EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It was less pronounced in EQ1
Wut? EQ and WoW were pretty similar, with mobs at 6+ levels above you becoming nearly untouchable outside of a few specific abilities simply because of resists.

That aside, if you say "level would be less effective, just one stat among others" you might as well can it entirely. Level is just a package deal of hp/ac/resists/atk. Do away with it, let people spend their skill points directly in those actual stats instead. Ideally, no respec bullshit but you can earn endless points (EVE, PS2 for examples), without becoming godly because of other limitations and choices (in EVE and PS2 that's the ship/class you run with and which weapons/mods you equip). From what we know so far, that might not even be far from what they are aiming for.


I bet we get an announcement in regards to an alpha or beta timeline for EQNext. I think they may even give out some keys. I'm still feeling we'll see EQNext next Christmas with a big beta giveaway on the anniversary.

I also think H1Z1 and Landmark open beta & release dates will be announced.

Anyone at or going to SoE Live this year?
H1Z1 will be $20 prealpha on steam on Friday. That will be there big announcement.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I don't care about character levels so much as I hate the item ilevel treadmill. There needs to be character customizations and effects on items that matter besides +gooderest stats.
Unless i'm completely wrong i think they understand this concept. I think we are going to see the return of unique items with Eq next. Items with unique effects and looks will dominate this game. It fits in well with a company sanctioned auction house, a real money maker.

Collecting things in Eq was what the game was all about. We collected items for advancing our Class/level/power but we also did it for pride. Looking back at my own experience in the game i identified 3 things that made it special.

Collecting, which had many forms in eq, look at how addictive crafting was in that game. Sony can easily dominate this aspect of the market, they know how to make you care about your stuff.

Difficulty, this is the thing you guys discuss the most. I really would rather skip this as it has been talked about for years here. I just want to add that you do not have to have 18 hour campfests and hell levels. I think you can divide the game up into casual metagames and other aspects that are more hardcore. I believe this is the direction they are going.

Communication is the third aspect that made Eq special for me. Because the game was so slow paced it allowed us to talk. The game was a graphical chat room. Yes we had a great community because of class/guild dependance. We got to know each other because of the game mechanics like resurrections, corpse recovery, camping, trade skills, transport etc. This was always obvious, but how much of our community was based on the fact that we played in a chat room?
It is this aspect of that game that intrigues me the most. How Eq next will foster community is the most important thing to me. We are never going back to graphical chat rooms so we need something different.


Trump's Staff
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Ponytail hath decreed there shall be no dates announced for EQN/EQNL announced at SOElive.

Smed then dropped this:Twitter


That's nothing but armchair dev wank from actual devs. Let me know when they have actual systems in place and can show them.
If SOE can pull off all of these idealistic innovations in MMO technology, EQNext will become the Blue Pill of the MMO genre.

I'll believe reactive AI from NPC mobs that varies from encounter to encounter when I see it.


Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Ponytail hath decreed there shall be no dates announced for EQN/EQNL announced at SOElive.

Smed then dropped this:Twitter
That's just what they want you to think.

EQN will be finished and polished come SOE live when they open the servers letting everyone from rerolled in early for having the longest EQ thread.


From someone who has only played MMOs that use levels, how does a level-less MMO do progression? Do you still "con" mobs and it tells you if its red/yellow/green etc., or is it like Elder Scrolls in that you just have to try wacking shit and if it starts to kick your ass, you run like hell?


From someone who has only played MMOs that use levels, how does a level-less MMO do progression? Do you still "con" mobs and it tells you if its red/yellow/green etc., or is it like Elder Scrolls in that you just have to try wacking shit and if it starts to kick your ass, you run like hell?
more or less, in previous games of this type, defensive/offensive passives and armor quality really determine the difficulty level of content that you can handle.


2 Minutes Hate
From someone who has only played MMOs that use levels, how does a level-less MMO do progression? Do you still "con" mobs and it tells you if its red/yellow/green etc., or is it like Elder Scrolls in that you just have to try wacking shit and if it starts to kick your ass, you run like hell?
Most of the time it's done by story driven content. Developers essentially string you along through content and if you do the bare minimum then you're pretty much assured to have a certain level of power to deal with content. Otherwise it's the old fashion method of just trying shit out.


The main downside to this system in previous games is that you're often better off just sitting in town spamming your abilities to rank up their skill level before you even go out into the wild and use them.

Or sitting outside of town letting a rat beat on you for 5+ hours to build armor/dodge/parry skill. Etc.

Thinking TES, UO, EVE, Darkfall. Less Eve and more DF

With Draegans method, you rank up your weapon by experiencing content etc, which I would prefer instead of a time-gated/action-gated skill up system.


Trakanon Raider
Sorry to burst your bubbles, but Ponytail hath decreed there shall be no dates announced for EQN/EQNL announced at SOElive.

Smed then dropped this:Twitter
I think he's just covering himself on release dates or exact days. I think he'll still say something about Q2 or Spring or something generic. They may get away with not dropping any dates this year but eventually people are going to want something. I can live without any references to dates this time but I better some something pretty substantial if they are going to maintain my interest.


Trump's Staff
I think he's just covering himself on release dates or exact days. I think he'll still say something about Q2 or Spring or something generic. They may get away with not dropping any dates this year but eventually people are going to want something. I can live without any references to dates this time but I better some something pretty substantial if they are going to maintain my interest.
Given Smed's recent track record with supposed release dates... I don't even care to hear what he has to say on the topic.


