EQ Reborn (Classic EQ)

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You forgot to mention, "on a random emulated server where accomplishments mean nothing", lol.

Dracula's Crew

Molten Core Raider
I spent several hours dungeon crawling in befallen and it was probably some of my favorite gaming in the last year or so.
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Uncle Tanya
I don't know man. I really don't fuckin know.

I like your honesty :p

I'm definitely a huge, huge fan of EQ. Doing EQ the right way is something I'd do again via a progression or good EMU server if only adulting wasn't a thing. I tried to give it an honest go with Faceless Empire when Agnarr went live but I could only hang for like a week before I realized that I simply lacked the ability to balance being hardcore with being an independent adult. Basic chores started to slip, bad eating habits slowly crept up, I missed my gym days, and that was just the one week of going ham with it... I could literally see in one weeks time what was happening. I know some people will say "everything in moderation" and that's 100% true with a lot of things in life but idk, I just think the whole point of EQ is being in that hierarchy of phat-lewtz and competition and such. Like, the name of the game is literally in the sub-title of what Daybreak has released for our nostalgic enjoyment: EQ Progression servers. What is progression but attaining max levels, max stats, doing server firsts and being progressively better than you were yesterday (to include your rivals, in this case, competing guilds)? I couldn't be a casual if I tried because that takes all the wind out of the sails.

So yeah, it was nerd it up on EQ or keep my RL shit on track and be an adult. One of them had to give and I chose being an adult. I'm not bashing you guys that can successfully balance it but I certainly DO question how much of your life outside the game is in balance and taken care of. If you can be über in EQ and your bills are paid, your work life is good, your wife and kids get enough attention, and you're not a complete anti-social hermit that's scared to go out in the real world, then you're a better person than I, truly. If it's for a career farming plat/gold and you're doing RMT to dodge real work, then you're just blowing my mind and I simultaneously pity you and am in awe of you.

As far as the why? Why do people still flock to EQ on these lesser rehash servers and why would I, personally, ever try to do it again given the proper sugar-daddy type of situation? I don't believe it's as simple as reliving a more youthful time or nostalgia... I think it's more accurate to say it's a feeling of community that many of us have never had replicated in any game or format ever since. Which is another reason even attempting to go through the wringer (albeit a pleasant wringer) of grinding, farming, and going ham on a progression server isn't feasible for me on a personal level, as most of these servers seem to lack that community and playerbase that it once was back in Everquests height circa 2003... but I might be a bit factually ignorant on the last bit.

Therefore, the idea of reliving my "glory days" of EQ will remain a pleasant fiction, but I'll still display Keith Parkinson's sweet artwork on my walls as a devoted fan haha.
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<Bronze Donator>
ya my buddy was disappointed no najena jboots lawl

if you see finalzodiac tell him to level faster
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Don't play here.

You'll just get shadowbanned so fucking fast.


This is shortly after we killed Nagafen, and I took a screenshot of Rain saying that planes wont be unlocked until he feels like it.Dude is a fuckin loser.
  • 2Worf
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Apocal = Toop

Just so you know what sort of ride you guys are in for.
  • 1Worf
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<Bronze Donator>
Apocal = Toop

Just so you know what sort of ride you guys are in for.

whos toop again, almost thought it was kegz lawl ^

sorry you lost all your time maze. so you cant THREATEN to train people? wtf. snowflake safezone?
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Dude no big deal.

I'm working on a real deal classic server since I was banned.


Competent developers make the world go round.
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<Bronze Donator>
whos toop again, almost thought it was kegz lawl ^

sorry you lost all your time maze. so you cant THREATEN to train people? wtf. snowflake safezone?

Kegz and Toop are the same person


<Bronze Donator>
its funny i wanted to say toop is kegz cause that sounded familiar but i couldnt accept the fact he was running another server..

funny story on kegz sleeper server i realized you could kill the mini rowboats in OOT for xp (they were lvl 49) at level 20, they didnt really hit you so it was easy to kite (they chased u in the water). so i reported it didnt hear anything for a week and decided i'd abuse myself at which time he decided to fix it and facerage on me, slapped me one island to the next in OOT, trained every mob in the zone on me, deleveled me then suspended me 7 days.

so before i knew kegz was running eqborn i asked my friend - have you tried to kill the mini boats in oot? and he said there are none.

makes sense.
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