EQ Never


<Gold Donor>
Im sorry, we dont need to take rpgs and turn them into pseudo twitch based shooters. Fuck that. I want deep chess style gameplay, not how fast I can push button x or dolphin dive out of the way. Leave that shit in shooters.


Im sorry, we dont need to take rpgs and turn them into pseudo twitch based shooters. Fuck that. I want deep chess style gameplay, not how fast I can push button x or dolphin dive out of the way. Leave that shit in shooters.
Agreed. I personally am not happy with the direction some mmo's are going in when it comes to combat. I don't want an action rpg where I have to dodge attacks and aim fireballs and shit like that.

I liked your "Deep chess style" analogy and I feel like that's what I want too but I have a hard time describing it any further. =/


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm not sure how anyone has faith in it to begin with. Anyone who has been playing MMOs for anything beyond a few years should be very skeptical.


Trakanon Raider
If those guys are the guys in charge I just lost a whole lot of faith in this game.
This... reputation proceed themselves and they are in deeper than FFXIV in regards to starting in the red. I don't mean to have sour grapes but I'm just tired of wasting my time and money.


Trakanon Raider
Stop buying MMOs at release then.
That's easier said than done because at some point it is a judgement call and a risk. Some of the most fun in an MMO has been the release rush (but early starts have subsided this a bit) and I used to wait until a week or so in hopes of a new server opening. However, games do not seem to make it this far anymore. I believe Rift was the last game I played that you could have waited for a new server to pop up and get that early feel. I think its fair to at least expect a game to make it 2-3 months. I believe that most games have been done within the first month.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What the hell does deep chess mean in relation with mmo combat? You want a turn based combat system?
I just took it as analogy for smarter AE during combat which we did talk about. I guess devs seem to feel that it would cause too much rage quitting..

As for Brad being on EQN..I'm all for it. I know Draegen invited him to the forum but he declined. I'm betting he lurks. I just haven't seen anything official saying he's actually on the project.. Actually, I've only heard he isnt on it.

Lost Ranger_sl

I understand you are in an awkward position here (giving you the benefit of the doubt).
Don't. The guy is often full of shit and has been caught in more then one lie over the years. He dug himself a pretty deep hole of bullshit back in the old FoH Aion thread. Until he gives a real source it is a pretty safe bet to just assume he is talking out of his ass.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Afaik EQN is going to use a F2P model anyway so there's no downside to trying it out at release and dropping it if it stinks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Don't. The guy is often full of shit and has been caught in more then one lie over the years. He dug himself a pretty deep hole of bullshit back in the old FoH Aion thread. Until he gives a real source it is a pretty safe bet to just assume he is talking out of his ass.
Some of his info is accurate and can be confirmed just reading smed interviews. I do recall hearing Jeff Butler was involved. I don't remember hearing anything about Brad tho.


I understand you are in an awkward position here (giving you the benefit of the doubt). However, I would need evidence in regards to both of your posts regarding SJ, Sillus, and even Jeff Butler. I assumed Jeff would be on the staff and regardless of Brad's title, he's being asked questions and looking at various things but, to think that SJ and Sillus would have high dollar titles on a make-or-break project is beyond me.
I know Brad personally we go back to Muds, as well as UO.I not going to post shit that was in private emails, and other stuff with him.

Smokejumper when he Left eq2 as Producer and his only claim to fame is SOEmote which is patheic was geting moved to Eq3 next , yah he is Exec Producer or Senior Producer which scares the fuck out of me.
Silus fucked up VG with pota crap timesink,then got moved to eq2 to do veilous shit and reitemization fucked that up, then VG pre ftp launch when he recoded most the drop, fucked that up he got moved to eq 3 next then, have no clue what his title is.I could ask but few people im good friends with know cant stand him, so try not to bring him up ever.

Smokejumper however for sure is what posted with eq 3 next, and thats not even fucking funny.

Jeff been on eq 3 for while now, I know his Title on the Project but wont post it here.

