Guess who I said is Exec Producer of eq3 next that confirms it.

Already knew this posted this cause got like 7 Negs from Morons.

I am not going to betray my friendship with Devs have known very long time, not from the fucking boards but some them from other games,Muds as well as few even pen paper Dnd.
Nor am going to Break NDA, will just say to you Peps that Neg me fuck off.

Please read below you 7 people that neg me, if to stupid to understand the english that it confirms it.

I will translate below into 5 other languages for you. got it are we clear?

A Letter from Smokejumper

Hi there, Norrathians!

As many of you know, I'm the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) "EverQuest Next." For the last two years, I've also been the Producer for your EverQuest II world, and it's been absolutely a blast working with the team, the game, its features, and most of all, its players.

However, our company's visions for the EQ Franchise are bigger in scope than what I can coordinate alone on EQII while also overseeing the rest of the franchise.

Therefore, we've brought Holly Longdale back to SOE to take over the Producer position for EQII. In fact, she's been working with the EQII team since last December. (We delayed announcing her presence so she got a chance to come up to speed for a few weeks before needing to answer a thousand questions.) But, the honeymoon is over and it's time for her to "take the con."

Holly and I are still working closely together. There is no loss of knowledge in this transition because we still meet and discuss the game's directions and tactics on a daily basis. Holly will be getting a huge amount of support from the team, myself, and the rest of the company. You still have an excited and motivated dev team, a quality Producer, and a great game.

So please, take a moment and welcome your new Producer to the fold. You'll still see Smokejumper posts occasionally, but you'll see a lot more Windstalker posts as well.

~ Dave "Smokejumper" Georgeson

I'm the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) "EverQuest Next.

I'm the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) "EverQuest Next.
I'm the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) "EverQuest Next.

I'm the Executive Producer in charge of the entire EverQuest franchise, including EQ, EQII, and the upcoming (and very different) "EverQuest Next.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Smed said he was executive producer at SoE live..again, the things you're putting out there have been confirmed by Smed. Not sure why anyone would neg you for that.. I assumed anyone following this game knew it.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Im sorry, we dont need to take rpgs and turn them into pseudo twitch based shooters. Fuck that. I want deep chess style gameplay, not how fast I can push button x or dolphin dive out of the way. Leave that shit in shooters.
I dont quite know what deep chess style is meant to be, maybe you can give some examples? If you mean a solid ressource management aspect where you have to think about your actions instead of spamming cooldowns, that would be interesting in its own right (it doesnt exclude more action-based gameplay though). It sounds like thats difficult to implement because usually the "punishment" for wasteful actions is downtime, and downtime is the devil in the MMO of today. (I'm ok with downtime, just stating the direction of the industry).


Smokejumper is like Reject from Twlight, just think about that for second.
I mean its not like Twlight has any fucking standards to start.

Lost Ranger_sl

Please read below you 7 people that neg me, if to stupid to understand the english that it confirms it.

I will translate below into 5 other languages for you. got it are we clear?
Rofl... too easy.

Anyway, you have no one to blame but yourself AlekseiFL. Your word is fucking worthless and that isn't our fault. People have to take a bit of a leap to show trust on the internet as it is. If you choose to spit on that trust (and over something as fucking stupid as Aion) then you live with the consequences.


<Gold Donor>
What I mean by chess is that you are given a set of tools and you have to use your judgment on what tools to equip, when to use them and how to use them bearing in mind your resources and what the enemy is doing, rather than perfectly executed rotations 3,4,1,1,4,4,3 while jumping up and down, and not stepping in the green goo, making sure to dodge the red fire balls. Sorry, just getting too old for that shit and my fingers hurt.


Trakanon Raider

I hope we get some hard facts at SOE Live... this shit is getting on my nerves...
I was fully expecting some teaser information at FanFaire this year. Then some primarily quiet months with occasional updates. Sometime next summer or fall we will go through all the betas and then we'll get a November'ish release.

I want to say on EQ's birthday, which I think is March 16th but it's hard to tell how far down they road they are....


More inc without Breaking anything with friends and NDA.


"Happy Anniversary Vanguard! Telon has grown to be such a remarkable world!"

~ Brad "Aradune" McQuaid, Co-Creator Now if ya take the link it shows all the Current VG devs, why do think does not say game designer next to Brad but just Co Creator, cause they were wise to move him so he can work his magic to eq 3 next, with his thinking out of the box.

"Many thanks to all of players. We hope that you continue to enjoy your time in Vanguard as much as we enjoyed making the game!"

~ Jeff "Jalen" Butler, Co-Creator as for Jeff he is Creative Director of eq3 next.


Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
What I mean by chess is that you are given a set of tools and you have to use your judgment on what tools to equip, when to use them and how to use them bearing in mind your resources and what the enemy is doing, rather than perfectly executed rotations 3,4,1,1,4,4,3 while jumping up and down, and not stepping in the green goo, making sure to dodge the red fire balls. Sorry, just getting too old for that shit and my fingers hurt.
While I am on board for your suggestion, I do want a certain degree of awareness to matter. I dont want it to become an advantage to stand in the corner against the wall looking down while you do your deep chess (Ch rotation), thats removing the awareness of your environment too much and should be a disadvantage. I do agree that games like Wildstar apparently take it way too far with the red circles, though. The dragon breathing a cone that you can step away from is something I want though. Having other tools against it would be even better (a skill to use your shield to, well, shield you from it, a magic aura dissipating it around you, etc.


Get us something that proves brad is on the project...

He still with SoE as Game designer he it not on VG anymore for while now.

Where do think he is?
working on free realms 2?

Brad wrote the design docs for eq2, as well as alot of eq1 docs with Jeff.

When Brad is stress free, allowed to think out of the box, as well as be creative dont know many people that are better then him.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It would not be surprising in the least if he's working on EQ Next. Nobody is refuting that possibility, but only refuting the source that's giving the information(re-hashed links?) to us.


The Very fact that this thread and old thread on FoH was hundreds of pages long, and alot did not Know Smokejumper was exec producer and neg me for it, its fucking comical, as well as Jeff is Creative Director, and sillus got moved.

Hell even Brad, its why he is not listed with the Current VG devs for the 6th anniversary etc, same with Jeff, cause eq3 is known but not offical yet.

Some here are so busy Theorycrafting, they have ignored facts like who is leading the team.

Do think Smokejumper being in charge sucks, yes always have he has done nothing to date to have Project of this Magnitude the very Face of future for SOE or the fall.

I have said many times, that Polejumper should not be in charge of 2 crack whores let alone this or any Project.



I hope we get some hard facts at SOE Live... this shit is getting on my nerves...
EQNext was never slated for 2013 release, though. Smed said, at the last SOE Live, that "next year, SOE Live attendees will be able to see EQNext for the first time" (paraphrasing). Given they've scrapped the game twice already, I wouldn't be surprised if 2015 is the actual release year.
EQNext was never slated for 2013 release, though. Smed said, at the last SOE Live, that "next year, SOE Live attendees will be able to see EQNext for the first time" (paraphrasing). Given they've scrapped the game twice already, I wouldn't be surprised if 2015 is the actual release year.
I'm pretty sure he said we would get to demo it at the 2013 fan faire. I plan to be there in August for that very reason.