EQ Never


They can make enough money off F2P games that don't take near as much to develop. They are taking a "risk" with EQN and expecting it to last as long as EQ1 and EQ2 which means it'll need core gamers that wont hop ship after 6 months.
What the fuck is "enough money?" No such thing.

They're talking up "sandbox" and similar buzzwords because they want to create brand differentiation in a market saturated with WoW and its clones. You can bet, however, that SOE will do everything in their power to make this game accessible to the masses that will actually recoup their investment. Whether or not it produces some gameplay innovation will determine the fate of the game and the EQ franchise.


Elisha Dushku
I quit reading this thread. someone PM me after August 2.
This was the smart move.

What advantage is it other than he got there with less time? How is your character level important? Why do you care that he leveled faster? What is he winning at? Levels? Yay?
It's a game. Part of the game is leveling.

So yes, on the "it's not rocket surgery, no one is going to die or explode" level it's all fucking pointless anyway compared to dying children in Africa and planes exploding in SFO and we all know in ten years we'll all become like Sean and bitch about "how pointless EQ raiding was and wtf was i doing with my life in 1999-2003" except it will be EQN and 2014-2018 or so. So maybe we should just give everyone GM access so they can have everything and do anything and get bored and stop playing ASAP - we would be doing them and everyone else a favor.

However, on the entirely different "games are a major form of enjoyment in our non-billionaire, non-G550 owning lives" so getting the gold star "you are the first to craft a longsword + 1" or bronze star "you are the third rogue on the Trak server to hit cap" achievements means something to our dopamine-addled brains.


<Silver Donator>
I don't remember the values but I didn't feel like GW2 xp boosts were any useful and worth their cost. Probably because base xp was good to begin with(modern wow lvling curve, 2days and a half played to cap or whatever it was). On the other hand, I wouldn't have considered playing planetside 2 without xp booster cause they doubled your xp and that made a huge difference. Also it's a full pvp games so xp that unlocks upgrades=winning. I didn't feel it was too much of an issue however cause it was only like 15$ a month or some shit and well, I'm fine with paying that for a mmo. Still for the most part I'd say Planetside2 was very much pay to win. Sure it was still a FPS so a retard would still be a retard even in a good tank, but at equal skill level someone with the best equipement would beat someone without for obvious reasons.

GW2 I don't know, I wouldn't say it was pay to win and only thing I bought was a couple of bank bags or whatever, which was convenience since I could have just used mules instead, and never felt like spending anything else on the game. I guess there was an advantage to paying for farming karma faster or leveling faster or whatever but it felt it had such a small impact it wasn't relevant to me. Some other people would be more sensitive to it I'm sure.

You can probably design an item shop without xp boosts if you wanted though. Limit characters > char slots, usual inventory/bank slots, consumables that are available ingame but can get them for real money, shit like that. I guess you could have premium access to certain bonus areas and shit like that too, kinda like DLC, and then 2-3months later it goes available to everyone and you add more. I would absolutely hate such a system but it's technically not pay to win.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I don't think the people who don't want xp pots say it because they want an advantage. They just don't want to be forced into that advantage because of thier competitive nature. You can still be about the journey and level at a reasonable speed.
For me it's more of a preference but I actually rather just pay a sub and have no cash shop. I don't have the time to keep up with the hardcore folks. I just don't think I need xp pots either.
I dont want nor will I user xp pots. I want to experience the games I play not shortcut my way to the end. I'm arguing for the acceptance of xp potswith regards to EQN and this thread about it only. They are a reality of corporate produced games because of this:

What the fuck is "enough money?" No such thing. ... You can bet, however, that SOE will do everything in their power to make this game accessible to the masses that will actually recoup their investment.
I'm on board with a game close the EQ model, but this isnt the thread for that crusade even though it has the letters in the tread title. Gaming and MMO gaming went mainstream and the companies that created the genre are all about the $$$ now. So given that, I'll be happy with sandbox elements and hopefully a slow progression that doesnt invalidate 90% of the game at cap (hopefully no cap!). I'll overlook the parts of their revenue efforts I dont like and be ok with it (or quit if they annoy me too much, but that's something to decide once they announce them).

