EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm talking about the only person that probably wants cute trolls and ogres is some marketing research jerk who is a self believed genius.

Take it to the polls SoE. I'm not wrong.
Have you seen the Ogre concept art? They're not exactly cute - although they're certainly not fat and grotesque either.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I just get a bad feeling with that Rosie lady being the art director. I watched part of the world building panel, and she mentioned how she had to start googling for random images to know what to build next.
I think you took that out of context. I think they were just looking for a wide sample of art and seeing if they could reproduce it in game - to see how robust the system really was.

EverQuest is an existing franchise. It's okay to shake some things up, but there's a limit. Making races not resemble existing incarnations is one of those things that's over the line for a game having an existing title on it. The characters and people we interacted with were a large part of what we identified and connected with.
If you want to be completely honest, the new Ogres somewhat resemble the Luclin model Ogre.


Golden Squire
These ogre are so similar to Wow orcs I honestly thought someone was just being a douche and throwing our wow concept art saying it was for EQ:N at first. Kinda sad.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know about travel (by all accounts it is slow) but from the devs have said you can't change your base class mid-combat (good) but outside combat it is pretty quick (bad - for the reasons @Lost Ranger stated). They've also said there is some kind of loadout/inventory setup so presumably it's a very quick change from Warrior -> Druid -> Warrior.
They should make Class Abilities changeable on the fly, but base class requires seeing some sort of trainer in the cities. I think that could be a happy medium.


Trakanon Raider
Ogres should not just be slightly meaner looking Barbarians.
Although I can't help but notice that they've carefully avoided any mention of barbarians at SOE Live, even when talking about Halas; closest they've come is saying something like "the residents of Halas" when talking about religion in the lore panel. I wouldn't be too shocked if barbarians and erudites become more human cultures than subraces related to humans; they already seem to be going that route with high elves and wood elves.


Trump's Staff
Nothing against you but I sure hope you cannot do that. That's the attitude that is driving this genre isnt the ground right there. Must Have Now, skip as much of the game as possible, invalidate as much content as possible.

Without trying to be offensive but you're asking for the equivalent of max AA / level cap characters to be buyable, and that in a game that may or may not have significant content beyond getting your classes (kinda depends on crafting/itemization wether getting the classes or getting the fitting gear is bigger task). I mean I could be wrong and they reveal some big AA system on top of the current character advancement, but from what we know, the game is about adventuring in order to acquire a mix of classes you like and equipment that suits the skills you pick.
You do know that unlocking a class doesn't unlock all its abilities, right?

You still have to tier (level?) up each class unlocked to gain its full ability set.


Molten Core Raider
You wouldn't credit warcraft with making the noble orc and how he looks a thing? Because that mongolian ogre does look an awful lot like a wow orc.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Part of me feels that by 2013 MMOs should have been able to accommodate people making anything from an almost emaciated figure that looks like Wizardhawk all the way up to a"DAMN THAT'S A HUGE BITCH"type character. So for an Ogre you can do a "trim, fit" Ogre or an Ogre that actually looks like he has to put his belt on with a boomerang. For trolls I guess I can see someone wanting a thin gangly troll (like the ugly ass models in EQ2,ESPECIALLYthe abortion that was female troll models) but I kinda want a stooped over, stockier kind of troll.

That said, if I can't make a Duckbunny Paladin then I'm not going to play EQ:N.



Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't see how strict Class/Race limits could work for what they're really going for. I mean, what if a class that's restricted for your race has A LOT of requirements? For example, say to get the Paladin class requires to get max tier Warrior and Cleric. Let's say that takes a lot of work, but you REALLY want to be a Paladin. But you're a Dark Elf. So you can't ever be one.

So now you have to make a new character and get max tier with Cleric and Warrior (again) just to unlock Paladin. I don't know, I don't think that really goes with their design very well.

It seems like it would be better to make the Dark Elf work really hard to have the Knights of Truth allow him to be a Paladin, compared to the effort it would take for a High Elf. However the High Elf would have the same struggle if he wanted to become a Shadow Knight. You want to talk about making character class identity matter? I think this is how.


Trump's Staff
You wouldn't credit warcraft with making the noble orc and how he looks a thing? Because that mongolian ogre does look an awful lot like a wow orc.
Absolutely not. Warhammer was rocking that style of Orc loooooong before even the earliest Warcraft Orcs (which was long before WoW for the mmorpg.com scrubs we now have in the house)

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I'm still curious since you don't _have to_ multiclass, if there is an advantage to never multiclassing or picking up other classes....
If i pick monk and "progress" through the game with only the monk, will their be an advantage?
They are saying you dont have to multiclass, and it's probably true. With no vertical advancment your starting class fills all your ability slots just fine, you just arent as flexible as others in your ability choice. I doubt there is an advantage beyond the obvious fact that you havent dabbled in other things that dilute your focus, and a focused character is usually stronger then a jack of all trades. I think alot of people will temporarily "ruin" their character by trying out any combo they find regardless of how much it sucks, just because they can. if you go around in EVE scanning ships of 2 weeks old characters you cant help but chuckle most of the time, and this is kinda the same.

BUT, if you like the game and play for longer, the truth is you will multiclass, no doubt about it. The die-hard wizard/rogue/whatever fans that wouldnt touch any other class in a million years might take a bit longer to realize it but the game is going to take your base classes and slice them into little class packages, so even a "pure" cleric player will see his idea of a cleric reflected in the priest, the acolyte, the archon and the templar and eventually multi into that - because the character is still cleric through and through, just with a broader selection of cleric-like abilities. He might not pick up the beastmaster or wraithlord or scoundrel multiclass because they are too foreign to how he sees his character, though. Meanwhile others will love mashing together their fighter with a dash of arcane or shamanistic classes to make the most out of the ability mix regardless of theme. Both ways should work if the ability balancing is well done (that's kinda the big IF because half of LoL' champions are apparently OP and UP at the same time if you believe the players).

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Yea, EQN should do well. It's just not what some of us want long term is all. But who knows.. They might make it deep enough. We really can't say either way..That said we need to start our boycott of EQ, EQ2 and VG! lol
I'm way ahead of you, I've been boycotting all three since 2004.


Mr. Poopybutthole
"Uh, just to double check for the people at home. The subterranean levels are all procedurally generated, yes?"

"Some of them are." Michael says.

"So is the surface." Klug adds.

"Right. So, Reddit asked about the potential of falling into a hole that you open. Will it be instanced exclusively to you or can anyone jump through it?"

"It's a part of the world just like the surface of the world." Michael affirms.

Then, Klug says: "They can see him do that and jump in right after him."

"Yeah! They can jump right in and be like, 'Oh, my god. I am going to save you!' or 'Oh, my god, I'm going to see what you just found and try to take it from you'"
Confirmed that all the underground isn't just phased off world for each player and group?