EQ Never


FoH nuclear response team
The fae aren't my thing, but I do get it; they've got a lot of appeal with female players, and fairies, for all their rarity as playable options in fantasy games, are one of the more firmly established fantasy/ mythological creatures out there, so I never really minded their presence.

The arasai, on the other hand, seemed like one of the more supremely lazy things that was done in EQ2. "Hey, let's take the fae, give them a slightly darker and more subdued color scheme, give them the exact same backstory as the dark elves, and viola, new race!"

Yes, just what we need, more women playing MMO's. I'm predicting a 75% increase in guild implosions due to drama.


Blizzard must be laughing somewhere. They just need to release WoW 2.0 with Voxels and StoryBricks-like AI with slightly imporoved graphics and the old class/combat system and they'll kill EQN.
I think EQNext is going to release on the PS4. Assuming that is true, I think the devs are looking for a wider audience than what traditional MMO trinity combat can deliver. For instance, have you ever watched someone playing a MMO? It can be a bit...dry. Faster, more fluid and reactive combat lends itself well to a more mainstream appeal.

But, as I said, I'm definitely getting a cross platform feel from EQN. Isnt Planetside2 coming out for PS4?


Trakanon Raider
im not pumped about it, but i could get used to a MOBA mmo.
i could too, if they just created an entirely new IP. the problem is, there is absolutely nothing everquest about everquest next, which is retarded. what sony is doing is like someone making a new wing commander game but making it a RTS and placing it in the old west.
I really love the concept of one-time only encounters also. There are a lot of concepts in EQN that makes me feel positive about the future of MMOs.


Trump's Staff
I think EQNext is going to release on the PS4. Assuming that is true, I think the devs are looking for a wider audience than what traditional MMO trinity combat can deliver. For instance, have you ever watched someone playing a MMO? It can be a bit...dry. Faster, more fluid and reactive combat lends itself well to a more mainstream appeal.

But, as I said, I'm definitely getting a cross platform feel from EQN. Isnt Planetside2 coming out for PS4?
I think what they're saying is that there will still be trinity style combat if you so choose to play that way, however, it will no longer be necessary, and in some percentage of situations it wont even be optimal.

I'm envisioning situations where mitigation is more important than replenishing damage received - and not from AC. Dodging, CC, and structure creation are gonna be huge, and the use of any of these abilities in conjunction is gonna be just as important as healing. Why heal damage taken by an AOE if you can erect (heh) a temporary voxel stone wall in front of it? One can imagine all kinds of creative mitigation techniques with the technology present in EQN.

Edit: I quoted the wrong damn post...


i could too, if they just created an entirely new IP. the problem is, there is absolutely nothing everquest about everquest next, which is retarded. what sony is doing is like someone making a new wing commander game but making it a RTS and placing it in the old west.
And then telling Wing Commander fans that the essence of Wing Commander games was never being a space sim anyways so don't worry about it.


i could too, if they just created an entirely new IP. the problem is, there is absolutely nothing everquest about everquest next, which is retarded.
The mistake you're making is that you think of Everquest, the game from 1999, as it's own self-contained franchise.Everquest is a brand.

  • EverQuest Hero's Call (Pocket PC, January 2003)
  • EverQuest Online Adventures (PlayStation 2, February 2003)
  • Lords of EverQuest (PC, December 2003)
  • Champions of Norrath (PlayStation 2, February 2004)
  • EverQuest Hero's Call 2 (Pocket PC, April 2004)
  • EverQuest II (PC, November 2004)
  • Champions: Return to Arms, sequel to Champions of Norrath (PlayStation 2, February 2005)
  • EverQuest Role-Playing Game (a role-playing game produced in collaboration with White Wolf which uses the d20 system)
  • Legends of Norrath (a virtual card game which launched sometime in 2007 or early 2008 which also awards EverQuest and EverQuest II players with in-game items)
  • EverQuest Next (newest announced EverQuest game.)

