EQ Never


I really dislike that art style. Boris Vallejo type shit is where it's at, imo. Personally I think that dude sucks. I've seen middle school art projects that looked better - he's famous for something, though, I assume?

Okay, that's hyperbole. I looked at it again, and some of the fine details are pretty impressive. I just hate the way he made some of the things so WOW style dopey looking. Like Firiona's face and those retarded shoulder pads. Maybe my inner EQ nerd is raging.
I really dislike that art style. Boris Vallejo type shit is where it's at, imo. Personally I think that dude sucks. I've, literally, seen middle school art projects that looked better - he's famous for something, though, I assume?
I am 99% sure that I will hate the Art style, as its going to be the Cartoon style like Wildstar and Wow.

So this is and was my only hope for MMO heaven and of the future, I have not written off Wildstar yet, even though cant stand the Cartoony art style as well as Ncsoft.


Merge all listings from nearby players in a single vendor NPC's shop with filterable interface, similar to a bazaar window. Make player characters invisible while in merchant mode.
Why not like OG EQ without stupid bazar or NPCs or auction houses. If you wanted to sell something you had to do it in person. This added to the COMMUNITY aspect of what these games are all about. You had those that spent tons of time buying and selling stuff and you had a real economy going. If you wanted to dump stuff quickly you could do it to resellers. Some merchants were actually famous and had good reputations on the servers going around buying and selling stuff. All that died with the advent of auction houses and bazaars. I want to see that face to face bartering and buying and selling aspect back to the economy.


Why not like OG EQ without stupid bazar or NPCs or auction houses. If you wanted to sell something you had to do it in person. This added to the COMMUNITY aspect of what these games are all about. You had those that spent tons of time buying and selling stuff and you had a real economy going. If you wanted to dump stuff quickly you could do it to resellers. Some merchants were actually famous and had good reputations on the servers going around buying and selling stuff. All that died with the advent of auction houses and bazaars. I want to see that face to face bartering and buying and selling aspect back to the economy.
Agreed. It also let you wheel and deal with sellers, which was a lot more fun for people into that. Buying and selling shit in Diablo 3 made my heart dead and cold, and I'd consider their auction house interface pretty good.

Maybe let people sell consumables and reagents via little crappy vendors (having a vendor bitch could even be something you accomplish in-game), but have people interact to sell equipment.

By the way, this is going to be one of those topics that when asked directly, most people are going to say, "that sucks! That's just inconvenient!" and then wonder why the last 4 MMOs they play can't hold their attention for more than a few months. People getting what they want makes the game suck.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
So this is and was my only hope for MMO heaven and of the future, I have not written off Wildstar yet, even though cant stand the Cartoony art style as well as Ncsoft.
There is nothing quite like writing off any future MMOs that aren't part of the EQ franchise simply because of "cartoony" art. Especially before we've even seen any true amount of in-game assets and people are going off of a painting on a wall. I had to listen to derps say this kind of thing with regard to WOW when EQ2 was coming out, and look what kind of art and graphics they got handed with EQ2 at release. People make fun of things like shoulderpads in WOW but you rarely hear anyone gripe about how terrible a lot of the EQ2 textures were, how they constantly reused armor skins in each section of content (like those ugly as fuck chain shoulderpads that they even used for plate pieces for YEARS) or how they took some of their more original armor skins (gnome racial armor for example) and sold those in their cash shop. Thankfully they had appearance slots so you could quite literally keep appearance sets to help cover up some of their terrible gear, but still...

I remember all the talk about how 'great' the EQ2 art was going to be and in the end gigantic portions of it looked like absolute shit (not to mention how poorly it ran/runs).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's been said before but EQN will probably look more like a fantasy PS2

EQ2 needed a good 3-6 months. SoE dropped the ball for sure.
There is nothing quite like writing off any future MMOs that aren't part of the EQ franchise simply because of "cartoony" art. Especially before we've even seen any true amount of in-game assets and people are going off of a painting on a wall. I had to listen to derps say this kind of thing with regard to WOW when EQ2 was coming out, and look what kind of art and graphics they got handed with EQ2 at release. People make fun of things like shoulderpads in WOW but you rarely hear anyone gripe about how terrible a lot of the EQ2 textures were, how they constantly reused armor skins in each section of content (like those ugly as fuck chain shoulderpads that they even used for plate pieces for YEARS) or how they took some of their more original armor skins (gnome racial armor for example) and sold those in their cash shop. Thankfully they had appearance slots so you could quite literally keep appearance sets to help cover up some of their terrible gear, but still...

I remember all the talk about how 'great' the EQ2 art was going to be and in the end gigantic portions of it looked like absolute shit (not to mention how poorly it ran/runs).
I played wow beta and launch for couple years even with the Cartoony art style, why cause it was solid addictive, fun tons of content and I fucking Loved Blizzard so gave it shot never looked back.

I will do the same for this even with the Cartoony art style, as I loved eq1 and some parts of 2 as well as VG, so if this has lots of addictive play again, content, fun I will be sold.

Widlstar cant fucking stand Ncsoft and hate the Art style if the game is addictive as well as fun with lots of content then maybe I will give it pass.

1 thing that cant stand however is if EQN and Wildstar console down the MMO, if those of us that want to play this on the High end ultra pc, have to have half the features dumbed down for a fucking console that will be deal breaker for me.

Cheers mates cant wait for Friday.


<Gold Donor>
LOL, the box art and in game art have shit all to do with one another. Mark my words the EQ characters in game WILL NOT look like the painting. But yeah I agree with you guys. I do not like the painting at all. Comparing this to what the old EQ artist did, Parkinson, its like the shit should not even be shown in the same room. The scaling is off, the way the characters are posed is wrong... I dont know something with it is just off.


I wouldn't mind player shops.. or taverns or inns or anything like that if you would have to pay for it (preferably in-game money fuck your cash shop). But at the same time those aren't really important to the game, but they would be damn cool.


Ssraeszha Raider
Games do this already, and it still happens. Plus wihtout "chat bubbles" there is zero way to navigate through the 100 shops sitting in one spot. How many people are you going to click on before you give up?
If it's a hassle then people won't do it which encourages people to not crowd places with their shops. You could also charge a shop upkeep which serves the purpose of encouraging people to not put similar shops near each other and making the cost really high for security, repairing damage from attacks, etc since its in a dangerous area. The cost should be significant enough to make it somewhat risky to own a shop in the first place.


I'd be fine with an EVE-like model. Give people a reason to move goods around, then create risks and rewards for it. It adds an entertaining metagame and gives a reason to have world PvP that will engage people other than the mouthbreathers that usually go in for it.
Don't like the painting, don't like the sketch.

They probably should not have asked for someone to compete with Keith Parkinson anyway...

One of the greatest fantasy artists of all time







yes, Parkinson made a Diablo2 painting


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Assuming they do 3 starting areas and instance housing. They might make those the trade areas also. Make crafting recipes that can only be crafted by specific factions but can be used by any faction. Who knows..