EQ Never

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Was an EQ 3 really even needed? I think if they just fixed all the shit that was wrong with EQ2 then they probably wouldn't have the need to make a new version of everquest. I think an overhaul of EQ2 would have been a better option.

Running 3 different mmos is just insane. I dont think the market is that robust where you can spread your fanbase successfully over three fundamentally similar games. Plus you have to think about work load for the staff. Now there are even less people on the team and they have still the same, probably even more work to do. And I think the new people who will be hired in, won't be there for working on the pc games but instead will be mobile platform/Xbone specialists.

So I think they were right in scrapping EQ3, but they also should have scrapped EQNext, the way Blizzard scrapped project Titan. Though if they were going to make one out of the two, I personally would rather have seen an EQ3, but still if I were a hardcore eq2 player, I probably would hesitate on making a switch.


EQOA Refugee
Was an EQ 3 really even needed? I think if they just fixed all the shit that was wrong with EQ2 then they probably wouldn't have the need to make a new version of everquest. I think an overhaul of EQ2 would have been a better option.

Running 3 different mmos is just insane. I dont think the market is that robust where you can spread your fanbase successfully over three fundamentally similar games. Plus you have to think about work load for the staff. Now there are even less people on the team and they have still the same, probably even more work to do. And I think the new people who will be hired in, won't be there for working on the pc games but instead will be mobile platform/Xbone specialists.

So I think they were right in scrapping EQ3, but they also should have scrapped EQNext, the way Blizzard scrapped project Titan. Though if they were going to make one out of the two, I personally would rather have seen an EQ3, but still if I were a hardcore eq2 player, I probably would hesitate on making a switch.
Yes an EQ3 is needed. EQ is old and outdated and EQ2s engine is crap. That alone necessitates making EQ3.


Oh bother. EQN Vision 4.0 needs a trailer quick. The vicious cycle of "fucking lol nostalgic bullshit ew gross" vs. "nah brah classic would be good tho" has emerged yet again.

Carry forth with EQN in its direction. Faceplant any resources going toward the third party Dragon's Prophet (does anyone even play that) and create a small team a la H1Z1 to fuck around with Forgelight with a small budget. Let them crank out a niche EQ called like Geezers of Norrath so no brand confusion happens (yo my name is kinolin on GoN).


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's weird, I agree.. but I'm yet to hear any Smed bashing. I've heard plenty of ponytail and butler but no Smed. Maybe that would come if he does get let go?

I'm just watching what he does now. Who he promotes and such.
The very fact that Ponytail and Butler were allowed to be problems for years, until outside intervention, proves that Smed is an issue for the company.

That's also ignoring things like FreeRealms, Vanguard, etc.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
They'll fire him last, well, he'll "resign" in 4-6 months probably. Also..


Plus this.
"We see tremendous opportunities for growth with the expansion of the company's game portfolio through multi-platform offerings as well as an exciting portfolio of new quality games coming up, including the recently launched H1Z1 and the highly anticipated EverQuest Next TO BE RELEASED IN THE NEAR FUTURE," said Jason Epstein, senior partner of Columbus Nova."
Equals this.

On another note, EQ2Wire wrote an article Smed responded to via twitter as follows, and is thus worth a quick read (and this is the kind of Smed response I want to see from a Rerolled news site)


EQ2Wire t Have To Be This Way


EQOA Refugee
The should fire him but they have to have SOME stability at the top. My guess is they'll keep him. Reports were that he had input in the who got laid off and who stayed. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he's not gonna fire himself.


I don't know, Darrin McPherson went on Twitter tonight saying that the the pillars stand and implied that by and large the vision is the same. Maybe the team will have more feedback in general, but this isn't going to be a grand revision like Ben seemed to imply.

Also, that EQ2 Wire article seemed a bit shit. I mean, highlight PWE as some savior or better option seems laughable. PWE sucks and the devs that were released from Daybreak seemed to support the Columbus move. Who knows the full truth, but that article is pretty suspect.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I never for an instant felt they were going to shift or change the games direction, I feel they're going to cut corners and rush this bitch out of the door. And the eqwire article was pretty funny, as funny as the "no georgeson? no money!" threads on the EQN subreddit


I never for an instant felt they were going to shift or change the games direction, I feel they're going to cut corners and rush this bitch out of the door. And the eqwire article was pretty funny, as funny as the "no georgeson? no money!" threads on the EQN subreddit
Lol, yeah. Was funny to see talk of a vision revision incoming and then have Darrin come in today to tweet after a long ass absence stressing how only three people (one of which was Butler) were around for the original vision. To emphasize that kind of diminishes the whole "collaborative vision" thing, though I'm not even necessarily disagreeing with him.


