EQ Never


2 Minutes Hate
Okay, for those concerned about everyone can just be every class:

So you may not be able to be everything. Perhaps someone who becomes a Paladin is barred from becoming a Shadow Knight, because their choices took them down a different path, etc. Sounds pretty neat, and actually pretty intuitive. Doesn't make sense to become a Paladin if you've been systematically killing NPCs of the Knights of Truth faction.
Sounds like a modern day jedi quest from SWG.


Outside of heroic raiding and maybe pvp I guess, doubling your dps matters not. It's not an exaggeration to say it literally does not matter.
Heroic raiding and PVP are the only things worth doing in WoW (and only barely just...), so I'm not really sure what you're arguing there.

The design of WoW is to make those two things the focal point of anyone wanting to do anything challenging. This isn't a value judgment on whether that's the right design choice... but complaining that combat isn't challenging when it isn't supposed to be challenging isn't really a valid criticism. They achieved their goal.

If EQN wants combat to be challenging all the time, then sure, hope that you have to push the right button all the time.


Silver Squire
pull my thorn


Isn't that hammer one of Omniknights from Dota2...looks damn close anyway.


Molten Core Raider
It is an exaggeration. Carrying some scrub that does 6k dps when the average for his role is 50k is not pleasant. It doesn't have to be absurd difficulty of raiding for it to matter. And PvP is far more about coordination in WoW than DPS.
That's the point. You'll carry them and it won't matter. Pvp is much more nuanced than dps for sure but does require more than mindless mashing.


i hate flexible classes in that they negate the need for interdependence which is a fundamental part of mmos. they also lead to the jack-of-all-trade combat like guild war 2 which was a disaster.
Except that GW2 didnt have the trinity. What GW2 did have was terribly boring combat and PvE and mediocre PvP.

Word is, EQN does have the trinity. But, will the combat be any good?


That's the point. You'll carry them and it won't matter. Pvp is much more nuanced than dps for sure but does require more than mindless mashing.
And people couldn't be carried in EQ1?

If the rest of the team is good enough, of course you can carry people and their subpar play won't matter
Beta 1 of GW2 was like a total festival of orgasms for me. Then they went and made it super shit. I am pretty sure this game will start out like GW2 ended up.

EverQuest 2 looked different than EverQuest 1. EverQuest 2 combat was different than EverQuest 1. I really don't get what your point is.
EQ2 was horrible as well... My point is that someone criticized me/others for being disappointed at the lack of EQ. But there is a major lack of EQ....

They've said from the beginning that this was going to be a completely different experience from the previous games. It's okay if you don't like it, but lets not act like we've been tricked.
They totally strung along the old EQ players and lead them to believe it could be a return to form. Yet all along they knew they were making a game that is for an entirely different audience and the two audiences are just not compatible. This is an action game with pixar graphics. EQ was the opposite of that. You also had people like Brad saying "Vanguard and EQ players will love it". Well I am both, and I hate it. SOE were full of shit as always.

As I said before, I wouldn't even care if this had some other name. To me it would just be like their Free Realms or whatever other shit they do, I don't even know anything about it because I ignore it. But to hype this up like they did, and even start the presentation talking about all the people who got married in EQ and all that shit, and then present THIS, it's pretty obscene.

I think there will still be plenty of easter eggs and landmarks for original EverQuest players.
Easter eggs... oh you know me so well -.-

Will it have achievements too?! How about jumping challenges?! And quicktime events!!


<Bronze Donator>
not going to bother to read the previous 80 something pages since i realized the site came back up after the reveal.

and fuck it not going to retype my thoughts, i'm just gonna cut and paste something I posted on another forum about this game:

Of all the things they've been hyping about the game, emergent gameplay, sandbox, next level shit, etc. the only "new" or innovative things are the voxel stuff (Minecraft) and the tools for it being released in landmark.

After several reboots they decided to do something different but kept a lot of the art/animation assets, so combat is probably still going to be (it certainly looks like it from the videos) standard Action MMO combat with WoWish cartoonish exaggerated animations. So they spend the last year building the voxel stuff.

So minecraft in an MMO is neat, sure. But Landmark? After 4 years in development and nothing to show for it but that, they decided they'd follow a lot of other MMOs (including several of their own) and let players build their own content as well. but they one up'd themselves and created their own AA farm team by making minecraft servers people can build shit on and cherry picking the best shit to complete their game that they're now 3 years behind schedule on. Holy shit we're sooo far behind on EQN is being spun as "emergent sandbox!" and people are lapping it up.

I can't be the only one who sees this?

edit for more context: Seriously. I wasn't expecting much knowing that they've only been working on it's current iteration for <1 year. So they built the tools and started building the world. They outsourced the AI (Storybricks) and now they're basically outsourcing the content (Landmark). Relying heavily on procedurally generated content for "hidden dungeons/ruins/etc" and "dynamic" quests. It seems the only content their actually going to be making is the Rallying cries (public quests) which are just a handful of triggers that have to be programmed to apply when X occurs, and they only have to create those every 2-3 months. The procedurally generated dynamic quests pop up to guide players towards making X occur. Seems like only 1-2 developers would be enough to man that team.

This is an entirely different "sandbox" than expected.

edit2: If it has open world PVP or at least an open world PVP server then the sandbox they're creating may have meaning. With no levels and horizontal progression (play time = more class options available, like the only "eve" ish thing that I've seen in EQN) meaning everyone can gain access to every class so there's no reason not to at the very least, have open world pvp servers. none of this hard coded faction based shit, or instanced bg shit, but pure open world pvp. there's no balancing concerns regarding classes or levels. Really there's no reason that all servers aren't pvp other than carebears don't want it, but whatev, give me a pvp server and i'll play in this sandbox.

Otherwise, I don't see the long lasting appeal of this title. Everything new is "Hey we're busy doing lines of coke off hookers asses, would you mind making the game for us?" Like every game, in a month or 2 everything that was new and shiny will be faded, the ai will be reverse engineered to absolute predictability, and people will be playing LoL while sitting around waiting on content.


Trump's Staff
Qwerty man, chill out... They haven't said anything yet about a lot of really relevant info...

Argo mechanics...

Theres a lot of game left to reveal, and much of it may contain the 'EQ' you are looking for.