EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
In an utopian world where companies make games for entertainment and not to make money that would be the easy solution.


I'm a fan of a wide variety of deep game systems, so not a fan of abilities being sold in a cash store. They could instead sell research resources used to craft abilities in the store if they wanted. That way the only people getting dinged are people who want to make an ability.

Of course the resources to make abilities should also be available in-game via some method. Maybe a minor quest, maybe a dropped item, maybe it costs a lot of plat. The idea is to give the player choices:

Do they want to spendtimefarming research components to make the ability in the game?
Do they want to spendcashin the store to buy the research components to make the ability?
Do they want to spendplatinumto purchase the ability from an NPC trainer?
Do they want to spendgoldto purchase the ability from another player via the market?

I'm a big fan of the F2P system Cryptic/PWE uses. They have an intermediary currency in Star Trek Online called dilithium (or astral diamonds in Neverwinter), which can be used to buy premium items in the game, or exchanged with their cash store currency (Zen) to buy store items that would normally cost real money.

In EQN they could do the same thing. The intermediary currency could be "platinum", which could be used to buy premium items in the game (NPC sold, no-drop only), or exchanged for station cash to buy stuff in the EQ store. If you have lots of time to play you can grind platinum. If you have lots of cash but not a lot of time to play, you can buy station cash and exchange it for platinum to buy in-game items. Or, if you have a lot of gold saved up, you can buy what other players are selling on the market.
Epic fucking fail. Buying plat with cash and then using plat to buy items in game is the same as a cash shop selling the items in the first place. You are paying money for the item thats what we have been saying is BAD for the last 20 pages. That ruins the whole fucking game. Being able to buy items for money or buy gold for money is the worst idea unless any of the good stuff is no drop. Its this type of thinking that has completely destroyed mmo's in todays lifetime. You don't have time to play so you want to buy in game items to make up for your lack of play time. Fuck you sir, dont bring the game down.


<Gold Donor>
But thats exactly the point. The shit existed im mmos since the wee days of EQ. It was just more hidden away. But dont think that RMT is some new shit here bro. And its here to stay, does not matter if the company does it or Joe the Human Necro.

Fuck its even alive and well on the popular emulated EQ servers.


Epic fucking fail. Buying plat with cash and then using plat to buy items in game is the same as a cash shop selling the items in the first place.
No it isn't, because player who have the time to play the game can simply save up their gold and buy platinum that way. How many MMOs reward you with store items just for playing the game?

You are paying money for the item thats what we have been saying is BAD for the last 20 pages. That ruins the whole fucking game.
Freepers could play, save their gold and purchase platinum AT NO REAL COST beyond their own time.

Being able to buy items for money or buy gold for money is the worst idea unless any of the good stuff is no drop.
If they're buying armor or weapons directly for plat, they would be no-drop/no-trade. If they were buying resources for plat, the items made from those resources would be tradeable (bind on equip).

Its this type of thinking that has completely destroyed mmo's in todays lifetime. You don't have time to play so you want to buy in game items to make up for your lack of play time. Fuck you sir, dont bring the game down.
No, shithead. I want to players who don't have time to play to work with players who do have time to play to game the system. That's exactly what a platinum to station cash exchange would do. If you're a player that doesn't mind laying out $10-20 a month for a MMORPG, you can buy station cash and convert it into plat. If you're a player that does mind laying out cash to play, you can just play the game, earn copper, silver and gold and then use that to purchase platinum coins to buy the shit you want.

See, if nobody buys station cash, then nobody will exchange their platinum to people who bought station cash. If nobody grinds out platinum, then there won't be any station cash on the exchange. The entire system can be designed with sinks and wells so that it's all balanced and players don't ever feel the need to pay cash for anything, unless they want itright fucking now.

That's the hook: If you don't mind waiting you can get everything in the game for free by playing, just like the old days. If, however, you're an impatient bastard with a disposable income, then you can afford to buy whatever you want when you want it. It's not about "haves and have-nots" or Pay to Win. It becomes a matter of "when" for everybody.

It's one of the best F2P systems on the market, and if you took the time to comprehend it instead of seeing, "buy items with money" and freaking out, this would be a much more interesting thread.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Purchase PLEX/Kronos/station ticket that you can sell in the game for Coin, I can support this and is viable method in many games as a proven system.
Using Coin "Plat" to buy "station store items" I dont support nor like even if it's fluff, you cant get anything back from your purchase. It never will, they will never allow some you buy on a "Store" to be used by others, traded or sold! The closest thing I have seen is mats in EQ2 you can use to craft into items, which is junk and shitty system. It undercuts the harvester market for those wanting to do that. They are then forced to get plat in other ways to help pay for upgrades and other things.

