EQ Never


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Boo hoo for cyber-bullied devs.
Ok just setting aside the guys that made death threats against children similar, the problem as I see it is that on a game the size of EQN you get equally strong positive and negative feedback on a feature at the same time. So as a dev you have to pick the feature you think is best and piss off part of your constituency anyway. Smaller indie games can have a unique vision, but in this case is just too big and needs to be inclusive.

Anwyay re book, I think it fits in the idea of not needing magical giant yellow "?s" floating around NPCs' heads. Also WoW quests had 2 states ?/! (plus their blue daily version). Maybe this book can give a wider vocabulary when interacting with quests requirements.


<Gold Donor>
That bullshit with the death threats and such, its an epidemic with the entire entertainment industry as a whole. If you wanna be a part of it, you will have to deal with some crazy, it just goes with the territory. But, im sure 90% of all devs are immune to this shit, unless they are a vocal and visible part of the dev team which is a small part of the overall team anyway.


The problem with devs these days is they say one thing and then give you complete opposite and then they never say shit. They just do whatever and expect people to deal with it. A little COMMUNICATION does wonders.

If I was smed my success would have been: at the reveal don't say shit about coping Final fantasy 14 class structure and showing ur shit demo. They should have done stuff like show a character running inside EC tunnel, and then show a couple shots of qeynos, then maybe a couple familiar faces with mobs. Released some details on their plans of smarter AI ect. Don't come in and go this is our demo oh by the way this isn't how its going to be we just did this for the demo. And we have gutted the whole game so its nothing like EQ. That right there is enough to cause instant flameage. You have to stroke the EQ vets A LITTLE. You don't tell people who sleep talk walk EQ that the NEXT Eq has nothing to do with EQ. Insta cast rage. And then post people should be nicer to dev's and don't talk bad about the dev's johnny. Well if they would grow some fucking balls and stick up for their shit and show us WHY we shouldn't be raging things would be different. But they don't say shit. They havn't said anything since that reveal to combat any backlash thats on every fan site.

edit: and on top of that smed tweets about DOTA everday. So what the fuck why not tweet stuff about your upcoming game? Its like the world is on fire and obama is playing golf its hilarious.


Trakanon Raider
the problem is not the devs, i hate that people think the devs are the ones making decisions... I have been in the gaming industry in the past as a dev, we did not make any decisions, we are code monkeys, that's all. We develop based on the producers input and "vision" and where they get it from i never cared.
Come to work, look at the SCRUM board (if you don't know what SCRUM is, look it up) pick a task, then make it work in the game as described on the card... that's it. As a Dev i never took the card and said.. hmm ya know what, i think this is a stupid idea and i'll just make it however i see fit. Does not work that way.
The Producers are fucking up EQN, and Devs are just doing their job... if they complaign i promise you they will get rotated out for a dev that wont, everyone wants in the gaming industry... just be careful what you wish for, it's all glamorous from the outside looking in only.


Avatar of War Slayer
The problem with devs these days is they say one thing and then give you complete opposite and then they never say shit. They just do whatever and expect people to deal with it. A little COMMUNICATION does wonders.

If I was smed my success would have been: at the reveal don't say shit about coping Final fantasy 14 class structure and showing ur shit demo. They should have done stuff like show a character running inside EC tunnel, and then show a couple shots of qeynos, then maybe a couple familiar faces with mobs. Released some details on their plans of smarter AI ect. Don't come in and go this is our demo oh by the way this isn't how its going to be we just did this for the demo. And we have gutted the whole game so its nothing like EQ. That right there is enough to cause instant flameage. You have to stroke the EQ vets A LITTLE. You don't tell people who sleep talk walk EQ that the NEXT Eq has nothing to do with EQ. Insta cast rage. And then post people should be nicer to dev's and don't talk bad about the dev's johnny. Well if they would grow some fucking balls and stick up for their shit and show us WHY we shouldn't be raging things would be different. But they don't say shit. They havn't said anything since that reveal to combat any backlash thats on every fan site.
not really. communication works for niche markets. where you can interact with the few. Path of exile interacting with fans great.
you sure as hell don't see Nintendo doing that however, and with good reason. A stone wall works great, particularly if you are big.


