EQ Never


Avatar of War Slayer
When people opened their wallet for unfinished products. To be totally honest, this is the fault of the consumer (not just in EQ Next case, but in all cases). The fact people will open their wallet to "buy" a game years before it's developed is dumb and retarded.

I'll also admit I did it twice - Grim Dawn and Path of Exile - and even though they are done and saw release, I'll never do it again. The only way I'll pay for development is if they are paying me some of the dividends.
I've bought into more then a few. probably 50/50 on success/regret. I generally only go for it, if I look at what they have and think, good idea, sound execution/planning. I think they can do what they say.
most are also in playable states already.

The big element is I sure as hell don't "all in." I don't mind dropping a 5-10-25$ ante here and there. But like landmark.. what was it 60-100? nope nope nope.

Honestly, I think I was entirely right on the design of Landmark too.
Trove is still going. Landmark was entirely too much just a map making tool, not enough game. Also, the "blocks" in trove, minecraft, terraria, even starbound, and lego's is pretty important to allowing casual builders to build.


Well that guys who was in charge of EQN is now in charge of the new project so I can't be too hopeful. Blame needs to go to the leadership.
Which guys? I mean, the original crew of leaders are long gone. Fucking Georgeson on Twitter acting like its reduced staff that caused this, completely ignoring his failure to make a viable product that wasn't sinking a company. He was one the major reasons people got whacked.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
The big element is I sure as hell don't "all in." I don't mind dropping a 5-10-25$ ante here and there. But like landmark.. what was it 60-100? nope nope nope.
I did very heavy PoE and GD ($250 on PoE and $500 on GD). Both are fantastic games, but I spent way way more than I should have.

Entropia Universe (the old real cash game) actually pays dividends to players who buy deeds which fund development of their projects (i.e.Compet). The fun fact too is that the deeds are tradeable in game, so its basically a tradeable share of stock that pays a dividend inside the parent game (EU) which can then be cashed out. That's a reasonable way to do it.

Everyone backing projects on kickstarter or other means are going to get screwed over, no matter if the game ships or not. You're screwed if the game doesn't ship, and you got screwed if it does because you got a fucking tshirt, meanwhile they are banking off of your risky investment which you get a 0.0% return on, basically.


Looking over concept art and captures brings me sadness.

I didn't want the Disnification, but a reimagined Norrath had a lot of potential.


Doer of Things
Yeah, HexTCG's "wait three years for core advertised gameplay to be implemented but please buy expansions while you wait plsplspls" pretty much guaranteed I'm never giving money to a company before they've got a finished product again.
I never followed EQN except checking this thread once in a while. What exactly was the point of the Minecraft element and EQ? Seems like it would inevitably play out two ways: (1) you would just visit Freeport and it would be a giant crater or (2) giant dongs everywhere.

EQ3 isn't hard:

1. Just forget EQ2 nd EQN ever happened.
2. Make EQ1 with better graphics and modern UI.
3. 100% ignore PVP.
4. Integrate a hybrid of WoW Progress and Magelo/Armory, but on steroids, into the game, website, everything for both raids and single party content.
5. Wipe rankings every patch/season/expansion and archive them.
6. Enshrine the top guilds/players into past season rankings forever. 5 years later I could go back and see my guild did the 3rd fastest clear of Nagafens Lair in Vanilla EQ3. Or my buddy had the highest defense warrior on the server.


Trakanon Raider
Good article and a subtle jab at Georgeson.On EverQuest Next and AI-Driven MMOs IA on AI
Still want Norrath though.
I hope he's right that we haven't seen the last of MMOs trying to use that kind of AI. Voxels and most of the other features listed for EQN sounded like gimmicks-ones that could be fun if done right, but gimmicks nonetheless. The AI, if done right, I think could've legitimately been something that revolutionized the genre.

Honestly, if a couple years down the line Daybreak came out and announced, "Ok, we're doing EQ3. None of the features announced for EQN are carrying over, except the AI. Everything else will be pretty standard," that would probably be the best case scenario coming out of this cancellation.


Trakanon Raider
Just gives this IP to POE devs, and let them doing something really basic in terms of graphic, with all the good EQ1 feature and expand the project later.


The really stupid thing is nobody wants to build the game right. They theory craft and scope the fuck out of something instead of making what's important.. The combat.. Fun. First. Then build the rest of the game around that fun thing.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
The really stupid thing is nobody wants to build the game right. They theory craft and scope the fuck out of something instead of making what's important.. The combat.. Fun. First. Then build the rest of the game around that fun thing.
I disagree. If you always focus on the combat first and mainly, then you won't ever have MMOs change that much from what they have been for over 15 years. Sure, if the goal is to make the same thing except for a hook or two, then that's just fine. Some on here were excited to see a game trying to expand the horizons. Sure, it was a huge failure but there could have been many reasons for that.

I personally play games like the upcoming Crowfall, CU, CoD, etc for my combat fixes. Sure, B&S, Tera, etc have amazing combat and that was the focus. The rest of the game wasn't good enough and a few months later, time for the next big thing. Combat was the focus. It wasn't enough.


Trump's Staff
The really stupid thing is nobody wants to build the game right. They theory craft and scope the fuck out of something instead of making what's important.. The combat.. Fun. First. Then build the rest of the game around that fun thing.
EQ1 combat isn't exactly fun, and not why I play the game. I feel like this harkens back to the time you asked us to tell you why we like emu EQ over present day, and you didn't understand anything about the replies.