We need a new indepent dev team that somehow gets ahold of 50mil to make a game in the spirit of EQ without selling out.

With things like bag/bank space, my acceptance of it is basically dependent on how many they give you for free. GW2 is a good example of this; they give you a good number of slots off the bat, and you'll never feel like you *need* to buy new slots, doing so just feels like a convenience, not a necessity.
GW2 did well in this regard, though I dont like the automatic shared bank (automatically full on new alts then). TOR went the other way and basically said "pay $ for storage space or quit" shortly after level 10 (on entirely new F2P accounts, pre-F2P accounts kept their unlocks).

The current debate boils down to people not accepting that the are a large group of people who consider an MMO a "full time" hobby (meaning they go to work, then come home and play the game, rinse repeat) over a casual game (they play 2-4 days a week)

If you look at the current promo Sony is running which is requesting EQ players to tell their EQ story. You will see there are players who really live their social lives in the game. Whether you agree or disagree with the way they are living their lives, denying it's existence is unacceptable. If you want to be that player who grinds to max, then plays only on raid nights that's fine, go play a wow-clone. Those are the games that are made for you. There is a large population of players who want a more EQeque game whether you like it or not.
I think we agree on wanting an EQ-like experience. Can I get a non-defensive honest answer to this: Do you honestly believe SOE is not going to max revenue streams on this project here? You must realize that maxing profits doesnt bode well for an EQ-like experience.

I don't remember the values but I didn't feel like GW2 xp boosts were any useful and worth their cost. Probably because base xp was good to begin with(modern wow lvling curve, 2days and a half played to cap or whatever it was). On the other hand, I wouldn't have considered playing planetside 2 without xp booster cause they doubled your xp and that made a huge difference. Also it's a full pvp games so xp that unlocks upgrades=winning. I didn't feel it was too much of an issue however cause it was only like 15$ a month or some shit and well, I'm fine with paying that for a mmo. Still for the most part I'd say Planetside2 was very much pay to win. Sure it was still a FPS so a retard would still be a retard even in a good tank, but at equal skill level someone with the best equipement would beat someone without for obvious reasons.

GW2 I don't know, I wouldn't say it was pay to win and only thing I bought was a couple of bank bags or whatever, which was convenience since I could have just used mules instead, and never felt like spending anything else on the game. I guess there was an advantage to paying for farming karma faster or leveling faster or whatever but it felt it had such a small impact it wasn't relevant to me. Some other people would be more sensitive to it I'm sure.

You can probably design an item shop without xp boosts if you wanted though. Limit characters > char slots, usual inventory/bank slots, consumables that are available ingame but can get them for real money, shit like that. I guess you could have premium access to certain bonus areas and shit like that too, kinda like DLC, and then 2-3months later it goes available to everyone and you add more. I would absolutely hate such a system but it's technically not pay to win.
GW2 didnt give you much reason to race anywhere to begin with (though people did of course, it's the only way).

Planetside 2 didnt feel P2W to me, but then my definition for that is things you can *only* get with money or excessive grind. A guy saving himself 1000 certs for a weapon (still needs thousands more to "cap" that build) doesnt have an advantage only $ can budge. He saved himself time. That's what xp boosts are doing. I see that for some in that thread that is already P2W and for them pretty much all current games are P2W (including EQ1/2). Depressing outlook, especially considering that Smed fancies the PS2 model and probably uses it as the base for EQN.

Funny enough EVE is obvious P2W according to you all, they faciliated character and gametime sales long ago and its still grey market stuff in mainstream MMOs. It's also the game giving the biggest thrill or feeling of accomplishment for success.