not really. communication works for niche markets. where you can interact with the few. Path of exile interacting with fans great.
you sure as hell don't see Nintendo doing that however, and with good reason. A stone wall works great, particularly if you are big.
Then why SAY we are making the round table so we can communicate with you? They say they want to communicate but they put polls up on random fluff and shit thats already in game asking if they should put it in game? Then they delete any negative comments that say anything but /insertsoedickinmouth


the problem is not the devs, i hate that people think the devs are the ones making decisions... I have been in the gaming industry in the past as a dev, we did not make any decisions, we are code monkeys, that's all. We develop based on the producers input and "vision" and where they get it from i never cared.
Come to work, look at the SCRUM board (if you don't know what SCRUM is, look it up) pick a task, then make it work in the game as described on the card... that's it. As a Dev i never took the card and said.. hmm ya know what, i think this is a stupid idea and i'll just make it however i see fit. Does not work that way.
The Producers are fucking up EQN, and Devs are just doing their job... if they complaign i promise you they will get rotated out for a dev that wont, everyone wants in the gaming industry... just be careful what you wish for, it's all glamorous from the outside looking in only.
I think people confuse dev with producer. They just think the developers are the ones "developing" the game. You have a very valid point though. See my edit response about smed tweeting about dota.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I think they are playing the data very well. You show some very progressive ideas behind closed doors at E3 and win some awards just based off 'vision'. This ups the hype early. Go into your own show and add to the hype with videos that show vision but give very little details because honestly, you aren't anywhere near where you want to be. It gets some really excited, some really angry, and some willing to wait and see. Any way you slice it, you've got a lot of discussion, hype, and free advertising. I don't care if they fuck it up like they have in the past. What has Blizzard, Trion, Bethesda, or any other developer shown that is 'the next step forward'? None of them have done anything really.

Hopefully EQN helps make an EQ3 but i'm just happy to see some forward progress in thinking if not in accomplishment. This genre is a very worn out assembly line. Time to redesign the plans a little bit.


Sparkletot Monger
Then why SAY we are making the round table so we can communicate with you? They say they want to communicate but they put polls up on random fluff and shit thats already in game asking if they should put it in game? Then they delete any negative comments that say anything but /insertsoedickinmouth
For someone who hates everything they have announced, hates all the people involved and believes it will be a total shitfest... You sure do post a lot about it. I'm not sure where all the anger, rage and cynicism come from, you played EQ for a long time, and enjoyed it more than you didnt, otherwise why would you have continued to play? I just dont believe that everything good about EQ was a total accident. They did some great things. SoV was great. Then the game got old, and WoW did everything EQ did, but better, so we all moved on.

The problem with your posts, besides the lack of paragraph structure, is that you are extremely zealous about your beliefs, it doesn't read like a discussion of information and more like you are trying to convince people of something. /shrug

Either way.....

Cya in Qeynos!


Trakanon Raider
I think they are playing the data very well. You show some very progressive ideas behind closed doors at E3 and win some awards just based off 'vision'. This ups the hype early. Go into your own show and add to the hype with videos that show vision but give very little details because honestly, you aren't anywhere near where you want to be. It gets some really excited, some really angry, and some willing to wait and see. Any way you slice it, you've got a lot of discussion, hype, and free advertising. I don't care if they fuck it up like they have in the past. What has Blizzard, Trion, Bethesda, or any other developer shown that is 'the next step forward'? None of them have done anything really.

Hopefully EQN helps make an EQ3 but i'm just happy to see some forward progress in thinking if not in accomplishment. This genre is a very worn out assembly line. Time to redesign the plans a little bit.
i would whole heartedly agree with you if EQN had one single idea that was truly original. however, all they have done is copy every game that has come out over the past 10+ years, stir it in a giant pot, and then call it unique. anything and everything they are describing has been done before (most of it unsuccessfully too i might add). the only thing they are really talking about that is supposedly original is storybricks, and if this is even 1/100th as revolutionary as they are claiming i'll be amazed.


the only thing they are really talking about that is supposedly original is storybricks, and if this is even 1/100th as revolutionary as they are claiming i'll be amazed.
Story bricks/AI can make this game by itself. They better deliver on that front or all is ruined.

On the other hand, they will make profit on the game no matter what, so who really cares that matters?


Molten Core Raider
re AI:

I haven't had opportunity yet to finish Mark's book on Behavioral Mathematics, but if, and it's a big IF, what I've read so far is what's actually behind the AI/SB, then we could see something that hasn't yet been seen in an MMO. This is not scripting nor a db of pre-defined actions. No simple expert system of mass if-thens.

I'll follow up when I've finished, but so far I'm seeing the possibilities for dynamic and possibly unforeseen synergisms between agents (npcs) that could make for quite interesting interactions, not only between npc/pc, but between npc/npc.