Having everyone design majority of the stuff in the game, the story and internal game mechanics better be sweet. Only main complaint so far is cross class ability swapping is lame. Also if I have to level up alts to play my main can suck it.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Having everyone design majority of the stuff in the game, the story and internal game mechanics better be sweet. Only main complaint so far is cross class ability swapping is lame. Also if I have to level up alts to play my main can suck it.
I think we would all like to look at it as if designing towns, and characters, was going to make some big impact upon the development cycle of the game. I just highly doubt that the little bit of shit that players have designed has really made a dent in the over all work load of the team. Its more complicated than that, Im sure.

Wut? EQ and WoW were pretty similar, with mobs at 6+ levels above you becoming nearly untouchable outside of a few specific abilities simply because of resists.
I believe hes referring more to leveling content in Classic, rather than raiding. You could join groups and be productive when you had a pretty big gap in levels. Ex: Killing Beetles in Sol B at level 37, doing frenzy in Lguk at level 40, Helping to kill Vox or Naggy at lvl 38. (trying to remember specific levels for complete heal, when spells wouldnt be resisted by Imps, yak procs etc. haha!) You werent as optimum for the position as a level 50 of course, but it still worked and everyone was happy. As more expansions hit, that level span dramatically decreased - but in classic it was a pretty open system. Since it was relatively hard to find people that remotely fit the class you're looking for, the level span was highly appreciated.

My idea with items is that the world is full of unique items. Players earn experience (but not for levels). They use experience as currency to put into items. You can then level those items up into different forms. That item leveling up can be as simple or as complicated as you want.
There are single player games that have the upgrade system like this and I think Ive played an MMO that was similar. The issue thats fucking annoying is that each time you get a new piece of gear that has a "final form" thats more powerful than your current one, you have to go through that whole upgrade process again with a piece of gear thats shittier than your current piece until your new piece is almost, or fully, upgraded. I guess if you made gear drop far less often and have a higher power level starting off than what you have now, then this wouldnt be a problem. Though, now, since you dont have a leveling system and gear upgrades are sparse... its starting to sound grindy and niche in my mind.

Land ownership, animal raising, farm reaping, castle building, ship building, social participation. These are the qualities that can keep people coming back after they are bored of combat/raiding. A sandbox of fun and different stuff. When logging on players should have a choice from a bevy of different options on how to spend their time - not just killing stuff 24/7.
All that shit is in quite a few MMO's already - dating all the way back to Ultima Online or The Realm. Some MMO's even have dailies attached to those specific aspects that you brought up as well. Land Ownership is going to keep you logging in? How much land are you buying/selling/upkeep? Castle Building? Ship Building? Are you specifically talking about PVP? If you want to PVP, just play a game with Land Ownership, Ship Building and Castle Building, for example.. something as old as Lineage, and go PVP. Animal Raising? Its the same thing as Pet Battles in WoW. If you're referring to Husbandry, Oh god, I cant wait to milk my Cow every fucking day. Social participation? How do you not do that now? Like... in ANY mmo? All this shit is a grind in order to achieve something and to be honest, it almost all boils down to getting better gear so you can kill harder stuff. -- It just honestly sounds like you want to play Sims Online in Medieval Times.


Trakanon Raider
Communication is the third aspect that made Eq special for me. Because the game was so slow paced it allowed us to talk. The game was a graphical chat room. Yes we had a great community because of class/guild dependance. We got to know each other because of the game mechanics like resurrections, corpse recovery, camping, trade skills, transport etc. This was always obvious, but how much of our community was based on the fact that we played in a chat room?
It is this aspect of that game that intrigues me the most. How Eq next will foster community is the most important thing to me. We are never going back to graphical chat rooms so we need something different.
I agree with this 100%. I made a lot of true friends and bitter enemies in EQ. I couldn't tell you one person I played with in WoW and GW2 is worse. In EQ you knew who the top guilds were and you knew their leaders. You remembered the guy that cut you a deal on a mith2h on the Saturday bazaar in EC. You had pride in your Soulfire and those that helped you kill Lucan to get it even though you haven't had it out of your pack in 10 levels.
Do I have the answer to community issues, nope, but I do miss that in current games.


A game that doesn't cross realm or phase content is the answer.

SOE has done this pretty well recently with their Planetside 2 community. You know who to run from, you know which squad leaders aren't shit, you know which outfits aren't frauds. Etc. Atleast back when I was playing this was the case.


Having everyone design majority of the stuff in the game, the story and internal game mechanics better be sweet. Only main complaint so far is cross class ability swapping is lame. Also if I have to level up alts to play my main can suck it.
You don't level up alts you get all the classes on your one character. Also, I doubt anyone outside of sony is designing the "majority" of stuff, Its shocking how many people can't tell the difference between a hype building teaser "You design the game" and what's actually happening.


A game that doesn't cross realm or phase content is the answer.

SOE has done this pretty well recently with their Planetside 2 community. You know who to run from in that game. Well when I played you did.
IHIGHLYdoubt that EQN will have phased content as they originally said they want to build "memories" and "stories" for each server. They want the server to grow and if they want everyone to have different stories.

They also said that servers will have different content depending on how people do the world quests that they are implementing. They said Halas could be a player city or a Gnoll Dungeon depending if people can build it before the gnoll army destroys it and once that event is over its done for good.


A game that doesn't cross realm or phase content is the answer.

SOE has done this pretty well recently with their Planetside 2 community. You know who to run from, you know which squad leaders aren't shit, you know which outfits aren't frauds. Etc. Atleast back when I was playing this was the case.
Would you support phasing in a MMO if there were mechanisms in place to allow players in different phases of quest to still group up,physically be able to see one another, and help each other out completing the quest? For example, if a higher level person has already completed the quest, they can go back and help friends complete the quest.