EQ Never


I'm guessing the people who want to go back to Eq "difficulty" are just terrible players who can't make it in games today, but were considered good when time invested was the only factor

EQ players ranged from housewives who had a lot of time on their hands and liked the fantasy aspect to actual gamers who also liked fantasy. But you're totally right. People want EQ-like features because they can't hack it in a heavily choreographed raid and not because they enjoyed the unique dynamics of older mmos.


Elisha Dushku
People want EQ-like features because they can't hack it in a heavily choreographed raid and not because they enjoyed the unique dynamics of older mmos.
I will say EQN will have one aspect of EQ in it. I'm guessing slow will be the uber spell and Slowers will be required.


there is no way that all items will be "free". I just started playing EQ2 for shiggles while i have nothing else to play right now, and a chest dropped and in it was a legendary ring... which i can't wear because i need to upgrade my subscription, you really think this train of thought will not be around for EQN? Especially when it seems that abilities will be based on your weapons.
When did people become so against a sub for a game?


Avatar of War Slayer
interesting interview

Sounds really good on paper, but GW2 said pretty much the exact same thing.
haha oh dear.
yeah, that phrasing doesn't give me any confidence at all.

Although, GW2's problem was not a conceptual one. its was a mathematical one mainly.
Scaling up and down was not handled the best. the formula didn't account for gear or traits quite well enough.
Traits themselves should have given more OPTIONS, but not raw mathematical damage gains. so the level 10 in RVR wasn't instantly exploded by the level 80. OR the level 80 downleveled to level 10 didnt trivialize all that content.

rewards also needed to be then made useful throughout. Aka, copper should have had an endgame use. Cooking is the only one that properly required all teirs of materials for end game items. Chili peppers out of level 1-10 char zones are one of the most needed, and expensive cooking materials.


Ssraeszha Raider

EQ players ranged from housewives who had a lot of time on their hands and liked the fantasy aspect to actual gamers who also liked fantasy. But you're totally right. People want EQ-like features because they can't hack it in a heavily choreographed raid and not because they enjoyed the unique dynamics of older mmos.
I'm not sure if you play modern MMOs, but the amount of people who can't grasp the concept of "don't stand in red shit" is staggering. There's also some legitimately very difficult content out there that's very well made, and not just DDR. TSW, for example.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm not sure if you play modern MMOs, but the amount of people who can't grasp the concept of "don't stand in red shit" is staggering. There's also some legitimately very difficult content out there that's very well made, and not just DDR. TSW, for example.
Probably all old EQ players...
When did people become so against a sub for a game?
I have no proof, however I do think that SOE will have some type of gold pass that you can sub for 1,3,6,12 months periods it will come with station cash 500 as it does now.
I do not know if SOE will spin it as not subbing even if some players can use this for extra perks station cash,bonus exp, extra character slots etc.
This also applies to there SOE ALL Access pass which is currently 19.99 per month for few years now.
If the game is good enough, by the time its out I could see them either staying at 19.99 for all access or moveing to 24.99 or back to the orginal 29.99 per month for SOE All access.


Elisha Dushku
My oh my. I have to take Falmer off ignore. Rosie Rappoport does indeed look like a fat ogre on thewww.everquestnext.comwebsite - click on the "Join the Roundtable" button or wait for it to show up as it rotates through the various top level pictures. That is some unfortunate photography - Rosie and Butler need to fire whomever did it - that's just retarded. Her head is twice the size of the next person. All the rest are properly to scale (Talisker is a big guy compared to Butler & the rest)



Avatar of War Slayer
When did people become so against a sub for a game?
As broadband proliferated.
And as more online multiplayer games proliferated. more and more having permanent online accounts. you start looking at LoL's, diablos, guildwars, etc.. and asking, what am I paying for in mmos?
And at the same time the MMO's got more and more instanced, making everyone question the cost again. if the cost was for giant persistent worlds, why am I in shard 23 of this town on this server?
While free mmo's kept showing up.

