EQ Never


I am curious to see how FFXIV sales turn out. Obviously its too late in the design cycle to influence EQN's direction but if they pull off a successful hybrid experience it will help pave the path forward. Personally, as mentioned previously, I hate the idea personally as the game will always be designed "differently" knowing part of the customer base will be consule based but if they can increase return on development due to increased customers I understand why they would be pushing into this market.

FF releasing aug27 was one of the main reasons I always figured EQN was releasing during the prime. Christmas, and they know they can't compete.


Trump's Staff
I remember in I believe summer of 07 (year before WAR was released) , me and 3 of my buddies took a few days off and drove to Baltimore to a Warhammer convention. Was an excuse to get away from work/wives/kids for a few days and hit a city we never had , but the draw was that particular convention was where Mythic was going to be for the first public demo of WAR and anyone who attended got a card/code that got you into early WAR beta.

After everything from chatting it up with Jacobs while waiting in line to play the scenario that they let attendees play , to the Q/A with Hickman and the yelling from Barnett , they all were truly convinced themselves at that time they had a true WoW competitor on hand. They had us convinced also.

Warhammer IP , DAOC devs , what could it mean but pure bliss and a smash success.

Here's to hoping the EQN game will match the reveal hype.

The WAR hype and hope then end result was what crushed my mmo soul. I've been slightly hyped and looking forward to a game here and there since , but nothing like anything WAR or before.
Thanks man. Now I'm having a panic attack.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Warhammer is the only "major" MMO I haven't at least tried once.


You think you're having a panic attack? That fucking cartoon abomination has been officially labeled as being in the "style of EverQuest Next". This shit just got real.


I wish people would stop freaking out about concept art. Go look at concept art for ANY MMORPG EVER MADE then look at screenshots of the game and tell me how similar it looks. Concept art means nothing pls stahp. You're making my brain hurt.
I wish people would stop freaking out about concept art. Go look at concept art for ANY MMORPG EVER MADE then look at screenshots of the game and tell me how similar it looks. Concept art means nothing pls stahp. You're making my brain hurt.

yea that looks nothing like WoW.


or this


Vyemm Raider
Lurker checking in! Here's to hoping the game kicks ass and twinking is allowed! Or... lets hope it makes some fundamental shifts in the genre. Even if EQN isn't the game we are waiting for, if it makes some solid progress in the direction that many of us want, it won't be a complete failure. Sadly, I find my self more excited for games making changes to the mold than I am about the games themselves. I want to lose my self in an MMO again.