EQ Never


Golden Knight of the Realm
What about voice to text? Basically still have a chat box, but be able to talk out what you want to say in it rather than having to type--allowing you to continue play. Have several voice commands to control channel, cancel message, and send.


What about voice to text? Basically still have a chat box, but be able to talk out what you want to say in it rather than having to type--allowing you to continue play. Have several voice commands to control channel, cancel message, and send.
That's fine, as long as the persona of the character is not broken.


Trakanon Raider
I'm curious of when the first time "The Ethernere" showed up in EQ lore. I've never fucking heard of this shit before and I was a huge EQ lore nerd back in the day.
References to it showed up fairly early in EQ2 lore, but I don't know if it ever popped up in EQ1. However, I believe the official 'lore guy' they had for the first several years of EQ2 was also the same guy who came up with all the lore for EQ1, so it may have been something he always had stuck away in the lore design document, and just didn't get around to bringing up in EQ.


Vyemm Raider
Tech isn't up to snuff yet, but it would be interesting if voice recognition was used for interacting with NPCs. Say something, it gets converted to text, the text is then read for key phrases or pushed through some siri like program to try and decipher what the fuck you just said, the NPC response is generated and spoken back to you with text to speech. Until the technology is able to generate responses that don't consistently make you feel like a moron, then it will be nothing but a gimmick.

I think the Arma games are pushing immersion in terms of creating a simulated world. At least in terms of character movement, positioning and looking around with Track IR. Creating a fantasy setting with Voice as the primary communication tool, in a simulation style world, would be intriguing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I find it hilarious that someone named Pancreas is trying to push Apple-related siri technology as the breakthrough to the future of gaming. RIP Steve Jobs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm going to reiterate how absolutely terrible most of the designers in this industry are - they don't know their own genre. At all.

Someone said it best on the old boards, maybe Szila or Lithose: we're all playing characters in a play called EverQuest. The reason voicechat is objectively bad, and it's been said already here, is that it brings to reality John from Denver or Pete from Ohio. I don't want to play with John from Denver or Pete from Ohio. I want to playwith their characters. Notice that doesn't mean roleplaying; it means wholly interacting and knowing the character through that character's actions in the gameworld. If John from Denver plays a badass murderer in UO who's feared and infamous, it will literally break any of that fear and infamy if I login to vent and hear he's some 15 year old kid with a country accent.
And what's the excuse when said "infamous killer" in game, tells you Via your precious text that he is 15 and has to logoff because his mom told him he has to do his homework for school tomorrow? Do you just ignore it and carry on with your "immersion" and pretend that the in game character is real and the only version. Sounds like roleplaying.

Phoenix Prime_sl

I see the whole voice chat thing to be like the cellphone thing. No one really uses their cell phone to talk anymore. Why? Because peoplebout relevant stuff are long winded and sometime get off topis and you just wanna end the conversation but cant in a nice way. If you text though, you dont have to reply to what you dont want too.

Same works in voice chat and video games. People would have to actually work to communicate with typing and therefore usually only talk about the topic at hand. Voice chat you get so many people talking at once, mumblers, high pitched voices, and all just talking at the same time and at the same level and stuff gets lost. I honestly never could understand what my guild was saying 1/3rd the time I was in voice chat. When you have 3-4 people together it works. Anything more than that and it just devolves into one massive sound orgy.

As for pvp in game, if I designed it. I would have 2 dedicated special pvp servers. 2 item loot, ffa and race based (tallon zek I think it was) pvp. Anything goes. No Gm support outside of hosting events( think best of the best tournaments) and helping bugged out people. No rules or anything. You would have to agree to a seperate EULA to even play on these servers stating that you understood the risks involved playing on these servers. No hand holding, maybe an xp boost modifier to help people lvl faster, id say full looting but thats pushing it a bit, and rankings. People with more pvp kills would be targeted, bounties placed with no one on the targets friend list or guild within one week being able to claim the prize.