Whats the difference if a "Station Store" has great items vs players selling their loot like raid items, costume pieces and such?
I would much prefer the ability to get shit others farmed, created or found and the option to do the same if I have items I dont want, need or use.
*EQ1 & 2 has station boxes for armor and upgrades on the store, so ya you can buy items that bump you and not just fluff.

People need to get out of this "store" attitude! There have been many a money sink in games to pull coin out from over inflation and surplus. Any of the fluff that is put into the game via "Store" should be a skill from a crafter...PERIOD! This is not up for discussion!

Mounts/Pets = Start up a tamers trade skill
Weapons/Armor looks = place it under other current crafting professions.
Boosters! yes boosters on exp and other things = crafting!

I know someone is thinking, but the company wont do it because they wont make money....
Components! They cost, they cost alot! See where I am going with this? If it costs COIN and its pricey = company sees more Plex/Kronos/Station ticket sells. Hell I am even making this easier for the companies at this point in tweaking cost of items to gain money their pocket by using GAME PLAY that is already there to their use.

I have been reading FOH for a long time, you guys get stuck beating a dead horse for hours sometimes and curse those who think outside the box. But if you dont like something, in this case I hate "Cash Store", I wont give into the idea they are here to stay and deal with it. But I will suggest better idea that will curb its use or eliminate it one day to something else be it better or worse. The idea of fluff looking better than hard earned raid gear sucks. But I have been dealing with for YEARS MMOs shitting on crafters like myself and using something I feel I should be able to make for players get throw in my face.

Go ahead and complain that FOOFI next to you looks like a "Glitter Warrior" from a disco club in better looking gear than you, at least you dont have to deal with a set of asshat devs thinking they know what crafting is and put in hard to make and earn recipe items that turn out to be NO DROP! or worse, only usable by YOUR Profession only in the game and stating..."Look this pile of SHIT is for you!" Aren't you happy? No, here.....goto this camp, faction grind for a month to get items others of doing so you all look the same to feel better! Thank you, you lazy ass dev team for dragging your knuckles and not having a clue on what Craft is all about! Not when get into markets and auction houses...

Not here to argue, just want MMO to fix their shit and actually think, dont copy ideas blindly! Why I hate No drop and bind of equip items, something that got started to fix a problem that wasnt a problem to begin with.....Twinking. Its a product of small amount of whiners bitching! So how do you like all your quest pinata~ crap? Argue all you want but that is one of many results from that, no hand-me-downs for noobs and alts. No all you have is market/auction houses is 100 items of X sword of the frog which everyone got for completing X quest in the swamp.

*stepping off the soapbox before I am pushed off.

*Asshat cause-any and all mispellings and sentence structures are in place if their happens to be anything incorrect or wrong and youre you'r you're seeing things and unable to see the forest due to the trees.
Hey, you made us lurkers post. Deal with it.


PoE was mostly particle effects from what I saw, which was OK by me. Nice armor sets, for me at least, are integral to my enjoyment of MMOs -- it's the sort of prestige element that can show off accomplishments (even simple particle effects can be impactful). At the same time, purely cosmetic armor sets are an easy cash shop item that can be implemented without going the pay-to-win path so striking the right balance wouldn't be too bad.

People are into housing (and certainly would be in a sandbox MMO), which is an easy and inoffensive way to monetize a F2P game, too (especially if you can obtain the items in-game).


Good stories. RMT was never around back in the day bro if you did it, you were a scrub. Thats how it worked. Sure maybe you did it, whats that say. Cash for plat is a system for straight noobs to spend 200$ and buy in game gold and inflate the fuck out of prices on the AH because some kid with his parents CC is down to spend 200$ per item. If you played d3 you know that NOTHING good sold for gold that wasn't a billion gold. All the baller shit sold on RMAH to kiddies with CC. Real money for items changes games in many ways. Just because its more convient for you to play 2 hours a day. Sorry if you want to play 2 hours a day you should get 2 hours a day progress. Not log on, swipe CC and balllllllllin. GG. Your system is 100% pay to win.


<Gold Donor>
LOL, you have no clue, bro. There was millions made in EQ back in the day. I knew a couple of people myself that sold shit. One of which, husband and wife team, made close to $80K in a year selling shit and chars in EQ. Fuck, there was businesses spawned because of EQ RMT (Hello IGE!) So, yeah, no one was doing it and no one was buying shit except scrubs, lol ....

Just like no one in my WoW guild bought gold from China to get mounts in TBC because fuck grinding for gold....

Point still stands, bro, RMT has been and will always be in these games. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN P2W.


Trakanon Raider
LOL, you have no clue, bro. There was millions made in EQ back in the day. I knew a couple of people myself that sold shit. One of which, husband and wife team, made close to $80K in a year selling shit and chars in EQ. Fuck, there was businesses spawned because of EQ RMT (Hello IGE!) So, yeah, no one was doing it and no one was buying shit except scrubs, lol ....