I'm not saying a sub Mmo can't work. but that company is going to need to EARN it. Show and prove they are going to be putting out constant content, or customer interaction.
there is too much competition to just expect people to pay it anymore.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
You sure have fallen in love with this "face roll" phrase. Eq really wasn't very difficult compared to modern MMOs. More unforgiving with death penalties, but otherwise very simplistic
When I played EQ1 I hated that simplicity, I yearned for more. When the next generation came out pretty much every studio addressed that issue and they tried adding more complexity. Suddenly you ended up with battles that in order to win you HAD to install addons for, unforgiving raids that had fail conditions predicated on the most minor of triggers, and overly complex combat systems that led to things like the abortion of hotkeys that was EQ2. I mean, when the standard just to play an MMO is that you must install X addons to even go on a raid and you need to macro tons of abilities while every content expansion ADDED YET MORE ABILITIES, you know that shit has gone too far.

I don't understand how SOE could go from having such a minimalist game to something where it felt like a single class had more abilities than all of the classes from EQ1 had, combined.

I don't want another EQ1 in terms of simplicity, but I'd like the pendulum to start swinging back towards that direction some. I don't care what the haters say, WOW had some decent class design that originally wasn't too overly bloated. There is room for improvement, sure, but SOE has staked out the two extremes in complexity and hopefully they find some happy middle ground with EQ:N

The EQ2 combat system is probably the only thing that I've truly wanted an apology from Developers for. Throwing more abilities at a combat system does not make it better.

you just described what made EQ awesome and what no other game has been able to replicate.
Meh. I have little to no desire to herd cats. I didn't ever really want to do it before, and now I want to avoid it at all costs. I think that I am now one of those players who has tried scads of MMOs and I am not sure that I even want to play them on an even semi-serious basis anymore. They're repetitive treadmills and FFS the last thing I want to do is log into a game so that I can spend hours slowly crushing my testicles in the figurative vise of organizing raids or dealing with things like taking hours to either get a CR or to even get to a raid in the first place.

We've had this core debate for years though: on one side we have players that have no desire to climb over those hurdles again and just want to get straight to the actual gameplay, and on the other side we have players that actually want the long tedious CRs, terribly time-consuming travel and having the time spent forming a raid end up being longer than the actual raid itself. But now I'm getting to the point where I question the model of MMOs themselves and I start thinking that maybe all that I want is something smaller and more intimate, like an online multiplayer Skyrim, what I take Shroud of the Avatar to be, or a Minecraft server to play on with a handful of friends.

Sometimes EQ1 reminds me of the 1973 Oil Crisis where you had to wait in line for hours to even have a chance at getting gas, but unlike EQ1 I don't remember anyone reminiscing about how it was so incredibly awesome and actually wishing that they could sit in line waiting for gas for hours on end again. I guess I just never "got" what made that stuff "awesome". I mean I grasp the premise that those trials and tribulations may have been what made the eventual successes all the sweeter, but for me the successes in the game were sweet in and of themselves and the tedium was just that...needless tedium.

On paper we can make any game that we want, unfortunately Devs have to make games for a broad range of players. If I could make an MMO with the most unforgiving design decisions for some of the minority niche players I would (and I think that we can all agree that the players wanting CRs and hours of travel back are in a minority niche, overall). I mean if we could cater to that demand seperately we wouldn't have an issue, but we all know that isn't going to happen because so many people look at those CR mechanics and long travel times and think"fuck that, I'd rather go clean the garage"


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I'm 100% against any sort of DBM addon. Devs should address things like debuffs, ae's, dispels in an organic way that doesn't involve UI watching. Not even sure if this shit will be relevant in EQN.

Give me a very flexible UI and some good target frames then get the fuck out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't understand how SOE could go from having such a minimalist game to something where it felt like a single class had more abilities than all of the classes from EQ1 had, combined.
Did you never play a caster in EQ? I remember having like 50 pages of different spells.