Got tons more ideas but dont feel like typing them all out on my phone.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The whole reason this whole argument got started is because any game that requires a pulse is suddenly declared catered to people with ADD, wow kiddies, insert insult here.

Don't use vent; Ts3 or whatever. If you think they are going to make combat in a game that revolves around being able to do laundry between fights with 2 button rotations, you might as well stop following this game.

Do I think someone should develop a game around some of those principles you guys want? Yes I do. You aren't going to find it here though.


Elisha Dushku
If you think they are going to make combat in a game that revolves around being able to do laundry between fights with 2 button rotations, you might as well stop following this game.
Eh. I think we've gone far enough on spastic combat and 10+ hotbars. Time to reset the bar.


The whole reason this whole argument got started is because any game that requires a pulse is suddenly declared catered to people with ADD, wow kiddies, insert insult here.
Regarding combat (not voice chat, I'm getting off topic) I would vastly prefer a fast, reflex based, "I can parry your blow within these 4 frames of the animation" style combat like dark souls or something rather than EQs slow combat. But I would vastly prefer EQs slow play to wows pointless and brain numbing GCD rotation orders. The first is fun, skillful, and active. EQ's is boring but passive. Wow is boring, tedious, and repetitive. Since #1 probably isn't an option, I'll take classic EQ's style instead of WoWs if given the choice.


Trakanon Raider
And what's the excuse when said "infamous killer" in game, tells you Via your precious text that he is 15 and has to logoff because his mom told him he has to do his homework for school tomorrow? Do you just ignore it and carry on with your "immersion" and pretend that the in game character is real and the only version. Sounds like roleplaying.
well, in that case, you still don't have to hear his annoying country accent...


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

Some asshole in vent yelling "Hey look at me teabagging this bat, HAHAHAHAH"


Not anything I need in my life ever
I dunno, there would be something sublime in that contrast.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
well, in that case, you still don't have to hear his annoying country accent...
Which is a honest reason to not like VOIP or be against. His deluded reason of it effecting his immersion and making him realize that the character he has been playing with is not real but is a person in real life sitting some where playing a game is not, unless you cite role-playing, which he specifically said it was not related to that. And I bet even RPers use VOIP for OOC, they at least can make the disconnect between RL and a video game. Dumar it seems cannot or does not want to.


The thing that keeps coming to mind now for me is that song, "has anybody here seen my corpse?" where you hear a deep gutteral voice say, "My name's Galadriel!" The 21st century mangina must adapt to evolving technological countermeasures.


There's probably some money to be made where you turn voice chat into something more immersive? Dude that plays a dwarf talks and voice engine turns it into something that sounds like a dwarf. I donno, maybe that tech can exist? If you make millions from this, please remember me.


Trakanon Raider
There's probably some money to be made where you turn voice chat into something more immersive? Dude that plays a dwarf talks and voice engine turns it into something that sounds like a dwarf. I donno, maybe that tech can exist? If you make millions from this, please remember me.
it's already been stated, but the problem with this would be catfish nation. you'd seriously have a half million manginas running around.


Molten Core Raider
I'm going to reiterate how absolutely terrible most of the designers in this industry are - they don't know their own genre. At all.

Someone said it best on the old boards, maybe Szila or Lithose: we're all playing characters in a play called EverQuest. The reason voicechat is objectively bad, and it's been said already here, is that it brings to reality John from Denver or Pete from Ohio. I don't want to play with John from Denver or Pete from Ohio. I want to playwith their characters. Notice that doesn't mean roleplaying; it means wholly interacting and knowing the character through that character's actions in the gameworld. If John from Denver plays a badass murderer in UO who's feared and infamous, it will literally break any of that fear and infamy if I login to vent and hear he's some 15 year old kid with a country accent.

The massively multiplayer is not about playing with other people. It's about playing with the expressions of those other people in the gameworld.

Designers can't design worth a fucking shit anymore, and it's such a shame for this industry and all of us.
Your post is the best explanation of why "no voice chat"in our pages and pages of discussion and I wholeheartedly agree.