EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
I think the IG books in EQ2 had shit about the curse, ogres used to run shit and entering CT was like eating the apple in Eden and they got cursed to be dumb. I think.


Elisha Dushku
Do you think they care that 250,000 people want EQ3? They want the millions players looking for League of MineQuest.

That is the problem. Hopefully they determine that making EQ3 with EQN assets is cheap enough that they can make pretty good money from that 250.


Trump's Staff
Joke's on you guys. This petitioning will make SOE realize the love of classic ogres and sell an old school character skin from the store. Gotta monetize somehow.


Trakanon Raider
Do you think they care that 100,000 people want EQ3? They want the millions players looking for League of MineQuest.
better off going for a few hundred thousand that would play for 5 or more years and pay a monthly sub than this f2p abortion which everyone will abandon after a month (see also GW2, rift, SWTOR, WAR, AOC, etc...)


Elisha Dushku
Joke's on you guys. This petitioning will make SOE realize the love of classic ogres and sell an old school character skin from the store. Gotta monetize somehow.
I'll buy that skin if EQN is decent but I'd rather SOE let us kickstart EQ3.


I'll buy that skin if EQN is decent but I'd rather SOE let us kickstart EQ3.
I'd toss money at it, but Kickstarter success caps at around $2 million for the very best products (unless you count the shitty Ouya) and those dudes steady bust through budgets on small indie games. Even a moderately budgeted EQ3 would surpass anything Kickstarter would grant it. When/if EQN makes mega money, I don't see why reaching for a "small" 250,000 customers would seem not worth their time. EQN is a platform that will live for years and they can't go this wild and shoot for the stars with every new game they'll create.


Mr. Poopybutthole
better off going for a few hundred thousand that would play for 5 or more years and pay a monthly sub than this f2p abortion which everyone will abandon after a month (see also GW2, rift, SWTOR, WAR, AOC, etc...)
I honestly think most EQ players would balk at the game if they tried it again (or something like it), especially after being babied in every other MMO since they quit it.

I died in Crushbone and I'm bound in Steamfont? Fuck that. I quit.

And they already have 100-200,000 playing EverQuest and EverQuest 2. I'm sure half of whatever subscribers they get for EverQuest HD would just be cannibalizing from their other titles.


Elisha Dushku
better off going for a few hundred thousand that would play for 5 or more years and pay a monthly sub than this f2p abortion which everyone will abandon after a month (see also GW2, rift, SWTOR, WAR, AOC, etc...)
Nah. It'll be popular for a while. But unfortunately, I'm one of the crew that will end up abandoning it in six months and hope there's a new TLP server or large group of rerolled that want to play on EQMac.

Fundamentally, I agree with etchazz and Convo I can't see the same character connection with multi-classing as with unique classes, and I prefer EQ+VG combat and EQ itemization. Otherwise, I really like the destructible world, including the procedurally generated content, I can live with lore and yes I can even live with non-fat ogres.

The biggest single problem with EQN is that the slogan is "Play the way you want". But if you want to just play a monk you can't.


Trakanon Raider
I honestly think most EQ players would balk at the game if they tried it again (or something like it), especially after being babied in every other MMO since they quit it.

I died in Crushbone and I'm bound in Steamfont? Fuck that. I quit.

And they already have 100-200,000 playing EverQuest and EverQuest 2. I'm sure half of whatever subscribers they get for EverQuest HD would just be cannibalizing from their other titles.
congrats on making the dumbest post in history. if you really believe that EQ players wouldn't want a hardcore MMO, then i totally understand why this pussy game is right up your alley. when'd you start playing MMO's, right around TBC WoW?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
IthinkI read somewhere that they were going to provide incentives for people to be "pure" classes, for those wishing to not participate in multiclassing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
congrats on making the dumbest post in history. if you really believe that EQ players wouldn't want a hardcore MMO, then i totally understand why this pussy game is right up your alley. when'd you start playing MMO's, right around TBC WoW?
I'm sure there's some EQ players that want that. But hundreds up hunderds of thousands? Eh, I kinda of doubt it, personally.

It's sad that you can't disassociate my comment from my own personal opinions.


Trakanon Raider
IthinkI read somewhere that they were going to provide incentives for people to be "pure" classes, for those wishing to not participate in multiclassing.
problem is going to be if you're looking to get into any high end guild, they will probably have a minimum requirement of classes that you need to have to tier 5 or they won't even look at you. kind of like the original EQ was with AA's (only not nearly as cool).


Elisha Dushku
And they already have 100-200,000 playing EverQuest and EverQuest 2. I'm sure half of whatever subscribers they get for EverQuest HD would just be cannibalizing from their other titles.
That's the hope right? SOE knows that EQ/EQ2 are old - there's only so much longer they can go on before they have to ship EQ3.

But all that said, I am very sure I and anybody who gives it a shot - including etchazz and qwerty if they give it a shot - will have an enjoyable 3 to 6 months in the game. Particularly if you play from Day 1. There will be no Aragon/Gandalfs on day one, indeed for at least the first three months it will be no different than most other MMOs. The multi-classing won't have that big of an effect, it's only when people start to get multiple Tier 5s 3-6 months out that it can get wonky.

More importantly that initial group is going to be able to form Ukerric's trinity because it'll be the most focused gamers, so we'll have better combat until casual people fill up the game and the problems of casuals in a non-trinity/high skill environment being to appear.

At least that's what I think ;-)


This industry has the unfortunate habit of ignoring psychology and not looking to the deeper level of anything. It's like designers say 'this seems cool and players will like it coz it's fun', which is a derpness that pervades this shitty industry. Great game designers need to look deeper.

An identity is more than a player name: it's the activity taken by that character in the context of the world. When I think back, most of the memories I have of players obviously involved some activity with them or they performed. Bob was a great druid because he evacced at just the right time. Bob wasn't a great druid last night, a decent warrior tonight, and maybe a good quad kiting wizard tomorrow. Multiply this by the number of friends or guildmates a person has in the world, and the number of 'narratives' that must be kept track of to associate with Bob and the others, and what you end up with psychically is a break down of any identity to Bob with the activity, and by extension, his class, that he performed.

What this will lead to is that nobody will really care what class you are or when. It's whatever wanna be at the moment, and this type of mechanic will lead to very weak identity, which will lead to weak attachment to others and the world, which will likely lead to weaker player retention over the long-term in my mind.


Butler: "People won't stop tweeting me about the fat ogres thing."

Omeed: "Yeah, it's been at the top on reddit all day today."

Butler: "Well, I don't care what they want; I don't want fat ogres. Distract them with something else."

Omeed: "Done."


Trakanon Raider
I'm sure there's some EQ players that want that. But hundreds up hunderds of thousands? Eh, I kinda of doubt it, personally.

It's sad that you can't disassociate my comment from my own personal opinions.
it's sad that you never heard of a game called dark souls which makes your statement completely obsolete.