EQ Never


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My keyboard and mouse shatter my immersion. My new kitten jumped on my keyboard. Immersion obliterated. I don't get that argument for any but the consulate RP'er. Might as well larp.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Which is a honest reason to not like VOIP or be against. His deluded reason of it effecting his immersion and making him realize that the character he has been playing with is not real but is a person in real life sitting some where playing a game is not, unless you cite role-playing, which he specifically said it was not related to that. And I bet even RPers use VOIP for OOC, they at least can make the disconnect between RL and a video game. Dumar it seems cannot or does not want to.
There is nothing deluded about his reasoning. I experienced the same thing when VC came out. It did take away from the feeling of a living world in EQ and I never RP'd or cared to. Immersion is an illusion, so is watching a movie btw. Suspension of disbelief is necessary to maintain the illusion. VC did hurt the ability to maintain that. For players who don't care about immersion then of course you never experienced the difference, but to dismiss it is dishonest and myopic on your part.

The genie is out of the bottle though, we can't go back to a time when VC didn't exist. VC is here to stay. It is misguided and futile for players trying to get rid of it, they should instead try to get devs to integrate ways to enhance the illusion with VC for those who like immersion.
I don't know about more intelligent and mature. The majority of people I knew back then were kids or stoners.
Yup, kids, stoners, and stoned kids. And yet still better people than you are today.

What's wrong with having both?
You can't have both, it has to be one way or the other. I can't even be bothered explaining why. This was a discussion people were having 10 years ago when you were still in the womb.

This let's qwerty be a neck beard in his parents basement without ruining social interactions for everyone else.
Voice chat is rampant in modern MMO's and do you even see how that worked out for social interaction? There was none in EQ, and yet it's the most sociable game I've ever played.

I didn't like that shit when I was 19 and voice chat started becoming A Thing People Did. Who wants to go home after a long day of dealing with dickheads and assholes all day and play some games while listening to dickheads and assholes all night?

I simply don't play games with dickheads and assholes.
That's more likely because you ARE a dickhead and asshole, so you can't spot them.

What about voice to text? Basically still have a chat box, but be able to talk out what you want to say in it rather than having to type--allowing you to continue play. Have several voice commands to control channel, cancel message, and send.
That would be cool. If it worked. Part of the problem with the voice chat crowd is that they demand I turn off in game music, and for me, that's a large part of the game.

All these voice chat people need to get a job and some friends imo.


Trakanon Raider
My keyboard and mouse shatter my immersion. My new kitten jumped on my keyboard. Immersion obliterated. I don't get that argument for any but the consulate RP'er. Might as well larp.
you don't get it because you're a fucking retard. your explanation may ruin immersion for you, but it doesn't for anyone else playing the game. now you, being the raving douche that you are, would probably tell everyone in VC that your cat just jumped onto your keyboard, which is one of fifty million things that people say while in VC that no one gives two flying fucks about, and the reason why so many people can't fucking stand VC. at least try to show some sort of reading comprehension if you want to keep up with the argument.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I was showing reading comprehension. My point is its all a slippery slope of tuning what you need for your own immersion. No, I don't tell people a damn cat jumped on my keyboard in VC. Every person has a different opinion of immersion. Basically, the anti-vc people would be just as content if we ever managed to build truly random or people-like ai.

It's like the DDR argument. The only thing I see is that the DDR will change where the feet go and the speed of motions. It's still going to devolve into responding efficiently to a scripted event or a mob with kow abilities.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
You're using highly subjective terms to make a broad sweeping (and in your mind objective) claim whereas I said its purely subjective, which it is.

I mean, you could make an argument that future elder scrolls games would be way more immersive than any mmo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My keyboard and mouse shatter my immersion. My new kitten jumped on my keyboard. Immersion obliterated. I don't get that argument for any but the consulate RP'er. Might as well larp.
Do the pages and ink of a book shatter your immersion of the story also?

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Unless its required (PvP or cutting edge content that needs fast reaction times) I prefer to just use typing. And Qwerty is right but as usual overdoing it in his zeal to ring in a new era of EQ1. Its the same as last week during Man of Steel when I had at least 3 groups of people close enough to hear their chit-chat and comic-neckbearding going on, it made the movie experience less enjoyable, less immersive. Bad games dont manage to build that to start with so its often not an issue, but I always enjoy at least a bit of immersion in my MMO. Random chatter from 20+ people reduces that. Now some dont care, some can filter it better, but I'm sure we can all agree on that? The result is that people that value immersion dislike VC moreso then those that want to chat with their friends while playing a game.

Every neckbeard vs WoWkids arguments gets painted in black white here and pretty much always the truth is actually a shade of grey. Feels like WW1 trench war on some days.

P.S. funny thing is once the game comes out and if the teasing is actually true both sides will hate it for either not being EQ1 reloaded or for not being close enough to a repolished standard features modern MMO, be that WoW or Wildstar or whatever is the latest has-been at that time.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm all for voice chat, but only if you speak in a fake-British accent and use "Lord" and "Lady" when addressing anyone. I find wearing a suit of armor, in real life, helps facilitate this.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Do the pages and ink of a book shatter your immersion of the story also?
Of course not. And I was being facetious before but I guess people took it literally.

Books = Single Player games, MMO = blank paper or at worst choose your own adventure. To me the immersability is totally different. I'm firmly in the "it's a game, not a world" crowd at this point in time.
Do the pages and ink of a book shatter your immersion of the story also?
Dude books are gay bro. Such bad animation ruins my emershin and it takes to long too get anywere. 2 much reading not enuf action! Aint nobody got time for that shit.

And Qwerty is right but as usual overdoing it in his zeal to ring in a new era of EQ1.
I'm always right. Although I always probably overdo it. But at least I'm not like the others who are always wrong and always half ass everything.

P.S. funny thing is once the game comes out and if the teasing is actually true both sides will hate it for either not being EQ1 reloaded or for not being close enough to a repolished standard features modern MMO, be that WoW or Wildstar or whatever is the latest has-been at that time.
Probably. But I always said all along, I don't mind if it's not an EQ reloaded. As I said before, part of the reason EQ was so special was because it was totally new and fresh, I had played nothing even remotely close to it in the past. The nearest was probably Betrayal at Krondor or something. So in a way, a truly new EQ would have to be totally new. And I would dig that. But it can be totally new and yet not have all the lame modern dumb stuff current games have. Hopefully.

Most of the time the stuff I talk about is about a general philosophy rather than individual features. XP rate, death penalties, voice chat, instancing, combat type and speed, etc. I'm not really for or against things 100%, I'm willing to take them as they come and I enjoy different types on occasion. It's mostly the overall philosophy that matters, and as soon as you start cranking your game speed up to a level per 5 minutes and inundating the player with ever improving lewtz etc.. it's clear what their philosophy is. And usually there will be none of the other type of stuff to balance it out.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
So much love in this thread! Wonder if we are gonna be arguing about this shit 30 years from now lol.


Qwerty, explain why you can not have both voice chat and plain text chat? How would it affect you if a group of friends use and in game voice chat instead of Skype or vent?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Qwerty, explain why you can not have both voice chat and plain text chat? How would it affect you if a group of friends use and in game voice chat instead of Skype or vent?
It wouldn't. And I never said ban typing, but if you think for one second it isn't going to be nerdraging about this game and that game followed by dick and ass jokes....