EQ Never


Trump's Staff
Honestly, I paid because I get to play the new EverQuest game a month or two early. My curiosity and impatience are going to get satisfied much earlier for a pretty small sum. On top of that, the in game bonuses sound extremely compelling. We'll see if I regret it, but I doubt it. It's just about managing your expectations.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Because it's the whole point...they said they are allowing people to pay to get in at a very early alpha state of the game. Ideally you want those people testing not playing for fun. That's what people have been concerned about. He's laying out exactly the issue at hand. People will be playing and not testing. The entry to alpha has changed. It's now a monetary entry not based on experience/best qualified. He understands the difference but can't seem to grasp those concerns that people already brought up pages back regarding alpha testing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't want them to succeed in this trend and especially don't want other companies trying it.
I still don't get what the difference is between a $90 founder pack that gives in-game items/testing access and a $90 collectors edition that gives early testing access/in-game items. I really don't understand what 'precedent' people think this is setting, since it's been done for quite a while with other pricing models.

Anyone care to explain? Is it just the simple fact that you don't think they've shown enough of the game to warrant spending money on? Even if that's the case, I don't get why this is such a horrible thing to do? Why not just wait and play for free?

People will be playing and not testing. The entry to alpha has changed. It's now a monetary entry not based on experience/best qualified.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are we talking about MMO testing? When has this EVER been the case in the last decade?

The vast majority just want to play (which does test your game, to some extent). That's why beta testing has fundamentally changed in meaning over the past decade. Most the time, beta is purely driven by 1) Randomness and 2) System specs.

I understand you guys are getting severely butthurt about EverQuest Next, but can we atleast be realistic in our discussion? You're talking about some ideal that nearly no MMO achieves, and then getting mad that Sony is pulling a 'stunt' that's not even new to the industry.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Teekey I'm starting to think you're a shill dude...

Again standards. I can't wait to see the shape EQL releases in. That will tell us a lot IMO.


If they're naive enough not to have professional QA and testing teams on the idea that the people who paid for alpha access are going to turn alpha testing into their jobs, then I'll eat my hat. No - SOE is probably going to get enough money from thepresales themselvesto hire people for however long they need to (and that's if we're pretending that they didn't already fit it into their budget). I don't see where you got the notion that this is a substitution for actual testers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Teekey I'm starting to think you're a shill dude...

Again standards. I can't wait to see the shape EQL releases in. That will tell us a lot IMO.
God forbid someone has a differing opinion. If someone doesn't agree with you SURELY they're being paid to disagree, right? Fuck off.

I've agreed they haven't shown enough about the game to entice me to putting down any money on it yet. I still think you guys are fucking retarded for getting upset over a model that has basically been done by most every MMO in the past few years.


God forbid someone has a differing opinion. If someone doesn't agree with you SURELY they're being paid to disagree, right? Fuck off.

I've agreed they haven't shown enough about the game to entice me to putting down any money on it yet. I still think you guys are fucking retarded for getting upset over a model that has basically been done by most every MMO in the past few years.
What other major mmo sold specific alpha access.

Name fucking one.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's not true. I can't recall any game that has shown so little and offered that kind of package. Eh, the great thing is time will tell. Let's see how this plays out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
What other major mmo sold specific alpha access.

Name fucking one.
Nealy every MMO sells testing access or head starts. Alpha specifically? Why does it matter? The terms Alpha and Beta mean practically nothing nowadays. Do you really think there'sthatbig of a difference?

PS: I love how smug you're trying to sound.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nealy every MMO sells testing access or head starts. Alpha specifically? Why does it matter? Alpha and Beta means practically nothing nowadays. Do you really think there'sthatbig of a difference?
Dude they have barely shown anything and plan to start testing in a few months. Don't kid yourself. This will be a true alpha state game. Stop being so dismissive..

You're either an SoE employee or have never tested a SoE game..


Mr. Poopybutthole
Dude they have barely shown anything and plan to start testing in a few months. Don't kid yourself. This will be a true alpha state game. Stop being so dismissive..
Perhaps. But it's fucking MineCraft. I think you guys are really overestimating how critical testing is going to be. There's no quests. There's no NPCs. There's barely any items. It's just a bunch of characters playing with blocks in a baren world.

