EQ Never


RMT is a reality you can't avoid in MMO's, but as soon as you put in a cash shop no matter how retarded and vain the items are you reduce the value of items you can get legitimately in game. At least with RMT it's (mostly unless exploited) items they got within the game itself and not something generated on the fly with RL cash.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah.... if you dont think RMT existed in early EQ or games before EQ, you are sorely mistaken. In UO a buddy and I farmed and sold lots of things for real cash. Castles, keeps etc etc.... we probably only made 5k total, but for two 18 year old kids, playing a video game, it was good cash. We were going to push it further business wise.... until we got banned for something unrelated. RMT was a big business in UO, lots of people selling gold, vanq weapons, characters, castles / keeps / two stories etc etc.


It doesn't fucking matter if it 'existed' in early games like UO and EQ through Ebay or PlayerAuctions - it wasn't fuckingsanctioned by the game and used as revenue stream by the game company itself. There wasn't a 'cash shop' where you could buy black dye tubs from Origin itself, and had there been, it would've fucking ruined the UO experience.

Game companies today fucking suck because all they care about is exploiting new revenue streams, not making money off of good games.


RMT in games back in the day wasn't a huge deal, because it didn't influence gameplay design. I think D3 is a pretty accurate example of what happens when the game is designed around RMAH transactions.


EQOA Refugee
The difference I guess between the black market and the official market is really developer resources. I'd rather have the developer charge me a monthly sub and put all their resources into their game. Save the nice graphics for items that were long quest rewards, epics, raid gear etc.

Now, its simply greedy. You can't get that cool mount in game anymore. They don't have the time or resources...unless you buy it from the store. Then they can find some resources for it. That's just horseshit plain and simple. It's greed. It's not needed for them to survive and grow the game or make money. They already make money with subs and a lot of it. They just want more.

So now, any player that doesn't come out the pockets can't get cool looking shit anymore. Least not as cool as the kid with the deep pockets. To add insult to injury, their free to play options demand you basically pay a sub anyways to get access to the entire game. So players get double fucked. But players let this shit slide and put up with it. Sometimes, we really are our own worst enemies.


Yep, thats how I feel. For every cosmetic item in the AH, thats one more item not put into the game, or created by crafters. Worse still, they seem to think they have to make paid items look gaudy as shit for the sparking "LOOK AT ME!" factor. I liked having stuff like a soulfire or other cool looking particle effect weapons be achievements earned from questing and show that you put in some time. I hate in wow how if you run through ironforge, you see every manner of stupid looking gaudy shit possible. I would love it if EQ kept that down-to-earth "look unexceptional for 50 levels, then be able to tell who the badasses are on sight from looking at their gear" factor intact.

But anyway, yeah. My biggest issue is with stuff like d3, it's painfully obvious that the RMAH influenced drop rates and gameplay. I don't want that and will take a sub fee any day over that. I don't care about black market transactions one bit, what I care about is devs designing a game around a real money economy.


<Bronze Donator>
I think really the biggest distinction between the old black market and the gay shit of D3, is that the black market was player created driven and valuations were based on that. It didnt give people i win buttons of pay to win and certainly didn't invalidate the game the way it does when its openly built into the game. screw that gay ass shit.


<Gold Donor>
For sure Im all with you on this. I for one would gladly pay the damn $15 to keep this shit out of the game completely. But I still fail to see how the current crop of mmorpgs cash shops offer P2W items. I just never saw that. Are you guys taking about D3? (Never played it)

Also the problem with RMT, especially in a non instanced game, is that these fuckers which sold items or PP on the black market would monopolize the spawns of the popular items. So you either bought from them, or you didnt get yours. So in effect it was like taking the item out of the game.


EQOA Refugee
For sure Im all with you on this. I for one would gladly pay the damn $15 to keep this shit out of the game completely. But I still fail to see how the current crop of mmorpgs cash shops offer P2W items. I just never saw that. Are you guys taking about D3? (Never played it)

Also the problem with RMT, especially in a non instanced game, is that these fuckers which sold items or PP on the black market would monopolize the spawns of the popular items. So you either bought from them, or you didnt get yours. So in effect it was like taking the item out of the game.
Games like EQ2, GW2, LOTRO, DDO aren't pay to win at all IMO. But games like Allods Online, Runes of Magic and their ilk are straight up pay to win. You literally HAVE to spend money to be competitive in their end games. No ifs, ands or buts.

But keep this in mind. All those cool mounts that used to drop in game in EQ2 stopped dropping when they introduced the legends of norrath TCG. From there, the cool looking gear stopped coming as often. Now it's flat out almost gone and exclusively in their store. It's cosmetic only but my point is they flat stopped putting effort into their items for the regular game because of greed.