Avatar of War Slayer
Meh. I have little to no desire to herd cats. I didn't ever really want to do it before, and now I want to avoid it at all costs. I think that I am now one of those players who has tried scads of MMOs and I am not sure that I even want to play them on an even semi-serious basis anymore. They're repetitive treadmills and FFS the last thing I want to do is log into a game so that I can spend hours slowly crushing my testicles in the figurative vise of organizing raids or dealing with things like taking hours to either get a CR or to even get to a raid in the first place.

We've had this core debate for years though: on one side we have players that have no desire to climb over those hurdles again and just want to get straight to the actual gameplay, and on the other side we have players that actually want the long tedious CRs, terribly time-consuming travel and having the time spent forming a raid end up being longer than the actual raid itself. But now I'm getting to the point where I question the model of MMOs themselves and I start thinking that maybe all that I want is something smaller and more intimate, like an online multiplayer Skyrim, what I take Shroud of the Avatar to be, or a Minecraft server to play on with a handful of friends.

Sometimes EQ1 reminds me of the 1973 Oil Crisis where you had to wait in line for hours to even have a chance at getting gas, but unlike EQ1 I don't remember anyone reminiscing about how it was so incredibly awesome and actually wishing that they could sit in line waiting for gas for hours on end again. I guess I just never "got" what made that stuff "awesome". I mean I grasp the premise that those trials and tribulations may have been what made the eventual successes all the sweeter, but for me the successes in the game were sweet in and of themselves and the tedium was just that...needless tedium.

On paper we can make any game that we want, unfortunately Devs have to make games for a broad range of players. If I could make an MMO with the most unforgiving design decisions for some of the minority niche players I would (and I think that we can all agree that the players wanting CRs and hours of travel back are in a minority niche, overall). I mean if we could cater to that demand seperately we wouldn't have an issue, but we all know that isn't going to happen because so many people look at those CR mechanics and long travel times and think"fuck that, I'd rather go clean the garage"
I think somewhere in there is where the McMMo comes in.
MP skyrim you play with your friends, and then go back to public, persistent town. Path of Exileish, or Neverwinter.
Maybe even having it mostly private, but your instance can be opened to public ala Borderlands, or PoE^.

I don't think there is really a surprise these do so well.

Alot of people in these threads have this all or nothing idea of course.
They can't imagine a world where the McMMO, sandbox, and themepark all coexist beside each other.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I never played much d&d, but I certainly don't remember having 70 people with my dm. I'd much prefer a smaller group focus.


Elisha Dushku
I mean, when the standard just to play an MMO is that you must install X addons to even go on a raid and you need to macro tons of abilities while every content expansion ADDED YET MORE ABILITIES, you know that shit has gone too far.
I don't agree with Erronius on much, but he's right here. This is one of the two reasons I quit WoW (the other being the nerfs to all the interesting items/weapon/world).


People were so engrossed by the game that they put up with corpse runs and travel times. Of course they were aggravating at the time but there were also positives to those features.


Elisha Dushku
Side note It will be interesting to see how SOE deals with hacking. Seems like a ripe environment for MQ/Ghost?? (wtf it was called) and all the other hacking bullshit that fucked up EQ.


Buzzfeed Editor
Sometimes EQ1 reminds me of the 1973 Oil Crisis where you had to wait in line for hours to even have a chance at getting gas, but unlike EQ1 I don't remember anyone reminiscing about how it was so incredibly awesome and actually wishing that they could sit in line waiting for gas for hours on end again. I guess I just never "got" what made that stuff "awesome". I mean I grasp the premise that those trials and tribulations may have been what made the eventual successes all the sweeter, but for me the successes in the game were sweet in and of themselves and the tedium was just that...needless tedium.
Not "needless", it's operant conditioning. There are "sweet spots" where irregularity can increase euphoria of rewards. And consistency can decrease them. Gambling vs Work, even if they reward the same amount, most people would elect to gamble. Kind of an odd thing, extra credits has a great little video on it called Skinner's box. It's kind of a "cheap" way to design games, but it's one explanation why the lens shifted. The consistency of later games? Reduced that conditioning.