EQ Never


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ill just repeat what I said on PS2 forum. Putting flashing lights on land mines so enemies could see them better was a indication of the decline of western civilization.


again.. all this work going into EQL when they could have just got EQN out the door and let people make content for expansions via EQL. What a waste of dev time with all this.
Players are building all the racial structures for EQN, so the building tools do contribute; also this is the only substantial update they've done in like half a year


Lord Nagafen Raider
1) they never made any money since WoW was introduced
2) despite spitting out mediocre games at best their teams were amazing. had Smed being canned earlier it would have been different. Now all the talent has been poached by Riot, Blizzard etc and the ones left are the ones that cannot get a job anywhere else
I just want to comment on these points:
1) I remember Smed posting on FoH about the financial details of 1 year, where the net income was a couple hundreds thousand dollars (250k maybe? not far from that amount), which considering the capital invested and the number of people involved, seemed quite pitiful to me.

2) I always thought SoE games were conceptually amazing and pushed out of the door one year too early, every single fucking time, plus some stubborn "lead designer" seemed to always shoehorn some stupid mechanic or limitation in every place. I still consider vanilla EQ2 dungeon design simply awesome, despite stupid decisions, like locked combat, linked encounters, etc. Aside from DoF, which was mostly crap (except 2 very beatiful zones, at least aesthetically), I enjoyed the game a lot up to Kunark, where it lost me fairly quickly (something wasn't right with that xpack). Talent was there, absolutely, it was also certainly misused.


Trakanon Raider
EQ2 was also ruined by having different people in charge every xpac or two who had drastically different ideas on basic mechanics. They introduced new mechanics/features every xpac and then totally abandoned them 6 months later. They completely revamped how stats work multiple times without updating items, but then also totally revamped items in a different way on numerous occasions. Base EQ2 had a lot of good things going for it and generally the game improved over the first few xpacs, but they slowly went off the rails over time.

I really enjoyed the original game complete with access quests to get into every zone, shared xp debt, completely stuffed spell balance which made level 12 spells better than level 50 spells etc... Enjoyed how dangerous it was just trying to cross through overland zones.. Then I had a great time in DoF which had its problems but also had a really grand story which made the game feel truly epic in scale. KoS was great with the introduction of PvP which was massive for the game.. The PvP was horrible in many ways but there was also a lot of great fun to be had with it given the interesting implementation of mechanics like taunts.
I've been back to the game with around every second xpac since... but Chains of Eternity was the last and I highly doubt I'll ever go back again. Sentinel's Fate is the last xpac I would really describe as being good.


Registered Hutt
You're certifiable. I hated base EQ2. Shared XP debt meant never inviting some idiot to the group before they arrived because of the "dangerous crossing overland zones". They'd die on the other half of the zone from some random gnoll and your group takes a hit. Unless you had a smart cleric casting group reactive which had no range limit among other retarded cleric imbalance. Constant access quests meant ferrying underpowered classes through challenges that pugs couldn't handle.

Everyone had 10-4,000,000 buttons to press that had microscopic effect. Guardians and Furies being among the worst. I had aggro buttons that barely got any aggro, damage buttons that barely did any damage, and self buffs that I had to re-cast, and they nearly all recycled from 6-12 seconds making my gameplay a sequence of pressing 1-9, alt 1-2, ctrl 1-9 at least once each per short encounter.

Raids were virtually non-existent at launch and when they patched in a few instances so more than one guild could kill something they were 2 trash packs and a chump boss, scattered all over the world so you spent most "raid" nights just running around clicking on zone entrances. Aggro in linked encounters was totally warped so that the main tank got 10x the hate as anyone else because of the way reactive (lol cleric) healing was coded.

They had NPC models that would destroy the framerates on supercomputers of the era, and then they didn't fix them until they made a raid instance slap full of them and made everyone wipe on the first pull. Oh, and they hated how people used multiple tries to learn to kill things, so said boss would break your equipment DURING the encounter. So when you got done with the slideshow after everyone died and the event reset, all your equipment was at 0-25%.

I can go on and on. I don't comprehend how you approve of the state EQ2 released in.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I still remember that assassin skill I upgraded at 50 with an adept III, it did 350 less damage than the lower level version at adept I. Oh those days...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Shared XP debt meant never inviting some idiot to the group before they arrived because of the "dangerous crossing overland zones". They'd die on the other half of the zone from some random gnoll and your group takes a hit.
I mean, this one came from listening to players during design. Players harped on about wanting "player reputation and skill" to matter, so they put in a mechanic that pariahs the retards. Of course, they overlooked the fact that for most casual content, you need retards to pad your way up to sufficient numbers, but the idea behind the mechanic was that it would encourage better play because you'd get BTFO from the community if you sucked and forced EXP debt on them. I can see the conceptual space that led them to the decision, even if it ended up turrble in practice.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There is a new interview over at MMORPG.com with Dave Georgeson, one question was about progress/state of EQ-Next.

MMORPG: If you can't say much I understand, but how far along was EQ Next when you left it, and do you talk with Terry and team at all about progress and where it's going?

Dave: Thar be minefields. Let me answer this carefully. I talk to lots of the dev team folks on a personal level, but we don't usually discuss Landmark or EQN.So I know there have been scope and direction changes, and there were obviously team size changes at the same time that I left. Consequently, that means I don't really know much more than you do about what's going on there now, what the flavor of the game will be when completed, or when it will be done.
What will we get in the end, if they release at all?


Trakanon Raider
Remaster EQ up through PoP in a new gaming engine. Add some little things based on community feedback and see what happens :p


Trakanon Raider
There is a new interview over at MMORPG.com with Dave Georgeson, one question was about progress/state of EQ-Next.

What will we get in the end, if they release at all?
I don't think it ever releases. It's already been what, seven years and counting?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It wouldn't surprise me if they moved back to a more EQlike vision for the game. I think they were over promising on certain features anyway. Who knows if they are even keeping the pokemon style class collection system? I could see them merging a bunch of archetypes together and going with a more EQ 1 system, which they initially envisioned anyway.


Good. It needed scope changes. Fuckers were so high on their own bullshit. It's just a shame Landmark is out and available so there's an obligation to not just reboot the whole fucking project again.


Ancient MMO noob
Good. It needed scope changes. Fuckers were so high on their own bullshit. It's just a shame Landmark is out and available so there's an obligation to not just reboot the whole fucking project again.
Personally, I don't see Landmark as an obligation for the next EQ game. They could totally reboot the project imho.