EQ Never


It sounds like there are multiple classes up the same alley though. Like they mentioned assassins as an unlockable class. Maybe a "pure rogue" would be rogue/assassin compared to a rogue/druid.


That's where people lose me. Bringing in a broken-at-launch game like Vanguard doesn't prove anything. Boxes sold weren't terrible considering how awful everything was in beta, everyone just left after a month because it was completely fucked.


FPS noob
Modern game designers, they suck rotunga balls.
For reasons I really don't know, modern game designers try to create an experience. Everything is about how you "feel" -- after a quest, a dungeon, a gaming session, whatever. The old school designers and indie devs create games they really enjoy and want to play, and hopefully your tastes overlap somewhat. Anyone who has talked to a AAA game designer walks away feeling like nothing really was said except marketing babble.

I do have high hopes that Landmark will somehow allow people to create interesting new games, whether off emu servers or public ones SOE runs. I do hope no one seriously thinks SOE is going to make EQ3 though, it would be marketing suicide plus 90% of the devhouse time on a game is spent on the last 10%. Already they are going to have a lot of confusion on EQN vs EQN:Landmark.


There are 2 games I know of on there which got about $4 million just on kickstarter alone. (Torment, and Eternity). And then there is also Star Citizen which got $4.2 million in kickstarter and then went on to get up to $15 million via their website and some other places. And that's just crowd sourced alone. A good company could probably double or triple that or more, by getting private funding and using the initial millions as their clout. And that's before the company even puts anything of their own in. It may not be enough to make a huge AAA budget game with zomgz Jeremy Soule and whatever, but if you scale back on the gimmicks, it could easily make a great game.

Also I think your 250k estimate is pretty low. There would be at least that from just the former EQ/Vanguard audience, but I think there are hundreds of thousand more just floating around the industry, who go from game to game looking for something tough but they never find it. They played WoW to death already and tried all the clones but they only last a few months, and they want something hardcore. Fact is though, nobody knows just how big or small it would be until someone gives it a shot.

Modern game designers, they suck rotunga balls.
Lol epic quote.


Trakanon Raider
What's sad is to see a little fuckwit like you not understand the market has passed you by. I played EQ, enjoyed it but understood that time doesn't stand still. You, well, obviously the past decade has been pretty hard for you. Oh, if EQ3 is really made, it won't be a re-skin of what you like. Bring on the tears bitch.
look, i can tell that you're not very smart, so i'll try and use small words. the people like me who want a game like the original aren't asking for an exact replica. we just want a game that uses the same basic mechanics and play style of the original game: specific classes/roles (trinity with support classes), class interdependency, death penalty, rare loot and rare mobs, contested content, giant sprawling dungeons, meaningful travel, levels, and an end game. those are just a handful of the things that made EQ great. this game, which is being called everquest next has NONE of those things.

the game that they are envisioning has already been done a dozen times, all of them being colossal failures. so this one allows you to dig? whoop dee fucking do. there isn't one single original idea in this game. all they did was take 6 or 7 other games and cram them all together. and this is the shit stew you can't wait to eat?


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's where people lose me. Bringing in a broken-at-launch game doesn't prove anything. Boxes sold weren't terrible considering how awful everything was in beta, everyone just left after a month because it was completely fucked.
I'm still not even sure what EverQuest HD people want. Static Camps? Forced grouping to max level? Terribly boring combat? Long down time?

Why not just go play Project 1999? That's what I'm playing at the moment, and it scratches that itch just fine. I don't see why we need a game to copy that.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
That's where people lose me. Bringing in a broken-at-launch game like Vanguard doesn't prove anything. Boxes sold weren't terrible considering how awful everything was in beta, everyone just left after a month because it was completely fucked.
A little more relevant than using a very hard console game as the main evidence of EQ's future viability. Tad gives good points pushing for a similar goal. A few others do as well. No problem saying you just don't like the art, direction, class set-up,etc. Making retarded absolutist statements on a very early game? C'mon, we know the answer here.


I'm still not even sure what EverQuest HD people want. Static Camps? Forced grouping to max level? Terribly boring combat? Long down time?

