EQN:Landmark Beta Starts March 26th!


Yeah, they're definitely switching focus to EQN. From here out, I imagine Landmark will be getting lots of updates that coincide with EQN development, such as EQN armor reskins, EQN build props, textures, random bug fixes to the editor and creation tools, etc.


Trakanon Raider
They've put up a post going into more detail on the upcoming wipe.Link

So the big thing is that thisisn'tthe transition to open beta. Instead, this is just a wipe that's needed to implement a bunch of the stuff they've been working on, the major ones being the new biomes and redesigned islands.

However, this is still planned to be the only full wipe they're going to do. Open beta will now involve just wiping claims.


Musty Nester
I'd be way more exited about EQ:L/N if I hadn't gotten into a beta and they wanted me to give them like 20 bucks a week.

All that jew golds. Sony was right on the edge of what I was willing to tolerate cash-shop wise before they went bankrupt, and maybe they'll get better about that with hedge fund management but I have a really hard time believing it. Especially since they're chop shopping DCUO the way they are.

Someone needs to remind the new management that watching porn and playing with your peepee on the internet is free. WoW is not their competition. That's their competition.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Sony was right on the edge of what I was willing to tolerate cash-shop wise before they went bankrupt, and maybe they'll get better about that with hedge fund management but I have a really hard time believing it. .
That's my view as well. I have little faith in new management not trying to gouge every last cent they can out of existing customers in order to pay for EQN. Putting existing EQ, EQ2, DCUO, and other games at high risk of mass player exodus as players hit there tolerance thresholds with the excessive monetizing of games.


Golden Knight of the Realm
However, this is still planned to be the only full wipe they're going to do. Open beta will now involve just wiping claims.
I think this is a major thing for them. Early on in the beta, it was easy to mine and harvest most anything and the economy was flush, so they needed to do a reset, but when they announced it would be at the transition to open beta they lost a lot of their population. I think this is a way to clean slate, but still have people come and participate in beta. They should have done it months ago.


Uninspiring Title
<Bronze Donator>
upkeep was another main reason I quit this game. Maybe Ill start building shit again after the wipe


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yup what they are doing sounds totally reasonable basically its a mechanism to prevent the SWG ghost city issue which is something that is needed in a game like this without having to do mindless busy work to pay upkeep.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Probably not many, I am guessing...I quit a while ago. I may jump back in after the wipe.
This is pretty much me as well. I saw enough to know I like it well enough for what it currently is but I don't see spending to much time/energy on it ATM until the big wipe happens which is soon enough now.


There's at least 20 people actively logging in to help with the grand vision of thousands of players providing amazing builds for EQN.


Trakanon Raider
Eh, I still play. I actually rather enjoy the building (even if some shit is overly arcane), and trying my hand at the Workshop stuff keeps things relatively fresh.

But yeah, it does seem like there's a crowd of <100 people that actually log in regularly nowadays.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Eh, I still play. I actually rather enjoy the building (even if some shit is overly arcane), and trying my hand at the Workshop stuff keeps things relatively fresh.

But yeah, it does seem like there's a crowd of <100 people that actually log in regularly nowadays.
<100 regulars worldwide? Holy shit. I didn't think it was this bad.
I have a beta access because my friend bought that package with 4 beta keys quite some time ago. I played a couple evenings and got bored extremely fast. Building stuff is not my game I guess.


They need to cut this shit out and just get the game done already. Holy shit. Let eql make content down the line.
Pretty sure the players are going to be building most of the voxel data for EQN, that Daybreak designers will tweak and put in-game.. So, landmark is necessary to the process


Trakanon Raider
<100 regulars worldwide? Holy shit. I didn't think it was this bad.
It may be more of a perception vs reality thing, but yeah, it's pretty damn rare to see someone else out in the world, and there tends to be a fairly small number of people you'll see in General Chat (and when chat goes across servers and still has so few people in it, that's not great).

On the whole "just get to EQN already" side of the conversation, I guess it's worth mentioning that the Qeynos Workshop is the first one that's being done to get builds to actually put in EQN, whereas the other ones have just been to help finalize the architectural style guides. So this contest will at least end with a bunch of new in-game assets.