EQ Never


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Melee are going to get screwed over so hardcore in any type of large scale battle with these non-target AE systems and I look forward to drinking your tears. (August 15, 2014)


Sparkletot Monger
Melee are going to get screwed over so hardcore in any type of large scale battle with these non-target AE systems and I look forward to drinking your tears. (August 15, 2014)

Maybe, if you are stupid enough to stand still in the glowy shit. Warriors and Melee look pretty mobile to me.


Trump's Staff
We haven't seen a single class without a distance-closing ability so I don't think it's really going to be an issue for smart players.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just my opinion, but the combat seems almost spastic. People flipping and flashing all over the f'n place. One of those classes went back and forth, what, 3 times? Its like they took Guerrilla Warfare and made it the main focus. It also doesnt feel right to see classes with Heavy armor, bearing a huge shield being able to be that agile. This is all just my opinion, and maybe Im looking at it all wrong. But that combat video left a lot to be desired. I dont want your standard tab targeting system either, but I didnt notice any informative displays like telegraphs to look for. They just have a long ways to go, like Agraza said and I hope they change a lot.

- If I had to pick from the classes we saw, Id pick Elementalist. Those CC's were ridiculously long.


Vyemm Raider
If I had to guess, they are specifically picking classes with cool looking flashy skills to show today. I have to imagine that there will be more traditional classes along with the highly mobile flashy ones. I mean 40+ classes leaves a lot of room for variety. If they don't have a few classes with a play style that fits you either they really fucked up, or the game isn't for you. I mean it could end up being terrible, I'm just willing to give it the benefit of the doubt with what we've seen so far.


Trakanon Raider
Skills have keywords attached to them, and those are what gear and passives target to alter your abilities. (So, tempest abilities will generally be affected by buffs that target the Nature or Lightning keywords.


Molten Core Raider
Oh boy, do I hope they tone down the particle effects. I don't want another clusterfuck like Guild Wars 2, where mobs and players alike were completely covered in flashing goo of various colours at all times during combat.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't really feel like watching this whole livestream. Did they actually show Ogre's or just confirm them? If they are lean and tall I will be pissed(even moreso if the same goes for trolls).


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Sounds more well thought out than what they mentioned last year, but this class/ability/item system seems really fun to me. Just a matter of the rest of the game making it worthwhile.


Vyemm Raider
Sounds more well thought out than what they mentioned last year, but this class/ability/item system seems really fun to me. Just a matter of the rest of the game making it worthwhile.
I agree. I am really happy with the idea they have with item/skill synergies. Sort of reminds me of item synergies in a game like Binding of Isaac which is pretty cool.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Melee are going to get screwed over so hardcore in any type of large scale battle with these non-target AE systems and I look forward to drinking your tears. (August 15, 2014)
I love melee, almost everyone does. But the tough truth is that range is what real war is mostly about. The evolution of war is away from melee to rock throwers, then archers, then cannon, etc, etc. So that now we have 20 year old video game addicts camped out in trailers blasting towel heads...(err.., I meant terrorists), from 7,486 miles away (St Louis to Pakistan or whatever). After pressing the x button all day, they go to a local McDonalds and pick up a happy meals for their kids on the way to their nice and cushy, safe suburban home. So much for melee.

The point is that to keep melee relevant the devs have to introduce extremely artificial systems to make them workable. That is very hard to do and still maintain a semblance of realism, even in a fantasy game. Evolution loves range.

But good devs have done it before and will continue to. That's part of why 12th century fantasy epics are so popular in rpg settings. Magic excuses almost anything. Can't tell how good the devs are for this game yet. Have to play it. But if they have a couple neurons then they will make sure that melee have the upper hand in 50.000001 percent of the battles.