EQ Never


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Qwerty man, chill out... They haven't said anything yet about a lot of really relevant info...

Argo mechanics...

Theres a lot of game left to reveal, and much of it may contain the 'EQ' you are looking for.
Tad confirmed Slow travel


Fat middle aged women in the art director position... not even once.

Legit lol'd at the abominations in the "My EQ story" videos submitted by players though, bet Itzena and qwerty would fit right in.


Well, not serving up any crow for myself on the launch date. Obviously people's sources were confusing the Landmark thing for actual EQN. EQN proper is going to be lucky to hit holiday 2014 with as little as SOE showed.

It's a shame they didn't show shit for grouping (more than just that whack-a-mole display) or trading or anything old school EQ dudes associate with community. No travel talk either.

Edit: Travel beyond what little info we got from this panel.


Registered Hutt
Is the lore basically Firiona Vie vs. Miragul?
unsure, but they releasedthis pdf, and mentioned that more will come.

In any case, as a former high elf paladin a story about firiona vie vs. miragul is highly relevant to my interests.


brown please <Wow Guild Officer> /brown please
Landmark could be a lot of fun

These guys aren't going to get the execution right on the actual game with that many features. Unless it comes out in 2016 it's going to be half gimmicky junk.

What were they thinking with the lion? Jesus
Qwerty man, chill out... They haven't said anything yet about a lot of really relevant info...

Argo mechanics...

Theres a lot of game left to reveal, and much of it may contain the 'EQ' you are looking for.
Hmm, I just don't think I'm jumping the gun.

Wizzys and Druids can port anyone anywhere. 50% of players have a Wizzy or Druid 'soul', therefore 50% of players can port anyone anywhere. The rest of the time you run fast, parkour through the world and fly over valleys.

Argo mechanics...
Everything aggroes you. But everything dies in 2 seconds. Been there done that, most recently in Rift. I got MAJOR Rift deja vu watching this btw.

Like WoW, there will be a billion items, constantly people are inundated with new shit. Only this time it's mostly player made.

Loads of dungeons with EQ names. Only, they work exactly like a WoW instance. You blast through them in 15 minutes and then people leave the group to go poop without saying goodbye.

See above dungeons, but with more HP.

Half the world is one giant WoW battleground.

Big, flashy, kill everything in sight.

Sorry, I forgot it was only about you and what you want. My bad bro.
Yeahhhhh cause I'm always getting what I want in this genre...


Mr. Poopybutthole
A lot of people are interested in focusing in crafting. Can you tell us how it will work?

McPherson: So, we're not ready to discuss the details of crafting, but we're going to be playing in a very rich, deep world-as [David Georgeson] mentioned, you can take a weapon and make it out of multiple parts. And, the reason you want to make it out of multiple parts is because each character class, and each multiclass build, will have different requirements and different ways that you can augment and fine tune it. Weapons have a huge role in that. Armor has a huge role in that.

Butler: Weapons are actually recognizable, for instance. With acuity and experience in the game, I can look at your weapon and I can tell what its properties are, just by looking at it.

McPherson: I can go, 'Oh, I see what you've done. You've made it out of this material."

"We don't expect the need to build 10,000 rifle barrels to become a grandmaster."
Butler: I think the thing that's additionally, extremely relevant as far as crafting is concerned is that exploring through the world is, in itself, a kind of element of crafting. We're digging, we're building. If we want to cross a chasm, build a bridge.

McPherson: I can tell you one of the things you won't be doing as a crafter, and that's making the same thing over and over and over again to advance your skill. That's not how it will work.

Butler: We don't expect the need to build 10,000 rifle barrels to become a grandmaster.

McPherson: It's not a skill-based system, it's very much like the system of advancing your classes. We have multiple tiers. You begin digging, you explore and you find, and those things give you progression and advancement that can be spent on your crafter.

So, to advance your blacksmith, you don't have to only create many items over and over again. That's not the way it works.

Butler: Another great example, we could be here in this room right now and want to destroy things. We might be able to destroy the walls with the weapons and materials we have, but not the floor. But there's probably something that can destroy the floor, and we have to craft it-get better materials, put them together, and then start chewing through the floor to see what's underneath us.

McPherson: And because of the way our world works, resources-if you're an MMO player, copper is the newbie metal, it's the metal you find right outside the starting city and eventually you don't need it anymore. Because of the way our game works, copper is always useful, because copper has specific qualities. Iron is always useful, mithril is always useful. All of these things are always useful to you, depending on what you want to make.

If you want to make a weapon that does electrical damage, or a weapon that is really good against undead, you need to find the right material to make it out of, and that could be any of the materials you find in the world.
This sounds pretty cool, especially the last bit.