Why not just go play Project 1999? That's what I'm playing at the moment, and it scratches that itch just fine. I don't see why we need a game to copy that.
Agreed , every FPS should have just stopped at Doom , no need to make any more of the same with better graphics.




Mr. Poopybutthole
Agreed , every FPS should have just stopped at Doom , no need to make any more of the same with better graphics.
I just don't find those to be very fun game mechanics, anymore. I'm kind of putting up with them out of nostalgia in Project 1999, but it's not terribly engaging to just turn auto attack on then alt-tab to read Reddit until I hear the mob die. I'd argue most MMO players probably agree.

I actually do agree with etchazz that there are aspects of EverQuest I would like to see return. I'm hoping we see some of them in EverQuest Next. It won't be a direct copy of mechanics, but more just in the spirit of what the original was all about. I just think people need to stop taking such a hard line that it's a terrible failure of a game, especially when we know so little about the game.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
look, i can tell that you're not very smart, so i'll try and use small words. the people like me who want a game like the original aren't asking for an exact replica. we just want a game that uses the same basic mechanics and play style of the original game: specific classes/roles (trinity with support classes), class interdependency, death penalty, rare loot and rare mobs, contested content, giant sprawling dungeons, meaningful travel, levels, and an end game. those are just a handful of the things that made EQ great. this game, which is being called everquest next has NONE of those things.

the game that they are envisioning has already been done a dozen times, all of them being colossal failures. so this one allows you to dig? whoop dee fucking do. there isn't one single original idea in this game. all they did was take 6 or 7 other games and cram them all together. and this is the shit stew you can't wait to eat?
Look retard. I'll try to make this simple and use your own words to see if you can understand any of this. Tad has already mentioned some of the classes will take some time to really dig into and that a piece of LOOT may make them more viable. Where did they say there was no rare loot at all? Where did you see no rare mobs? No meaningful travel? No end game? Go ahead and show me where they are finished with this game moron. I'm waiting and will still be waiting. I haven't seen this game being done a dozen times already but go ahead and tell me where this game has been done? Destructible environ? Are you sure this is just like GW2,Rift, etc or just like sounding like an ignorant fuck all the time? Most games released in the last decade have had trinity and the interdependent classes you said you want. Oh...you want all the exact same things that made EQ different. Not some of them. ALL of them and you can't understand why no one has made your personal dream game. It's called money dumbfuck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm still not even sure what EverQuest HD people want. Static Camps? Forced grouping to max level? Terribly boring combat? Long down time?

Why not just go play Project 1999? That's what I'm playing at the moment, and it scratches that itch just fine. I don't see why we need a game to copy that.
You lose points with post like this as people have addressed that stuff.. I'm not sure why it's cool that EQ has been running since 99 but nobody sees the point of a true sequel made.. I mean how many more years does that game have to go before its worthy of a true successor if for nothing else to say a big fucking thank you to it's loyal base? Did it not bring in enough revenue yet?! Wtf why should its fans be treated with such little regard when they were here before the "new" target audience?

EQN is great! Glad they are making it.. Just wish they would throw a bone to thier...well...faithful following of EQ and VG players.


Elisha Dushku
rare loot and rare mobs, contested content, giant sprawling dungeons, meaningful travel, levels, and an end game. those are just a handful of the things that made EQ great. this game, which is being called everquest next has NONE of those things.
This is where I disagree with you: EQN actually has some interesting mechanics, slow travel, dungeons and raids (as well as rare loot). It doesn't have campable spawns or true dark above ground (thought it does below ground).

There's some really good new ideas in EQN - or, if you prefer, not quite new ideas but put together in a new way.

The main issue are will the combat/class system work - I have my doubts right now. And even if it does, the combat system still has the action-y/no downtime problems that will likely drive me away. But as I said, I think everyone will enjoy it for a while - just treat it like Diablo.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You lose points with post like this as people have addressed that stuff.. I'm not sure why it's cool that EQ has been running since 99 but nobody sees the point of a true sequel made.. I mean how many more years does that game have to go before its worthy of a true successor if for nothing else to say a big fucking thank you to it's loyal base? Did it not bring in enough revenue yet?! Wtf why should its fans be treated with such little regard when they were here before the "new" target audience?

