EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)


Trakanon Raider
  • 5Mother of God
  • 2Weird Boner
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Blackwing Lair Raider
As long as people are paying their trailer lot fees w/ EQ krono they are going to be shit heads and it's basically the same faces every TLP who do it.

This was my trailer before EQ money


This is my trailer after EQ money

  • 4Worf
  • 2Solidarity
  • 1Mother of God
Reactions: 7 users


Trakanon Raider
Greed has been the motivating factor in almost every guild I've been in since original EQ back in the day.

Altruistic community etc have been the exception. Not the rule.

Look at Zaide's guild, the WHOLE thing was created because of greed. They couldnt compete for items on GDKP, but the GREED motivated them so they split off to do DKP for loot. That was it.
Cary Elwes Disney Plus GIF by Disney+
  • 1Worf
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, that's a bit of a retard take. They couldn't compete for items that you could use outside resources on (which you would then make money from on the split), so they made a guild where the currency is self contained and the loot is way more likely to stay in the guild (and which you get no extra money from) .... and they're greedy? Does not compute.
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Trakanon Raider
This server is just fucking awesome. Seriously. Fuck yeah Darkpaw Games for finally getting the TLP formula right.

While FV has droppable loot that is no-drop on other servers, adding randomized loot to that ruleset is what makes this server the win.

Thanks to this server, you can literally put a guild together with a handful of friends, and get everything you want with out having to go kill raid mobs that require either a shit ton of guild members or a bunch of boxes. Why is that possible? Because top tier raid loot drops off of non-top tier raid mobs.

In Kunark, killing Trakanon or Phara Dar was not necessary. You could get the same stuff off of VS. So, fuck VP if you don't want to do it.

In Velious, killing Avator of War or Vulak (and his buddies) is not necessary. You can get the same stuff off of lower tier raid mobs. So, fuck Vulak and AoW if you don't want to do it.

I think that people are going to see more successful small raid guilds on this server than you have ever seen on any other server before.

Put together a 15 to 20 man guild, and that's all you need to get every bit of best in slot gear in the game. Fuck DKP systems. Fuck raid attendance. Fuck all that bullshit. You and your ACTUAL friends can accomplish everything on this server, and the true neckbeards can go fuck off because they don't have any effect on your small guild of friends.

Bravo Darkpaw Games. Bravo.
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Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Yeah the server is awesome.

I'm down to argue what the word greed means for half a dozen pages.
  • 1Solidarity
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
I like the server, but I think they should of held off on the tradable loot for another server. Having just the random loot would have been enough. Now they have one less trick in their bag for future servers. I also hope that the next TLP server will be in 2 years, and they do something else next year, like have another race server. The constant cannibalization of the same player base for each new set of servers is silly. It's fairly obvious that most people want a new server every year to race through classic to pop, ONE MORE TIME. Make just that every year, stop pretending like people are gonna stick around till live. This way you could use one set of servers for the yearly race, and they are then erased and it starts all over again. You could change how fast expansions release to change where you stop at the 1 year mark. Because they can't keep releasing new servers that they expect to reach live with any kind of population on it.
Hell, they could release a 3 month race server. classic-kunark-velious-erase and then do over, and they will get people that will play.

But yeah, I like the server.