EQ Never


Bronze Knight of the Realm
They already said it was ARAC. As it needs to be in a game with this kind of multiclassing. When being the best warrior might involve having rogue skills and wizard skills and shit, you can't have someone go 'i wanna be an ogre warrior' and then get shat on for it in the long term.


Molten Core Raider
How do you guys feel about race/class restrictions?

The reason I ask is because I downloaded EQ last night (pretty drunk) and was trying to pick a server... And Firiona Vie was calling to me. Really felt like geeking out on the role play server. I got it in my head that I wanted to role play a super creepy Troll Necromancer... And was super disappointed that I couldn't be one.

Now, I get it. A lot of people are gonna be like, 'casual scum! Troll intelligence is too low for int caster classes'... And years ago i would have said the same...But like... Who cares? The character I wanted to play just couldn't be made. Why can't I role play an exceptionally evil troll who has become so adept at the magics taught to him in the Shadow Knight guild that he is a full blown Necromancer? If I wanna stat gimp myself for the sake of loving my character, what business is it of anyone's?
They should take a note from D&D and just make it more XP to level a toon that does not fit class/race that way you are gimped but it is overcome able with effort.


Trakanon Raider
How do you guys feel about race/class restrictions?

The reason I ask is because I downloaded EQ last night (pretty drunk) and was trying to pick a server... And Firiona Vie was calling to me. Really felt like geeking out on the role play server. I got it in my head that I wanted to role play a super creepy Troll Necromancer... And was super disappointed that I couldn't be one.

Now, I get it. A lot of people are gonna be like, 'casual scum! Troll intelligence is too low for int caster classes'... And years ago i would have said the same...But like... Who cares? The character I wanted to play just couldn't be made. Why can't I role play an exceptionally evil troll who has become so adept at the magics taught to him in the Shadow Knight guild that he is a full blown Necromancer? If I wanna stat gimp myself for the sake of loving my character, what business is it of anyone's?
I don't mind that there'll be no hard restrictions for race/class combos, but I do wish/hope that there will be soft restrictions.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
The problem with this is that they're not going to severely limit the stats for a Troll Necromancer because they don't want any players "regretting a decision they made before they knew its ramifications" as they've alluded to numerous times. So that leaves us with two options. 1) They let any race be any class and those game mechanics are simply aesthetic. Or 2) They have race/class restrictions.

I'm hoping for 2.
Or they go with (3):

They should take a note from D&D and just make it more XP to level a toon that does not fit class/race that way you are gimped but it is overcome able with effort.
I don't mind that there'll be no hard restrictions for race/class combos, but I do wish/hope that there will be soft restrictions.
Instead of more xp I would prefer the soft restriction to be based having convince a necromancer to actually teach you his tricks. That would require you to start out as another class (i.e. hard restrictions at creation, as the EQN is planned to have through the initial 8 classes) and then developing your character according to your personal goals for that character. "I'm gonna be a troll necromancer" (or ninja) would be your own personal quest without the game having a quest tracker for it. And depending on your interactions with various storybricks would be somewhat different for each player. Which brings us back to EQN being awesome IF storybricks is awesome. We'll see in 2015!

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider

List of ways to gate for melee types that don't have gate in United Legion of Souls Member Only Area Forum

Here's a list of Gate methods:

1. Philter of Major Translocation - Player made (Shaman alchemy - 131 Trivial), bought in the bazaar in single doses for around 175 pp. Gate to Bind.
Philter of Major Translocation :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

2. Philter of the Bonefield - Player Made (Shaman alchemy - 126 Trivial )-can be bought in bazaar in single dozes for about 200 pp. Port to Field of Bone.
Philter of the Bonefield :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

3. Philter of the Frostplains - Player Made (Shaman alchemy - 126 Trivial )-can be bought in bazaar in single dozes for about 200 pp. Port to Everfrost.
Philter of the Frostplains :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

4. Philter of the Swamp - Player Made (Shaman alchemy - 126 Trivial )-can be bought in bazaar in single dozes for about 200 pp. Port to Innothule Swamp.
Philter of the Swamp :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

5. Philter of the Thicket - Player Made (Shaman alchemy - 126 Trivial ) - can be bought in bazaar - cheaper than Philter of Major Translocation - Port to Shadoweaver Thicket (off Nexus).
Philter of the Thicket :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

6. Philter of the Twilight - Player Made Player Made (Shaman alchemy - 126 Trivial) - can be bought in bazaar in single dozes for about 150 pp. Port to Twilight Sea.