Just like no one in my WoW guild bought gold from China to get mounts in TBC because fuck grinding for gold....

Point still stands, bro, RMT has been and will always be in these games. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN P2W.
huge difference between then and now, though. back then, you actually had to play the game to get the items to then sell them. now, you don't even have to play the game anymore in order to acquire the items, you just log in and purchase them from a shop. kinda defeats the entire purpose of playing the game in the first place. if everything in the game can be purchased using a cash shop, it's pay to win, plain and simple. you can buy the best items in the game from day 1, without having to wait for anyone to go out and farm them (which took quite a long time in the original EQ). you're really comparing apples and oranges here. there really is a huge difference between purchasing items from higher level players who have farmed the items and being able to buy those exact same items from a cash shop the second you log in to play the game.


<Gold Donor>
Well no shit. But I dont think any popular games today allow you to purchase top gear, or any gear for that matter, in the cash shop. Maybe you could say EQ with the defiant armor bundles up to lv 75? But then again EQ does not really start until lv 80 these days anyway.

No one, well, at least not me, is advocating for a cash shop where everything is sold. Thats fucking stupid and defeats the entire premise of a PvE game, to gather items and become stronger. But cosmetic shit, cosmetic mounts, exp pots, I have no problem with.

There is a market for this though and the black market is huge. Especially in the popular games. Dont fool yourself into believing that people are not trading RL money for in game goods all the time because they are. Thats all I was trying to say to the dude saying it somehow does not exist and it did not in EQ. In fact just last week I was taking to my buddy which runs a WoW guild and he was telling me how they sell raid spots for gear drops since most of the shit is on farm mode now. They do it for gold but where do you think people are getting the gold from?


Molten Core Raider
PoE was mostly particle effects from what I saw, which was OK by me. Nice armor sets, for me at least, are integral to my enjoyment of MMOs -- it's the sort of prestige element that can show off accomplishments (even simple particle effects can be impactful). At the same time, purely cosmetic armor sets are an easy cash shop item that can be implemented without going the pay-to-win path so striking the right balance wouldn't be too bad.

People are into housing (and certainly would be in a sandbox MMO), which is an easy and inoffensive way to monetize a F2P game, too (especially if you can obtain the items in-game).
I can agree with this. I'd like to see them just sell blacksmithing and tailoring molds for RM. That way you can use them to give a forged or non-forged item a new look.

And selling housing stuff is fine too.

As long as it doesn't effect the actual game.


LOL, you have no clue, bro. There was millions made in EQ back in the day. I knew a couple of people myself that sold shit. One of which, husband and wife team, made close to $80K in a year selling shit and chars in EQ. Fuck, there was businesses spawned because of EQ RMT (Hello IGE!) So, yeah, no one was doing it and no one was buying shit except scrubs, lol ....

Just like no one in my WoW guild bought gold from China to get mounts in TBC because fuck grinding for gold....

Point still stands, bro, RMT has been and will always be in these games. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN P2W.
Actually I do have a clue since I sold my monk for $5,000 when I quit after we were the first to clear sleepers and everything else on ayonae ro (rolx -eternal wrath) and I had failed relationships because I put in 15 hours a day everyday for years. So yes scrub to answer your question, if you were buying gear and shit then you were a straight scrub. Doesn't mean that people weren't doing it under the table but scrubs still got called out. I was splitting fire giants when you were trying to get jboots, so stop playing like you know something about how OG's used to be. Bringing wow into the convo only makes me laugh.

Edit: further more there needs to be a transaction alarm somewhere if large amounts of money are traded to a character just like there is in the US. If you deposit more than 10k in your bank account boom red flags go up. There needs to be a system like that in the games where large sums of money and botters need to be caught and banned and everyone that had transactions banned and then after a few people got banned word would spread and it would cut the problem down to minimal.


huge difference between then and now, though. back then, you actually had to play the game to get the items to then sell them. now, you don't even have to play the game anymore in order to acquire the items, you just log in and purchase them from a shop. kinda defeats the entire purpose of playing the game in the first place. if everything in the game can be purchased using a cash shop, it's pay to win, plain and simple. you can buy the best items in the game from day 1, without having to wait for anyone to go out and farm them (which took quite a long time in the original EQ). you're really comparing apples and oranges here. there really is a huge difference between purchasing items from higher level players who have farmed the items and being able to buy those exact same items from a cash shop the second you log in to play the game.


<Gold Donor>

Obviously you fail at anything social OG, Its pretty apparent. And also the fucking point is flying so high above your head Im not even gonna try anymore, OG. So go ahead and call me scrub, while I continue to laugh at your utter fucking stupidity.


<Bronze Donator>
Shit, exploiting the LoS bug in entrance to Sleepers to CoH a single group down to kill warders and the server crashing 3 times a day? rofl paid for my last year of college that way.