EQN is great! Glad they are making it.. Just wish they would throw a bone to thier...well...faithful following of EQ and VG players.
I don't give a fuck about 'losing points', because I think a lot of people here are fucking delusional about the MMO market. You can still go play EQ and VG, if you want. You think SoE of all people are going to make an entire MMO just as a fan service? Maybe you're more delusional than I thought.

What is a 'worthy' successor? And who the fuck determines that? You don't think SoE thought they did that with EQ2? You don't think they believe they have that in EverQuest Next?

This crowd on here is the most jaded group in probably just about any MMO circle. Even if they did make EverQuest HD, I'm sure there would be some here calling it a failure for some reason or another.


well u cant play eq or vg cuz they got dumbed down and changed a lot. Only option is some old emulator server that doesnt work properly and is corrupt.


I'm still not even sure what EverQuest HD people want. Static Camps? Forced grouping to max level? Terribly boring combat? Long down time?

Why not just go play Project 1999? That's what I'm playing at the moment, and it scratches that itch just fine. I don't see why we need a game to copy that.
You can reduce what made EQ1 great to sound like complete shit just like you can do with any other game. I actually fully intend to play EQN for a long time if it's worth a damn, and I've been researching the hell out of it. So feel free to lump me into some preconceived notion of what someone who wants an old school MMO is like. I've logged into EQ Mac, I've tossed around the idea of P99, but ultimately it's content I played through before many years ago. I love it, but I want something new with similar design elements. Some people here might be a little more hardcore with it than I am, so rather than make a list of what they want, I can tell you what I liked and want in a modern MMO.

I want an MMO that emphasizes group play and dependency on each other. This would require a rigid class system which I'm in favor of (it creates a connection with the class that a mix of everything can't) . I want a completely non-instanced world that'd position certain rare loot to be incredibly hard to obtain. This would mean that I wouldn't be getting top tier armor, but I'm OK with that and certain loot would make people's jaw drop due to rarity. I want an emphasis on the journey to the end, not the "our game starts at 50" bullshit. This what I loved about EQ, even if it's technically a theme park or whatever you want to label it, there were so many places to start and directions to turn that it felt limitless (even if it was eventually boiled down to a golden path). I'd love a trading system that wasn't a GUI, I'm talking real player interaction in fucking Freeport or a tunnel. Oh, and real hard travel with boating systems and class specific abilities that not every single person could obtain.

I don't want to write a book defending my position, but the idea that Vanguard proves anything is shit and the idea that some emu server that everyone swears is drama central is the answer to all my hopes and dreams is shittier. While I'd love to see a proper EQ3, I'm not so delusional to think it's actually happening no matter how badly I want it to.

But fuck it all, I'm actually one of the rare people that dreams about EQ3, while still being incredibly excited about EQN. And who knows, maybe EQN will actually hit of a few of those things I'm longing for.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No they didn't think that with EQ2. That's why they said they regretted calling it that and were careful with naming EQN. And I'm not sure why you think asking for a true EQ sequel is delusional? I think it's delusional to keep telling people to play dated games..


Mr. Poopybutthole
Better question. To be considered a true sequel, what would you modify in the realm of mechanics (be specific) so that it isn't the same game with a new graphics engine and different zones, but a sequel that improves upon the original. Longer camps? Longer respawns? What is your version of improvement?

That's the problem. Lots of people who go "rah rah EQ sequel has never been made!" tend to say they want a sequel is the same but better, but then cites modern games that have improved upon EQ's design as not being better and not being the same. So it is honestly -really- confusing to people who have played VG and EQ and every other game when they claim that the true sequel doesn't exist and that newer games are all crap and yada yada. Not saying that people's opinion is wrong, but when someone says "You guys want EQ with better graphics" then lots of those targeted flip out and say all kinds of fun words involving carebears and pussified games and ADD and on and on. Without ever really saying how they would improve upon EQ's model in most cases unless they are purely cosmetic changes. Was EQ -really- perfect in every way for you guys... like... really?

Not trying to rustle jimmies, but it seems to be a very specific cycle when it comes to people saying "EQ:Reskinned" vs. "a true EQ Sequel" since the distinction is hazy on just about every single front with the primary participants.