EQ Never

Fully destructible environments, everyone gets all skills, sandbox style game play...

Uhh.. Is this Minecraft?
Yeah ugh, it would hard for me to be any more disappointed. Minecraft + Disney characters + player-made content + Quake 3 double-jumping everywhere. Yeah there's people that will love it, but seems like a misuse of the Everquest IP. People asking about PVP but based on the vids it would be like Quake 3 with melee weapons? The Lion King chasing Mulan at 50mph while double jump levitating and attempting to connect with a melee weapon does not sound promising ...


2 Minutes Hate
What kind of difficulty can we be expecting here? There's a lot of commentary about how MMOs feel a little too easy. Where does Everquest Next sit on the scale?

Terry Micheals - "Well, risk and reward is what MMOs are all about.I would not call this game a hardcore MMO. We want something that is accessible to a larger number of people but we want to make sure it's balanced with good gameplay and interesting things that will keep people interested."

Of course he's not going to call it a hardcore game because that scares off people. They want as many people playing this game as possible, because it's free to play. To think otherwise would be silly. The basics of this game are going to be very simple for new players, it's unknown how it will scale. Just look at EVE. you can log in, fly a boat around and mine shit all day, make money off of pirates, then become a merchant jumping from station to station.

You never have to leave high sec space and there is a whole new game played out in nullsec. I can really see EQN doing something similar to that in some fashion.


Of course he's not going to call it a hardcore game because that scares off people. They want as many people playing this game as possible, because it's free to play. To think otherwise would be silly. The basics of this game are going to be very simple for new players, it's unknown how it will scale. Just look at EVE. you can log in, fly a boat around and mine shit all day, make money off of pirates, then become a merchant jumping from station to station.

You never have to leave high sec space and there is a whole new game played out in nullsec. I can really see EQN doing something similar to that in some fashion.
Except that in the midst of all the "so...we know what we're doing" and the "I can only say we avoid bad design decisions" fluffery, they're actually committing to no open world PvP and no damage to player structures.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Remember when the beta application said "hardcore and thrilling" during the l337 early signup period?

That was a cool time to be alive, man.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Except that in the midst of all the "so...we know what we're doing" and the "I can only say we avoid bad design decisions" fluffery, they're actually committing to no open world PvP and no damage to player structures.
Actually they said people will have a choice to have stuff damaged/loot taken during pvp if the player chooses for that to occur.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What I find hilarious is that there was no comments on how hardcore this game will be. Because they see a silly looking tiger race and less than realistic graphics they assume it's going to be casual world. We have had zero comment on difficulty other than they want the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. That doesn't mean the difficulty curve is easy at the beginning but ramps up like a motherfucker in the later tiers.

Tad had a really good observation: They are making LOL the MMO. In LOL the game is very casual friendly but as you move up in elo/mmr the game gets much more nuanced and difficult because of your competition.

That doesn't mean that these Rallying Calls will require only noobish easy things to complete like in GW2 where you just zerg shit down. I mean these Calls can have things like "We need to build a wall!" so crafters can do that while others go out and kill orcs that are guarding a quarry. Meanwhile in order to protect the whole city of Halas from invasion hardcore players need to go raid a super hard encounter that rewards not only those players will cool loot, but also completes the Rallying Call.

I duno, we just don't have enough information. EQ1 was easy as fuck to play as long as you had patience. The hardcore part of that game was that it took a long time to grind xp, if you played stupid you lost exp from dying, and if you didn't pay attention you could get trained by mobs. The execution of the game was pretty simple.

This game could be very difficult to play at the higher tiers, you just can't say yes or no yet. So people wishing for a more traditional game... still might get it.
You're a little late to the party. You're making assumptions about people here making assumptions. I would set you straight but I don't have time, have to run to work. Go back a hundred pages and start again, or if that is too much then ask people some relevant questions. Then jump in with your standard shtick.


2 Minutes Hate
One of the aspects of why LOL is so popular is because you can watch the game and be entertained by it (assuming you like the game). In LOL you can watch a champ and recognize his moves. With only have four abilities that are on 2-15 sec cooldowns and one on a longer cooldown you can instantly watch and appreciate a players skill at handling their character. So spectating becomes fun because you can recognize moves and plays.

In a traditional MMO with a shit ton of abilities that all look the same or close to the same, all you do is see people stand still shitting out fireballs with less-than-spectacular graphics. Even in GW2, it was so spammy that you couldn't really tell what people were doing.