  • Rogue's Hour, by Scott Ciencin (October 2004)
  • Ocean of Tears, by Stewart Wieck (October 2005)
  • Truth and Steel, by Thomas M. Reid (September 2006)
  • The Blood Red Harp, by Elaine Cunningham (October 2006)

EQNext is just the next in a long line of Everquest games from SOE. It's the 4th (or 5th if you count Landmark) Everquest MMO from SOE, with only EQOA being shut down.
Everquest is still running, although now-a-days it's like that first love you had, except it's had lots of plastic surgery, loads of kids from different baby-daddies and its tits are sagging, but it's still up and running making SOE money. They're not going to create an updated clone of Everquest when the old bag is still making them money. That'd be ridiculous.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
They're not going to create an updated clone of Everquest when the old bag is still making them money. That'd be ridiculous.
They really should make an updated EQ clone. Before they do that though, they have to try and make a game that will make them a lot more money. The tools are there to update EQ into a somewhat similar experience when they get done. EQNL will make more money than EQ3 would have(the update). EQN will probably make more money than EQ 3 would too. That doesn't mean some of that money can't be used to make EQ3 especially with the new tools they are playing with. It just depends on how easy it would be to update. I'm thinking pretty easy.


EQN will bring in more money than something like an EQ3 but that doesn't mean it's going to be successful. An EQ3 would use a budget adjusted to the market it'd try hitting, making the project substantially less costly to SOE. Achieving profit and success isn't guaranteed, but it's a lot easier to crawl out of debt when your MMO doesn't cost hundreds of millions of dollars.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
As easy as making an entirely different MMOG in the same engine goes, yes, I suppose it would be relatively easy.
Easier than any other MMO since they will have people making stuff on EQNL all the time. Same engine, known world and systems, already made a much more ambitious game earlier...yeah, much easier for them like I said.


EQN will bring in more money than something like an EQ3 but that doesn't mean it's going to be successful. An EQ3 would use a budget adjusted to the market it'd try hitting, making the project substantially less costly to SOE. Achieving profit and success isn't guaranteed, but it's a lot easier to crawl out of debt when your MMO doesn't cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
EQNext is on it's 3rd iteration. As a title it's been in development for what? 3-5 years? The design has been scrapped twice. That's money down the drain, but also added to the budget of the current iteration of EQNext. I'd be surprised if they hadn't dumped at least 100 million on it. That's why they're in a rush to get Landmark out, which is nothing more than a "game" designed to help them create EQNext, which is theactualgame.
Art assets take up a huge chunk of development time and money, so if they can outsource that to the players and call it a "game" that they can make money off of, that's positive revenue to offset the fact that this project is currently a hole in the ground.

Everquest is still successful. No need to make a spiritual sequel to it. Everquest II is also still successful. Everquest Online Adventures was fairly successful, but the platform it released on - the PS2 - isn't anymore, so they shut it down.
EQNext is being marketed for that crowd. It'll be PC/PS4 compatible, and it's being designed as free-to-play (something they couldn't do with EQOA). It's cute. It has a simple, action-combat system that lends itself to console controllers. It'll also be able to be more of a RPG than Minecraft, which is a popular title available only on PCs and XBox.

EQNext is the spiritual successor to Everquest Online Adventures, not Everquest. They'll make a spiritual successor to EQ when that game stops being profitable.


Log Wizard
I'd love to see a breakdown of what EQ1 only players and EQ2 only players thought about EQN. EQ1 players seem to be all "THIS AINT WHAT 1999 WAS" and I wonder if it's the EQ2 players that aren't as butthurt by changes to the game as much as they disagree with actual mechanics.


Trakanon Raider
i'm just glad that 1022 pages later, someone finally figured out that EverQuest is a brand/franchise.
star wars is a brand/franchise as well. that didn't stop the prequels from being fucking awful. what made the original trilogy great isn't anywhere to be found in the prequels. same thing is going on here with everquest.