Apples and Jackhammer comparisons. In an MMO the fundamental equation is: time invested x risk = reward. XP Potions fuck up the equation. I may put in 8 hours on a Saturday but I never put in 8 hours on a M-Fri. If somone is putting in 8 hours M-Sunday then they deserve everything they get, and they deserve more than I am getting.
Time is money, therefore money is time. The formula still holds.

"couldn't" my man. And what's wrong with the hand mount? That thing is pimp.
Also the ogre is certainly a dapper gentleman.

Beyond the aesthetics, there's something to be said about knowing what the other guy is wearing/using.
Yeah, it's saying "This game design is old and busted & people will be bitching for appearance slots/costumes/transmog within a month". Or do youseriouslythink that "Sorry folks, mandatory clownsuits for everyone!" is a viable choice in the middle of the second decade of MMOs?
Can I reposition us to loot/item theory?

Will anyone else be immediately turned off if they see stat lines on their first low level loot looking like:

Crit Ch
Spell Crit Ch

Really hoping item progression differs from basically ever MMO since 2003. Please find a way to make my heart pound on the thought of upgrading from banded to bronze armor, even though it just increases my AC.


Trakanon Raider
So...EQ had some unpopular expansions which I mention. So unpopular that many of your friends left after a little over two years, right? Is that your version of 'long in the tooth'? These people moved on so successfully that WoW was just a blip on the radar screen and has, of course, ran it's five year course of 'longtoothedness' in 2009 right? Damn, talk about stupid. WoW was a massive upgrade at the time and has kept a strong base well over 5 years. Nothing about EQ's fundamental gameplay except that people didn't like to play it right? Because fun isn't fundamental to a game's base at all. Or longtoothedness or whatever excuse is used for why EQ lost massive population after 2004. Yeah...that's the ticket, longtoothedness. I stand corrected.
Warcraft was a much higher established name than EQ ever was, and WoW has had the benefit of having absolutely zero competition for the past almost 10 years because every game that has come out since has just been a shitty WoW knock off. plus, most people had never even heard of a MMO before WoW was released because blizzard had the $ to actually market their game (whereas EQ had zero commercials or marketing at release and the only way most people even heard of it was through word of mouth). damn, talk about stupid.


I don't really give a shit about xp boosts, but they could be a benefit if friends wanted to stay near eachothers levels and one plays less, or something like that.

Personally if EQN is about rushing to max level to get into "end game" then it has already failed for me


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can I reposition us to loot/item theory?

Will anyone else be immediately turned off if they see stat lines on their first low level loot looking like:

Crit Ch
Spell Crit Ch

Really hoping item progression differs from basically ever MMO since 2003. Please find a way to make my heart pound on the thought of upgrading from banded to bronze armor, even though it just increases my AC.
Not quite enough effects, really. What we really need is some DoT shielding, strikethrough, advanced stats, and kilva's random ass focus effect VIII. Goddamn modern EQ items are just abominations.

WoW's kept the stats simple but the amount of stat inflation is getting excessive, especially in pandaria. Each tier brings LFR gear, regular raid gear, heroic gear, and 2 additional 'upgrade' tiers with valor :p Ugh.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Can I reposition us to loot/item theory?

Will anyone else be immediately turned off if they see stat lines on their first low level loot looking like:

Crit Ch
Spell Crit Ch

Really hoping item progression differs from basically ever MMO since 2003. Please find a way to make my heart pound on the thought of upgrading from banded to bronze armor, even though it just increases my AC.
Couldn't agree more. So sick of replacing every single piece of gear every 3 months. I also want them to not be afraid of breaking the game with loot. I want things like manastones, guise of the deceiver and the Trak BP back. Generic named items with item budgets is boring as fuck and has been done to death.