7. Thurgadin Gate Potion - Player made, trivial at 122 Pottery skill. This is the cheapest gate method I know of. It takes an hour to get the relevant pottery skill at hardly any cost (only a few pp, see the link). It does require farming ingredients in the Crystal caverns or Velketor's Labyrinth, or buying them in the bazaar. Good Coldain faction is required to make it.
Guide to Making Another Guide
Another Guide

8. Worker Sledgemallet - Obtained via the New Worker quest in the Overthere. Cheap and easy if you have good Venril Sathir faction.
The New Worker :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

9. Clockwork Talisman - Obtained from the Jimlok's Friend quest. The initial talisman has five uses only, but the final version, the Binden Concerrentia can be recharged at a fair cost by player potions.
Jimlok's Friend (Clockwork Talisman #1)
Jimlok's Friend (Clockwork Talisman #1) :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Powered Clockwork Talisman (#2)
Powered Clockwork Talisman (#2) :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM
The Binden Concerrentia (Talisman #3)
The Binden Concerrentia (Talisman #3) :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

10. Tolan's Darkwood Breastplate - a Ranger only item that drops from the dragon Trakanon in Old Sebilis.

11. Gloves of the Ritual - An unlimited charge Nexus Gate item from the Escort the Gnome quest in Cazic-Thule.
Escort the Gnome :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

12. Lizard Blood Potion - Obtained in the Feerrott as a drop from Thul Tae Ew Cenobites. The port takes you to Cazic Thule.
Lizard Blood Potion :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

13. Vial of Swirling Smoke - Expensive, but a 1 charge insta-click gate potion. about 1k pp.
Vial of Swirling Smoke :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAM

14. Talisman of Return - Magician summoned, no rent item that requires Quintessence of Knowledge as a reagent (this is the same reagent as for the Binden Concerrentia, above). Reagant costs about 100pp.

15. Origin AA - Costs 7 AA points and is available to non-gaters at level 67. This returns you to your home city, but has a long re-use timer (72 mins?).

16. Leatherfoot Raider's Skull Cap - only for Halflings - AC 7 Str +5 Cha +10 Agi +5 MR +5 - 1 Charge of Ring of Commons
Leatherfoot Raiders :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

17. Necklace of Warportal Fragments - three part quest to get clickie for portal of war in Steppes (TSS expansion)
Rebuild the Portal #1: The Talking Plant
Rebuild the Portal #1: The Talking Plant :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Rebuild the Portal #2: The Library
Rebuild the Portal #2: The Library :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM
Rebuild the Portal #3: The Destroyed Portal
Rebuild the Portal #3: The Destroyed Portal :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

18. Spring Coil Particle Relocator - from quest Lost Lumpling - Fortress Mechanotus - Lamperious Cogwittle - unlimited Teleport Ak'Anon
Lost Lumpling :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM


Trakanon Raider
There's a new video producer's letter up. Not going to bother posting it; it's not worth the effort.

This upcoming month, they're going to talk (and they said 'talk,' not 'show') about the building tools for EQNL, there'll be a new lore ebook, and they're having a livestream to talk about the roundtable.

*sigh*I'm still excited about the game's potential, but Christ are they bad at the PR end of things.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dr. Neir:

There are even more ways to teleport for non-gating classes.

This is a nice one:Bulwark of Many Portals :: Items :: EverQuest :: ZAMInstant gate clicky, summoned by Mages (and tradable off course). This one requires no reagent, it is a random summon from the Cauldron of Many Things that mages can summon. They are not even Lore so you can have more then one in your inventory (do not stack though).

There is also the Veteran reward AA 'Throne of Heroes", ports you to the Guild Lobby, I think it is the 10th or 11th reward though. Recast an hour or so.

There is another clicky that teleports you to the roof of Gyrospire beza, but currently that quest is broken:Gyrospire Relocation Research :: Quests :: EverQuest :: ZAM

And then there are the Primary and Secondary Anchor devices that you can buy for loyalty points at the Loyalty vendor in PoK, which will teleport you to your Guildhall or House. They are on separate timers, and from the housing area it is a short walk to the Guildlobby.

Chasing some of those clicky items is part of the fun I am still having in EQ. Much more fun this way then simply opening up the whole world the same way for every class.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Yeah, but the combat doc more than made up for it.


Having now had the opportunity to dump a few hours into voxelcrafting, if the popularity of Minecraft is any indication, I expect Sony will make a mint off of this game.

I've never played Minecraft and don't intend to, but I had a pretty decent collection of legos when I was little, so I'm not surprised that I enjoy this shit.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
He asked his wife to let him play with her Voxels and she agreed. Then he dumped a few in and had fun doing so.