I have done every SOE Alpha their is, even sigil Alpha for VG, eq1, eq 2, ps2 Alpha, Galaxies Alpha due to designer Dragon whom new from UO Alpha,UO.

As for 2 persons Neg ing my Rep cause wont post private emails, or phone numbers,voice mails etc well fuck off.

Friends that are developers you dont betray for NDA reasons, as well as just the fucking Principle of it.

One the Reasons been in so many Alphas, let alone very early betas after Alphas is my friendship with certain devs.
That being said you can understand, Hopefully why im not going to get into it.


Trakanon Raider
I know Brad personally we go back to Muds, as well as UO.I not going to post shit that was in private emails, and other stuff with him.

Smokejumper when he Left eq2 as Producer and his only claim to fame is SOEmote which is patheic was geting moved to Eq3 next , yah he is Exec Producer or Senior Producer which scares the fuck out of me.
Silus fucked up VG with pota crap timesink,then got moved to eq2 to do veilous shit and reitemization fucked that up, then VG pre ftp launch when he recoded most the drop, fucked that up he got moved to eq 3 next then, have no clue what his title is.I could ask but few people im good friends with know cant stand him, so try not to bring him up ever.

Smokejumper however for sure is what posted with eq 3 next, and thats not even fucking funny.

Jeff been on eq 3 for while now, I know his Title on the Project but wont post it here.

I have done every SOE Alpha their is, even sigil Alpha for VG, eq1, eq 2, ps2 Alpha, Galaxies Alpha due to designer Dragon whom new from UO Alpha,UO.

As for 2 persons Neg ing my Rep cause wont post private emails, or phone numbers,voice mails etc well fuck off.

Friends that are developers you dont betray for NDA reasons, as well as just the fucking Principle of it.

One the Reasons been in so many Alphas, let alone very early betas after Alphas is my friendship with certain devs.
That being said you can understand, Hopefully why im not going to get into it.
I guess my question is how these guys at the top (or close to the top) seem to make such major decisions without reproach. I know there are people there that had to disagree with some of these decisions. I know when I was in Software and toward the end of that tenure was just below my manager, stuff like this just didn't happen. I can't imagine some of the EQ2 expansions, VG, etc. directions being made by a single person and because they say, so it shall be. Is that the way things work over there? I love to have their jobs because it appears some moron gets into position X and then he is free to command the coding minions to do his bidding.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm fine with the info given. He might have said too much already. Obviously he can't give it all away or he will be shut out. Be reasonable and use a little common sense.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Then why not just keep your yap shut all together?
Seriously... If you come here and say I know stuff but can't say anything..what do you expect the response from posters to be?

Also...what does giving Butlers title have to do with anything? I'm pretty sure it's already out there so not sure where you're going with that? I could be missing something..

If you're "friends" with Brad, have him post here. I think a lot of people would welcome it.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Seriously... If you come here and say I know stuff but can't say anything..what do you expect the response from posters to be?

Also...what does giving Butlers title have to do with anything? I'm pretty sure it's already out there so not sure where you're going with that?

If you're "friends" with Brad, have him post here. I think a lot of people would welcome it.
You guys throwing a tantrum about it really doesn't help your case. And it is a great illustration of why devs don't come to boards like this anymore.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys throwing a tantrum about it really doesn't help your case. And it is a great illustration of why devs don't come to boards like this anymore.
Lol nobody is throwing a tantrum. Simply responding to his comment about being negged..He's not really saying anything other than take my word for it. I don't think it's unreasonable if people ask for proof. He could very well be telling the truth. Most of his comments have actually already been confirmed. This thread has also been trolled already so...

Lost Ranger_sl

Some of his info is accurate and can be confirmed just reading smed interviews. I do recall hearing Jeff Butler was involved. I don't remember hearing anything about Brad tho.
If he links his sources then great. He has shown that his word isn't worth much though so until then I'd just advise taking anything he says with a big grain of salt.