I think we agree on wanting an EQ-like experience. Can I get a non-defensive honest answer to this: Do you honestly believe SOE is not going to max revenue streams on this project here? You must realize that maxing profits doesnt bode well for an EQ-like experience.
As I have said in some post many pages ago. I have low expectations for EQN. I completely understand that the ultimate goal is max profit. I am not telling you what EQN is going to be. I have no clue how EQN is going to be run. I do know know if there will be a cash shop and if there is, I do not know what will be in it. It willlikelyhave a cash shop based on SOEs history of loving F2P. My comments on gameplay and what would make a great MMO are strictly my opinion and I am not making any claims that EQN will be the next coming.

On the flip side of the coin, neither do the rest (most) of the contributors to this thread. When contributing to a thread such as this, people need to focus on contributing what they personally would like in EQN rather than trying to make predictions.

Of course then there is the other group of people who are just to be irrelevant and say things only in attempt dreamcrush and piss people off. While those people are needed in the MMO world, I do wish they would stay off the forums.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Couldn't agree more. So sick of replacing every single piece of gear every 3 months. I also want them to not be afraid of breaking the game with loot. I want things like manastones, guise of the deceiver and the Trak BP back. Generic named items with item budgets is boring as fuck and has been done to death.
Seriously.. I hope that's one thing they took away from EQ. That and clickys!


EQOA Refugee
This thread has been very useful. It's exposed the it's a journey and the game shouldn't starts at cap stuff as total and complete bullshit. What those people really want is for the massive amount of time they can invest to give them a huge advantage. XP pots eliminate that time advantage.
Pretty much this. The time to monopolize the gear and sales of high level tradeskills stuff too.



Make it so anyone who doesn't use exp pots gets an achievement when they hit 60 or some shit that the other people can never get. Personally I don't give a shit about this at all. I actually prefer that the sort of people who just have to be at the bleeding edge and hit the level cap in 3 days get there fast. It doesn't impact my enjoyment of the world unless it's a pvp server with no level cap on pvp engagements. In which case, fuck exp potions.


Make it so anyone who doesn't use exp pots gets an achievement when they hit 60 or some shit that the other people can never get. Personally I don't give a shit about this at all. I actually prefer that the sort of people who just have to be at the bleeding edge and hit the level cap in 3 days get there fast. It doesn't impact my enjoyment of the world unless it's a pvp server with no level cap on pvp engagements. In which case, fuck exp potions.
I don't want to see achievements at all other than a way to track progression of your character, like how they added an achievement in EQ so you could figure out what MPG trials you had completed.


Elisha Dushku
Time is money, therefore money is time. The formula still holds.
So you agree XP Pots are PTW.
Yeah, it's saying "This game design is old and busted & people will be bitching for appearance slots/costumes/transmog within a month". Or do youseriouslythink that "Sorry folks, mandatory clownsuits for everyone!" is a viable choice in the middle of the second decade of MMOs?
Yes, I surely am serious.

Also ignoring the eyesores, the other issue is development resources. Which is more vital? Devoloping an appearance system or developing a crafting system?

Given that Georgeson & Smed will promise 200+ things for EQN of which only 100 will be ready when EQN goes live, I'm hoping they'll priotize correctly.


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
I'm just curious what are people limits in regards to cash shops?
My limit is simple: there's nothing game-affecting in the cash shop that I can't get (or get in a different way) without it. XP pots? Random loot-filled bags? Fine by me. Exclusive weapon that's 20% better than anything dropped? Potions that allow you to "recover" from last week's raiding so you can raid again instead of waiting 3 more weeks? Not good.


Elisha Dushku
I don't want to see achievements at all other than a way to track progression of your character, like how they added an achievement in EQ so you could figure out what MPG trials you had completed.
Prepare to cry. There will be achievements galore in EQN.


You will never be excited about simply upgrading your armor class again. You were the first time because as mmo players go you were a drooling mouth breather the first time.

Edit to make a better post (I guess). Maybe make it rare to be wearing armor with stats at all that way you can at least get excited at having something other than armor class.