Actually I'm going to go further:

You couldn't be more wrong. People want something new, yes, but people also like old familiar things. Look at WoW there is an untapped market for Vanilla WoW/WoW Progression servers
And once again, Wildstar has shown that people onlythinkthey want Vanilla/TBC servers. If Blizzard opened up an official vanilla server it would be packed for a fortnight, medium pop for another couple of months and then dead.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
it's not really successful given that it's a major IP and IIRC EA/Bioware had lots of layoffs because it didn't meet expectations. But perhaps I'm misremembering - it isn't a game I followed past Beta.
There's only three levels of success:

1) Did it make more money than it cost
2) Does it make enough money that you'll make another
3) Does it make more money that you can afford to make any game whatsoever

It's also known as the Hollywood scale of success ("did that movie make money?" "did that movie make enough money we'll make a sequel?" "did that movie make enough money we'll let the director produce its pet project to keep him happy?").

And very few WOW clones didn't reach at least level 1 success...

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Has anyone caught any bits of info regarding storybricks throughout all this fallout? It's one of the most important aspects of EQN, at least of the version they peddled for the last 2 years, and I'm wondering if that development was going well or heading into a dead end. I'm not sure EQN itself will retain all those features if it ever comes out, but regardless of that I'm hoping for some storybricks-based MMOs in the future.


EQOA Refugee
Has anyone caught any bits of info regarding storybricks throughout all this fallout? It's one of the most important aspects of EQN, at least of the version they peddled for the last 2 years, and I'm wondering if that development was going well or heading into a dead end. I'm not sure EQN itself will retain all those features if it ever comes out, but regardless of that I'm hoping for some storybricks-based MMOs in the future.
For sure. Storybricks is the future of MMOs and not voxels, IMO. I'd be far more interested in a standard MMO with advanced AI and FFXIV type graphics.


For sure. Storybricks is the future of MMOs and not voxels, IMO. I'd be far more interested in a standard MMO with advanced AI and FFXIV type graphics.
There is absolutely no info whatsoever on how Storybricks is shaping up. Is it finished and it just needs implementation? Is it just a pipeline dream at the moment? No progress, nothing. The site still looks the same since day 1:Storybricks

Info on youtube is almost 3 years old:Storybricks Alpha Gameplay - YouTube

Except marketing speech there is no concrete info:Norrathian Notebook: Landmark's AI will be a game-changer | Massively

Their twitterpage is an endless list of retweets:Storybricks (@Storybricks) | Twitter

I'm still hoping Storybricks is what they say it is, it's the main draw for the game for me. But the info is... lacking, almost non-existent.

Voxels aren't very interesting to me, it's not what draws me to the game; I've already seen voxels since Comanche.




Sparkletot Monger
Looking at it from a logical standpoint.. What can they scrap and what is already baked in.

Voxels are baked in. The world literally does not exist if not for voxels. The degree to which they will be able to be manipulated may change.

Craft system. Seems like this is not done, probably why they didnt fire the chick who was in charge of this area. May be an area they cut corners on.

Combat system. Non Tab targeting seems baked into the game already. The basic framework of a system is in, so most likely not changing barring a reboot.

AI. Big issue. Nobody really knows where this is at. Is storybricks ready or is it a dead end? Is Intrinsic Algorithm still involved or is their part done? They seem to have moved onto Guild Wars 2. This is probably the last big hurdle to the game at this point.

Lore. Already set.

Assuming the big hold up has been issues with the AI tech and waiting on it to work out before they can create content, the new direction for EQN may include a far more limited version of Storybricks being set up.


Sparkletot Monger
Looking at it from a logical standpoint.. What can they scrap and what is already baked in.

Voxels are baked in. The world literally does not exist if not for voxels. The degree to which they will be able to be manipulated may change.

Craft system. Seems like this is not done, probably why they didnt fire the chick who was in charge of this area. May be an area they cut corners on.

Combat system. Non Tab targeting seems baked into the game already. The basic framework of a system is in, so most likely not changing barring a reboot.

AI. Big issue. Nobody really knows where this is at. Is storybricks ready or is it a dead end? Is Intrinsic Algorithm still involved or is their part done? They seem to have moved onto Guild Wars 2. This is probably the last big hurdle to the game at this point.

Lore. Already set.

Assuming the big hold up has been issues with the AI tech and waiting on it to work out before they can create content, the new direction for EQN may include a far more limited version of Storybricks being set up.

Interesting development though.

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It's insane how terrible MMO sites are. When the golden standard is Massively, a site which honestly was never really good, you know shit is bad. And you certainly can't count on normal gaming sites to provide proper coverage of the genre.