Console games are pulling this crap too. You used to get the entire CoD game with all maps, levels, etc. Now they give you 1/3 of the game for full price and charge you for the other 2/3 of the game that used to be included. And we're supposed to take that and be happy? Fuck no...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
For sure Im all with you on this. I for one would gladly pay the damn $15 to keep this shit out of the game completely. But I still fail to see how the current crop of mmorpgs cash shops offer P2W items. I just never saw that. Are you guys taking about D3? (Never played it)

Also the problem with RMT, especially in a non instanced game, is that these fuckers which sold items or PP on the black market would monopolize the spawns of the popular items. So you either bought from them, or you didnt get yours. So in effect it was like taking the item out of the game.
Dude i dont know which server you were on but i for one remember gaining jboots in najena, rubicite in ct, eboots in solb and yaks in lguk (even with the old dirk models) and camping them always went kinda civil (cept jboots where one night a french chanter would keep ksing us). Never had big issues getting the items i wanted (cept gbs; curse that drop rate), heck i remeber trading eboots and yak for a manastone in ecommons.


Possible EQN decals found in the PS2 PTR files? Sourcehttp://www.reddit.com/r/EQNext/comme...xts_art_style/

Those are decals for vehicles and planes in the Planetside 2 store. There's already about a hundred available and they add new ones every couple weeks.


Trump's Staff
I may get owned on this form for saying this... But I pray this game doesn't have a beta that's open to the public. It'd be really nice if they just spent a couple (hundred) grand on paid private testers who were subject to confidentiality agreements until well into release (4+ months).

And ya, I realize players are far better (and cheaper) testers than actual employees, but a man can dream can't he? I'd love to walk into this game knowing nothing about the world at all besides races/classes and basic mechanics. Having quest walkthroughs, dungeon strats etc available on day one kinda kills MMOs for me.


Trump's Staff
Stop looking them up....
Your statement works in a single player game, but in an MMO one is exposed to the knowledge of countless others you may be grouping with. Two days after release I don't want some tank leading me by the nose through a dungeon that he has read up on fully from leet beta infoz sites. I want to figure it out collectively in the moment.

Also, I don't want others having this knowledge either. I want everyone to be in the dark, because I believe it will enhance the experience just post release. Sure I could choose to not read spoilers, but if everyone else is, you kind of have to to remain both competitive and viable in a group setting.


FoH nuclear response team
I wish that was still possible as well, maybe stick with a personal group of friends or some from this forum.


Those are decals for vehicles and planes in the Planetside 2 store. There's already about a hundred available and they add new ones every couple weeks.
Yeah, I think everyone knows that these are in PlanetSide 2. They seem to be based on EQ Next art decals, which is why people care.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Non instance and farming, it sucks or its great depending on who is on that end of the stick. Things like "Lore" was there to limit 1 per toon or legendary for per account, these curb farming. Another way is increase the drop rate or allow another way to get the item, like "Jboots" quest as example, how often items drop or how long the NPC quest mob spawns. This too curbs how many items are in the game or limit farming.

Dev's attention to items having more or less of certain items in the game is their JOB! Not watching for such things with todays coding and lookups is just asinine. Even back then, they knew. Wont blame all on devs as companies do limit funds for things thats a given but dev do have a hand in helping ease the pain. I am sure as expansions carried on they could have added 1 extra NPC or drop here and there to decrease the bottlenecks from past expansions in the new expansion.
One example of this is epics. They did actually do something YEARS later but did do it. I have been waiting years for them to update the iksar quests. Necro hat and Warrior pike. I heard they did like 2 more quest chains not too long ago. Think the greenmyst and shm quests item "crudge?" got some love too, no clue on the mnk.

Notice I said Lore and legendary, not no drop. I cant tell you the hate I have for that little pissant thing. The most game breaking emersion ripping idea with no fantasy bases but for cursed items. Curse you had to seek help to remove it and even then it could come back. In MMO its a tool that cant be explained.
Here son, you can adventure the wild lands, slay dragons and beat GODS but that items you have.....well you cant give it to anyone and if your lucky, some merchant "NPC" might buy it from you for next to nothing or you can just destroy it.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I wonder if its at all feasible to make a world the size of EVE and have all players on one server (or one per region) without instancing or duplicating full zones. The original world would have to be seeded randomly I guess. It works fine for EVE but the distances there are astronomical (hoho) and its easy to create mission locations anywhere. PVE aside pretty much everything in EVE does take place at or near pre-defined points of interest though (gates, moons, stations). They just have TON of zones (systems).

Yeah, I think everyone knows that these are in PlanetSide 2. They seem to be based on EQ Next art decals, which is why people care.
It might just as well be coincidence, there is easy over a dozen vehicle decals in PS2 that you could attribute to a fantasy origin.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Dude i dont know which server you were on but i for one remember gaining jboots in najena, rubicite in ct, eboots in solb and yaks in lguk (even with the old dirk models) and camping them always went kinda civil (cept jboots where one night a french chanter would keep ksing us). Never had big issues getting the items i wanted (cept gbs; curse that drop rate), heck i remeber trading eboots and yak for a manastone in ecommons.
I agree that most of the camps were civil. However, as it happens I was camping jboots in Najena the last weekend before patch that removed the drop. Now, that was some hardcore kill stealing. The whole room was packed with people nuking poor Drelzna into the ground that instant she spawned.