You're either an SoE employee or have never tested a SoE game..
And yet, I'm the one being dismissive...


Silver Knight of the Realm
Dude they have barely shown anything and plan to start testing in a few months. Don't kid yourself. This will be a true alpha state game. Stop being so dismissive..

You're either an SoE employee or have never tested a SoE game..
You must hate what Star Citizen is doing.


I still don't get what the difference is between a $90 founder pack that gives in-game items/testing access and a $90 collectors edition that gives early testing access/in-game items. I really don't understand what 'precedent' people think this is setting, since it's been done for quite a while with other pricing models.

Anyone care to explain? Is it just the simple fact that you don't think they've shown enough of the game to warrant spending money on? Even if that's the case, I don't get why this is such a horrible thing to do? Why not just wait and play for free?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Are we talking about MMO testing? When has this EVER been the case in the last decade?

The vast majority just want to play (which does test your game, to some extent). That's why beta testing has fundamentally changed in meaning over the past decade. Most the time, beta is purely driven by 1) Randomness and 2) System specs.

I understand you guys are getting severely butthurt about EverQuest Next, but can we atleast be realistic in our discussion? You're talking about some ideal that nearly no MMO achieves, and then getting mad that Sony is pulling a 'stunt' that's not even new to the industry.
At least someone here actually makes sense.


I should clarify that I don't think it's stupid for anyone here to want to spend money to get in. It's your money. You earned it. Do with it what you will.

However, I think it's fucking *pathetic* that SOE is asking for money at this point in the dev cycle. It looks bad to me. For a company of this size, it just looks bad. It looks like the manipulation of a dwindling fanbase for a company strutting their shit like they're on top of the world when in all reality they're desperately clinging to the EQ IP like it's a life raft.

I don't know how anyone can sit here and actually defend the way this PR nightmare has unfolded from the day of the reveal to right now. I just can't.

I'm glad you guys are supporting them. I'm glad you have faith they'll be able to pull this off. Maybe your money and your faith will give me a viable and enjoyable product to play at some point. I sincerely hope Landmark (not the type of game for me, but I get why people enjoy Minecraft-esque games) is the foundation for EQ:N and we get to stomp around in some world vaguely reminiscent of Norrath hopefully within a few years.

Maybe I'm a glass half full person, but nothing I've seen so far has given me any reason to believe this to be the case.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't know how anyone can sit here and actually defend the way this PR nightmare has unfolded from the day of the reveal to right now. I just can't.
And you know what's going to be the absolute best PR possible for this game? If they get dedicated player testers (like people who throw down $90 for alpha) and then show off all the crazy and cool shit they make over a few weeks/months. That's what is going to get people interested in the game, not seeing random shit the developers made - but stuff fellow players can make.

If we've learned anything from modding or player creations over the last 10+ years, it's that they can often be much better than what developers put out.

Will they go this route? I have no idea. But if the game is actually worth a shit, and the tools allow a lot of creativity - then the game will practically install itself on the computers of the MineCraft crowd.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They are selling individual ships for their unfinished game... includingRear Admiral - Roberts Space Industries
I have no idea what you're talking about man. It's not my kind of game. Sounds like maybe you have issues with it?

As for EQL.. If things were so simple Teekey they would not be saying things like if they can get this and that feature in the game. Sounds like right now they have the barebones system in and have no idea how much they will get in before the game launches. I'm expecting big problems with EQL. Plus I'm very interested in how they plan to make money when it goes live from cash shop.


And you know what's going to be the absolute best PR possible for this game? If they get dedicated player testers (like people who throw down $90 for alpha) and then show off all the crazy and cool shit they make over a few weeks/months. That's what is going to get people interested in the game, not seeing random shit the developers made - but stuff fellow players can make.

If we've learned anything from modding or player creations over the last 10+ years, it's that they can often be much better than what developers put out.

Will they go this route? I have no idea. But if the game is actually worth a shit, and the tools allow a lot of creativity - then the game will practically install itself on the computers of the MineCraft crowd.
I have no doubts Landmark will be successful. The model is proven. They're just layering a better-looking fantasy world on top of it. Kudos to them for that.

They still have to make EQ:N right? I thought that was the point of all of this. Or has that shifted now? Did they just use the idea of EQ:N as an excuse to pitch Landmark with a big IP attached to it?