EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
The one thing about EQ Next that makes sense is that a bunch of aviaks/goblins/whatever sitting in a camp waiting for you to show up and kill them is...kinda dumb. Letting the mobs roam around and be less predictable = fun.

But then we got SOEmote and swoosh dodge stupidity combat and StoryBricks died. Shoulda built the evolving world AI tech already and turned it loose on the players to experiment with. THAT would have been a better Landmark than a Minecraft clone.

I'm down for Qeynos being a thriving city on one server and a smoking dragon-infested ruin on another, IF Daybreak had the balls to do that, which they don't.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Any game that wants to last needs a polished engine at launch. I would compare WoW vanilla and FFXIV's rerelease as the same in that regard, excellent engine that handled gameplay despite both suffering from server / net issues early on. You can fix those issues and adapt to server load, but contrast that with engine trouble like SWTOR and you're stuck with a permanent dev handicap rather than an engineering repair problem.

Once you have that you can focus dev attention on making a great game. But the million dollar question is: are voxels a solid engine decision? Who knows.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The one thing about EQ Next that makes sense is that a bunch of aviaks/goblins/whatever sitting in a camp waiting for you to show up and kill them is...kinda dumb. Letting the mobs roam around and be less predictable = fun.
They weren't sitting around in a camp waiting for you to kill them. As shoddy as you may think it was, that's where they lived. Just like Runnyeye wasn't a bunch of random goblins, but their city. Even Old Sebilis had a kitchen full of employed frogs and a jail and you were a damned invader!

I like ruining other players' days in PvP, and in PvE I much prefer invading the home of some poor suckers and killing their chef or banker! Hell, even Orc and Gnolls in EQ recognized as a player had ruined their own homelands and were concerned you were going to ruin theirs as well.

EQ was cool like that and felt like places existed without the players, instead of just being a bunch of mobs who rush into action once the players show up, like they've got a show to perform and the players are the VIP with front-row seats. I tend to find newer games are too often the premise that a bunch of baddies are in a dungeon or area conspiring to commit evil, which started to feel more hollow to me like they're expecting you and standing around ready to fight you off, instead of feeling like those mobs exist in their personal space regardless of whether you show up or not.


Trakanon Raider
They weren't sitting around in a camp waiting for you to kill them. As shoddy as you may think it was, that's where they lived. Just like Runnyeye wasn't a bunch of random goblins, but their city. Even Old Sebilis had a kitchen full of employed frogs and a jail and you were a damned invader!

I like ruining other players' days in PvP, and in PvE I much prefer invading the home of some poor suckers and killing their chef or banker! Hell, even Orc and Gnolls in EQ recognized as a player had ruined their own homelands and were concerned you were going to ruin theirs as well.

EQ was cool like that and felt like places existed without the players, instead of just being a bunch of mobs who rush into action once the players show up, like they've got a show to perform and the players are the VIP with front-row seats. I tend to find newer games are too often the premise that a bunch of baddies are in a dungeon or area conspiring to commit evil, which started to feel more hollow to me like they're expecting you and standing around ready to fight you off, instead of feeling like those mobs exist in their personal space regardless of whether you show up or not.
I agree. I also hate leashing. Having mobs chase you for an entire zone was fun, dangerous, and made for some great griefing and trains.


Golden Squire
I agree. I also hate leashing. Having mobs chase you for an entire zone was fun, dangerous, and made for some great griefing and trains.
Totally agree with this. The whole concept of leashing is absurd and was just made to ensure little Timmy could not get griefed trained no matter how much he sucked or how much he may have deserved it. No leashing accomplished a lot of things: Increased realism "oh you tried to kill me? Let me chase you 50' but then I will just go back to waiting for you to try again", Increased challenge - you actually had to be aware of your environment and read your chat log to avoid trains, it made for some glorious AoE groups, and it made you actually want to go deeper into dungeons to avoid the zone camping trains that newbs always made.

The only reason to support leashing is because you want to avoid having to deal with the mess other players might make -- but that is what single player games are for imo.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Leashing wasn't simply train protection, it was to eliminate the need to address the kiting-to-kill problem with named / boss mobs. You have been summoned! was a tired mechanic when they put it on every single guy, so instead of finding a better solution they took a sledgehammer to kiting itself.

Still didn't stop them from creating the retardation of Winterspring hunter epic demon, nor stop the druids who decided Kazzak needed to visit Stormwind.


Vyemm Raider
Game needs uninterruptable mobs with huge roaming paths that gate back to their spawn at the ass end of the dungeon and bring everything back with them because Fuck You, that's "realistic" and "immersive"

Bonus points if they gate AND summon.

(and hilarious when it isn't you)


Trakanon Raider
Game needs uninterruptable mobs with huge roaming paths that gate back to their spawn at the ass end of the dungeon and bring everything back with them because Fuck You, that's "realistic" and "immersive"

Bonus points if they gate AND summon.

(and hilarious when it isn't you)
I have no problem with that.


Trump's Staff
I'm sorry I'm not a pussy like you.


Golden Squire
Game needs uninterruptable mobs with huge roaming paths that gate back to their spawn at the ass end of the dungeon and bring everything back with them because Fuck You, that's "realistic" and "immersive"

Bonus points if they gate AND summon.

(and hilarious when it isn't you)
You seem to be implying that somewhere I said the solution that EQ had was the correct one, or in any way 'good'. I am not. Somewhere between 'Fuck, you ran 50', I ain't pissed enough to follow you' and 'summon the whole raid from the other end of the dungeon' there has got to be a better fucking solution. Hell, just do a better job of making mobs move at different speeds solves most problems. I mean, seriously, the guy is 50' tall are you telling me he should move the same as some 5'6" tall human monk?

Couple variable run speeds on mobs with diminishing returns on snares. Solves both problems without lame ass leashing or summoning.


Big things happening in the EQN world today. They released concept art for goblins. I'd link it but I'm on my phone and it's not worth seeing.


Trakanon Raider
The game just appears uninspired to me. At least in the way that I would think someone who would have EQ on their mind. The game could be the best on the planet but if it doesn't have some type of EQ look/feel, I don't know if I can get into it.