Vague, I know. More later. I could be wrong, but hope I'm not.


I called 2015 release 10 mins after SOE live. Anyone taking bets? Vapor Ware at this point.
I?d put twenty bucks down on January 2015. I'd guess that they?ve got more than vaporware at this point, though perhaps not by much.

...some really excited, some really angry, and some willing to wait and see. Any way you slice it, you've got a lot of discussion, hype, and free advertising.
Itissomewhat impressive how many opinions/questions/comments/concerns and how much humor/rage/douchebaggery there is to soak up already. I wonder how many posts this thread will have by the time the game actually launches. I also wonder which will be more entertaining; the game itself or all the banter leading up to it.


After checkin out some of what's out there so far on that Black Desert project, I completely agree with this statement:

If this was called eq next, everyone on this site would have gone apeshit!
Here?s hoping that the Koreans are successful enough in their own market that their game actually makes it out west someday, especially if EQN doesn?t deliver.


Sparkletot Monger
SoE is streaming their presentation on the 21st for GamesCon on twitchTv. They are talking about lots of new info (combat doc?).

Would anyone like to post about how much they hate it?


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
i would whole heartedly agree with you if EQN had one single idea that was truly original. however, all they have done is copy every game that has come out over the past 10+ years, stir it in a giant pot, and then call it unique. anything and everything they are describing has been done before (most of it unsuccessfully too i might add). the only thing they are really talking about that is supposedly original is storybricks, and if this is even 1/100th as revolutionary as they are claiming i'll be amazed.
I agree it isn't truly unique but I don't think we need that for the next step forward. WoW took out things many people didn't like, polished the hell out of the framework, and added a few options other companies thought of into a better package. This can be the same step forward. EQN can improve upon certain ideas, add a couple new revolutionary/evolutionary elements like new AI, terrain changes, and SB and combine the total package into the next step for MMOs. It's not the next big thing outside of the last three things mentioned. Even if they aren't perfect(which they won't be), it's a step forward and a needed one.


Trakanon Raider
re AI:

I haven't had opportunity yet to finish Mark's book on Behavioral Mathematics, but if, and it's a big IF, what I've read so far is what's actually behind the AI/SB, then we could see something that hasn't yet been seen in an MMO. This is not scripting nor a db of pre-defined actions. No simple expert system of mass if-thens.

I'll follow up when I've finished, but so far I'm seeing the possibilities for dynamic and possibly unforeseen synergisms between agents (npcs) that could make for quite interesting interactions, not only between npc/pc, but between npc/npc.

Vague, I know. More later. I could be wrong, but hope I'm not.
Speaking of AI, waiting on SoE PR approval for the Storybrick/AI interview. Should be up soon.


Elisha Dushku
Speaking of AI, waiting on SoE PR approval for the Storybrick/AI interview. Should be up soon.
Great! I know I owe you a little OpEd on lore. But I'm waiting on my buddy who is fishing to edit/additional insights (he's a much more hardcore EQ player than I ever was).


So manysandy vaginasin this thread right now.
So, so, soooooo many.

I'm as butthurt as the next person over lore issues, but as others have mentioned, I'm willing to give EQN a chance because it is something new. Sorry etchazz but yes, according to the patent office, God and your local gynecologist, combining a bunch of already existing things in a new way does produce something new: be it a previously disconnected inventions into a patent, previously existing minerals into metamorphic rock or previously existing DNA into a new baby.

Metamorphosis baby!



Silver Knight of the Realm
i would whole heartedly agree with you if EQN had one single idea that was truly original. however, all they have done is copy every game that has come out over the past 10+ years, stir it in a giant pot, and then call it unique. anything and everything they are describing has been done before (most of it unsuccessfully too i might add). the only thing they are really talking about that is supposedly original is storybricks, and if this is even 1/100th as revolutionary as they are claiming i'll be amazed.
Georgeson essentially said the same thing, months ago.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...IIIZ6ETtY&t=41


The multi-classing is far and away the most worrisome feature for me personally. I've been warming up to the idea that any character can learn the skills and abilities of their choosing and mix them together, but the ability to "just change on the fly" still sounds pretty terrible. Really hoping they don't go full ninja piratemon with these mechanics, but I fear that's exactly how it's gonna work. I'm most interested in hearing more on this topic above all, but I'm doubtful they're gonna release anything more related to combat anytime soon.

Just doesn't sound very fun to be constantly hot-swapping builds in order to get the best matchup against the next wave of mobs.

I'm sure little neddy will love it though.