EQ Never


Blackwing Lair Raider
"So we spent the next year protyping, trying to figure out which of our crazy ideas might work. And well the cool thing is most of them did."

Really, Dave? Prove it. Right now all you've shown is technology you didn't even build.
To be fair, they've also showed us a few prototype character models that they haven't had time to "polish" yet, and some concept art for some of the characters that they haven't had time to prototype yet.


When have they claimed that?
Smed (I think) said they would have a playable demo at SOE Live 2013 back in 2012 (again, I think) but they overestimated how long the development would take, and they might have even had to roll back a couple ideas along the way.


No, you are not. I used to jump randomly on my night elf druid in WoW just to see how many flips I could get in a row, and I spammed nearly every movement assisting ability in Tera/GW2(War charge etc.) just to get places quicker. Movement has always been amazingly boring to me, and I believe that while it should take time to get places, it should also be fun during the process. The more I see of their system, the more excited I get.
Same here. I enjoy ninja-esq movement in my games. I jump-flipped a lot on my NE druid. EQN movement looks fun, Hardcore parkour ftw.





Ahn'Qiraj Raider
When have they claimed that?
From EQwire.

"We're betting the company's future on this game. . The last EverQuest game launched in 2005. We've blown up two design ideas over the last four years because they were too 'me too.' It wasn't enough of a change. We settled on a design that, when we looked at it, everyone in the room thought we were crazy. We gave it a week and came back, and we all said 'yeah, we're still crazy, but we can't get the idea out of our heads. . It's going to be the world's largest sandbox game."

And. here's the quote that has everyone losing their minds thinking EverQuest Next will be released this year:

Players will have to wait a bit longer to try it themselves, but maybe not as long as you'd expect. "Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year - and I don't mean a beta," says Smedley.

Don`t argue semantics. This is pure Bullshit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Even in that quote from Smed he gives us the wrong freaking year eq2 launched. Seriously.
They think we are fully retarded, and when we toe the line we are proving them right.

"We're betting the company's future on this game. . The last EverQuest game launched in 2005``
Oh did it....



Mr. Poopybutthole
Players will have to wait a bit longer to try it themselves, but maybe not as long as you'd expect. "Players will get their hands on an actual release version of what we're doing late [this] year - and I don't mean a beta," says Smedley.
If you actually read his quote he wasn't necessarily lying, but itwasdisingenuous because people thought he was talking about Next when he was talking about Landmark.


Smed lied... period. He also lied about people being able to play the game at SOE Live 2013,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxE9j...tailpage#t=856.
Lying is different from making a mistake. He wasn't touting a playable demo a month before the event as if that would be the big thing to go for - Smed said that it would be playable at SOE Live 2013 a year before. If Georgeson's explanation isn't enough for you, I don't know what is.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
I totally thought of Lara Croft when I saw those videos. And don't worry, if this MMO is no good there's always ... fuck. I've got nothing.
Lara Croft, think you hit that right on the head. I have some friends that will be geeking over this when I tell him. I have never gotten into LC but some are religious about it into a scary realm and have to play the latest game.


Fuck catering to everyone. That honestly sounds like a terrible idea for an MMO.
Think WoW has done a pretty bang up job of it so far and still trying to match a 1 button "I Win" into the game still. They have overly tweaked it and long since ticked off the crafting community long before the High-End Raiding content Guilds ever stepped foot into an instance portal!


Overly neutral I dont like, but with limited info in the likes of Area 51 isnt helping. I want to see if they break from the grey area and something with good and evil. I get that every race is neut and that Dragons and other mobs are neut or evil/good in their own ways.

But anyone with history knowledge knows that if you keep multiple races together for extended time they have the tendency to become biased towards other races and only deal with it till they are no longer forced to. Maybe they have a plan (BSG), hoping it doesnt end the same.

Any chance that this whole "We scraped" rebuild was after Minecraft or Storybricks was out for a limited time and was gaining ground. I am too lazy to look it up at this time.


Sidenote, do you think with voxel and storybricks plus the personal tweaks on armor/weapons looks that this model of game could finally allow a true Transformers game? One where you can build and customize your own toon and build other AI cronies, bases and other things to give way to a new Cybertron? Will allow planet layers to adventure.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Lying is different from making a mistake. He wasn't touting a playable demo a month before the event as if that would be the big thing to go for - Smed said that it would be playable at SOE Live 2013 a year before. If Georgeson's explanation isn't enough for you, I don't know what is.
My bad. Another empty promise. Is that better?