EQ Never


Sounds like TSW or Rift-y style multiclassing. Original EQ limited how many spells you could have memmed at a time, I'm assuming it'll be something similar. You can unlock every ability, but only have 8 up during combat. You can switch abilities out while out of combat.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The dude is speaking the truth. You holy trinity bros sound like the catholic church during the middle ages.

Seriously look at yourselves. This thread has descended into nothing but butthurt and salty tears(this thread contains 1/3 of all posts in this forum) over almost nothing. SOE did a piss poor job of showing off EQN and we really dont know shit about it besides vague statements and 5 minutes of video but you fools are all crying your eyes out proclaiming the apocalypse.
Lol, you are trying too hard. The only salty tears are coming from you.


Sparkletot Monger
Thats gotta go. No doubt. I think they will find how extremely undesirable that is pretty quickly. If im a warrior, I should have a significant amount of downtime needed to switch to healer or caster... at minimum. And you should NEVER EVER be able to switch during combat. Especially wearable items. Switch weapons? Sure, to an extent. But never, ever, ever, ever switch armor sets or such.. Thats fucking stupid. Pure fucking stupid.

Buts its a rule change at heart. Rules are easily changed.

I think what wesawat the unveiling are the things that are not going to change. They are set in stone. Art direction, environment, World Geography. Some of the things they mentioned, but didnt show is where they are leaning toward, and what they held back are things they are still weighing options.

What I saw I liked... what I heard, but didnt see was a definite mixed bag.


I wonder how far they got if the EQ3 thing is legit. Save those assets and let someone finish it. But I doubt they want over saturate the market with 29 EverQuest titles.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I find it laughable that they are billing this game as a sandbox. I say this because when it fails, a lot of people are going to tout this as proof that "sandboxes don't work!" when in fact there's absolutely nothing sandbox-ish about this. It actually has me worried.

It's like they are trying to rebuild Six Flags, and then call it Six Flags Sandbox. But instead of having fun, exhilarating rides... it's going to consist of deflated slip-n-slides and kiddie pools.
Landmark is their sandbox imo. I suspect EQN will end up being more traditional. As Big Flex pointed out it's not much of a sandbox without villainous behavior allowed. And since Tad says there isn't much PvP I'm not sure how they can claim EQN is a sandbox.

But it is still possible and it will be a while before the game is released. EQN is obviously not as far along as Smed claimed. They have plenty of time to modify the game design.


2 Minutes Hate
The big thing for me is the blanks they couldn't fill in. If they are making the game like EvE? Then everything they've said so far, even with the lack of trinity ect, is fine. Because PvE will be more about control and efficiency and resource collection than actually difficulty based progression. However, some things they said make this hard to reconcile, like BoE items. Really, the fact is, there wasn't enough information to draw a conclusion.
Yeah this. They barely revealed anything about the game.

EQN is: a game with 40 classes with temporarily destructible world assets where there is no questing, but storybricks, and there will be these large server wide events that take weeks and months to do. Toss in the content creator thing and call it a day.

We have no details on how the game is played, how combat really is (other than 8 hotbar slots for abilities and wep abilities), how hard the game is, what crafting is, how long things take, how traveling is done, are there maps, death penalties, how gear really effects the game, what these tiers really are. blahblahblah.

Break it down, we have a tech demo and a very lengthy game design doc with no actual in-game execution. What they've said sounds awesome, but I'll wait before I say good or bad about the game. I'm happy to see that they are stealing my ideas though


Lord Nagafen Raider
One of the problems with no holy trinity is how to make battles hard. If no specific class/player is going to controll the fight then random groups will be an uncontrolled aggro fest, based on experience of others, resulting in wipes and insults, or the hardness of the fight will be dumbed down into a no brainer buttonmash with guaranteed success. I really hope they will have a way of avoiding the GW2 shortcomings. A dungeon should be hard and challenging with your best mates playing and really really hard with random groups. Without the trinity or at least specialized classes I have a hard time seeing this balance well.
Barely anything in EQ1 was ever hard if you were properly equipped to deal with the encounter. The initial break of a camp was probably the hardest part the group would face over the next several hours if you didn't have a puller who trained your group while your healer was LOM. Even if there was a bad pull an Enchanter or Bard could easily lock down multiple targets while you killed everything 1 at a time. Even root could CC multiple mobs as long as the tank had half a brain cell to move mobs away from the rooted ones. Outside of human error dungeons in almost any game have been extremely easy. People used to take multiple groups to things like efreeti, guk king and ghoul lord but that was only because they were doing them with shitty gear.

I just don't buy that EverQuest was at anytime a hard game. If people did what they were supposed to do you just face rolled everything. If people fucked up and did stupid shit like break CC than it wasn't the game that was hard it was your group being retarded.


2 Minutes Hate
Thats gotta go. No doubt. I think they will find how extremely undesirable that is pretty quickly. If im a warrior, I should have a significant amount of downtime needed to switch to healer or caster... at minimum. And you should NEVER EVER be able to switch during combat. Especially wearable items. Switch weapons? Sure, to an extent. But never, ever, ever, ever switch armor sets or such.. Thats fucking stupid. Pure fucking stupid.

Buts its a rule change at heart. Rules are easily changed.

I think what wesawat the unveiling are the things that are not going to change. They are set in stone. Art direction, environment, World Geography. Some of the things they mentioned, but didnt show is where they are leaning toward, and what they held back are things they are still weighing options.

What I saw I liked... what I heard, but didnt see was a definite mixed bag.
I duno, that just looks like spec swapping that's in almost every single game that allows different specs.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think that many , including me, were expecting a way more advanced product than what was showed. Part of the reason is... we didnt know a damn thing about the game since forever. So when a game is in development for x amount of time and the info on it is more secure than whats at the CIA, you can only presume they will reveal something about to hit the scene in the coming months and its very much near beta ready.

The secrecy was worth it tho. Theres alot of bitching here on what was showed. But realise for a moment that what was showed was enough to send blizzard back to the drawing boards with Titan. Its enough of a game changer to *force* a big ass company like Blizz to hold their horses on Titan-WoW 2.0. What SoE is cooking is the futur of mmorpgs wether you like it or not. Things like 40 classes, no holy trinity and such are details at the moment. The game is so far off, theres really no reason to get our panties up in a bunch already. Its a good time to debate ideas and maybe influence the direction they will take, but its far from the time to go all querty over it.

Honestly, its a breath of fresh air for the mmo scene.


Trakanon Raider
I think there is a hope or maybe even assumption that with all the money they're going to make with EQN they could make a true successor to EQ/EQII. It's just a dream that began floating around a few pages back.


Thats gotta go. No doubt. I think they will find how extremely undesirable that is pretty quickly. If im a warrior, I should have a significant amount of downtime needed to switch to healer or caster... at minimum. And you should NEVER EVER be able to switch during combat. Especially wearable items. Switch weapons? Sure, to an extent. But never, ever, ever, ever switch armor sets or such.. Thats fucking stupid. Pure fucking stupid.

Buts its a rule change at heart. Rules are easily changed.

I think what wesawat the unveiling are the things that are not going to change. They are set in stone. Art direction, environment, World Geography. Some of the things they mentioned, but didnt show is where they are leaning toward, and what they held back are things they are still weighing options.

What I saw I liked... what I heard, but didnt see was a definite mixed bag.
It's like switching a spec in WOW, they already said you can't change specs in combat. Why should you have to wait a significant time if you come across a situational mob and you need to change up your spec?