I think that might be the reason they're going for that as well.


Of course he's not going to call it a hardcore game because that scares off people. They want as many people playing this game as possible, because it's free to play. To think otherwise would be silly. The basics of this game are going to be very simple for new players, it's unknown how it will scale. Just look at EVE. you can log in, fly a boat around and mine shit all day, make money off of pirates, then become a merchant jumping from station to station.

You never have to leave high sec space and there is a whole new game played out in nullsec. I can really see EQN doing something similar to that in some fashion.
Talk about wishful interpretations, man. So he's saying it isn't a hardcore MMO, but it's like a *wink* *wink* moment, and what he really means is that it IS hardcore, he just doesn't want to say that?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Except that in the midst of all the "so...we know what we're doing" and the "I can only say we avoid bad design decisions" fluffery, they're actually committing to no open world PvP and no damage to player structures.
The fuck do you want them to commit saying. You saw the same tech demo we all did? They said what it might not be. They didnt say what it will be.

This thread lol, one guy speculate there will be another continent for open pvp, then it derails on how dumb this idea is from SoE. ??!??! A guy took a guess jesus.

Am far from being a SoE apologist here, i remember with how much joy i left EQ to jump on this shiny new WoW thing. I played planetside 2. Its not my cup of tea, but i can see talent there. We also saw great devs ( bioware ) release retarded shit to. It had jedis in it.

They were prolly forced by sony to start the hype train. What i saw in those class panels videos are devs that didnt want to be there cause they KNOW they didnt reach a point where theres anything worth talking about.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah ugh, it would hard for me to be any more disappointed. Minecraft + Disney characters + player-made content + Quake 3 double-jumping everywhere. Yeah there's people that will love it, but seems like a misuse of the Everquest IP. People asking about PVP but based on the vids it would be like Quake 3 with melee weapons? The Lion King chasing Mulan at 50mph while double jump levitating and attempting to connect with a melee weapon does not sound promising ...
But, it all passed the 'fun filter' though... heh


Mr. Poopybutthole
I duno, that just looks like spec swapping that's in almost every single game that allows different specs.
True. Maybe you can't swap out abilities at a moment's notice, but you can have a few pre-defined builds that you can swap between.

That might be the happy medium. Out in the open world, you can only swap between 2-3 'classes' that you built, and you have to go to cities/home to reconfigure them


Mr. Poopybutthole
What kind of difficulty can we be expecting here? There's a lot of commentary about how MMOs feel a little too easy. Where does Everquest Next sit on the scale?

Terry Micheals - "Well, risk and reward is what MMOs are all about.I would not call this game a hardcore MMO. We want something that is accessible to a larger number of people but we want to make sure it's balanced with good gameplay and interesting things that will keep people interested."

That really doesn't mean shit. What they mean by that is it's not going to be EverQuest HD and scare away 90% of current MMO players.

That doesn't mean there won't be difficult content in game, though.
Fully destructible environments, everyone gets all skills, sandbox style game play...

Uhh.. Is this Minecraft?
No its cartoony arcade game they are making for ps4,xbone 8 button controls check for console, cartoons check,] fully destructible environments for 6-12 years old check.

With them bastardizeing our Next franchise the only thing missing from this weekend was an announcement they had hired Derek Smart to work on Next.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I just remind myself that the devs are trying to sell me something.
You can break the devspeak down from the pretty looking forest to individual trees. And call bullshit from there. It is not like this is our first mmo rodeo fellas.

I would hope that with the voxel based world you could have truly epic things, like the old Magic Carpet 2 game from bullfrog. But that would break the game to have 1000+ people summoning up volcanos.
Pity they will never do something really revolutionary, Rift had a chance in their beta with the spawns from Rifts taking over the quest hubs, but then they nerfed the shit out of it.

When EQNext comes out I will try it of course. But the money/time investment will be the proof to me at least of how good it is.


the whole panel kind of reeked of developers being apologetic for past game designs that weren't all that bad. it just sounded like they were denouncing everything they had ever done and telling eq fans to fuck themselves.


To be honest this game doesn't even deserve the attention we are giving it. It was a glorified tech demo and that's it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They probably thought Planetside 2 was going to be fun as well
Possibly, but again none of the PS2 designers are on the EQN team so your statement could apply to several games. Unlike Blizzard which has a central C&C structure, SOE has an independent creative director and a lead designer for each team.