Europa Universalis IV


The new trade system makes you (and the AI nations) have patrol fleets all over the place, there doesn't seem to be much room for pirates to spawn in. I'm in the 1600s in my Netherlands game and have seen one pirate fleet so far. (It was in the Caribbean


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<Nazi Janitors>
I love these games and have been playing the shit out of this. Played as Ireland as my first playthrough, I need to ramp up difficulty now that I have an idea of what I am doing. Playing castille now as my 2nd game


So I have united japan a long time ago, I have reconquered half of korea from the evil Manchurians and the other half has succesfully rebelled and regained their independance. I am gonna conquer the rest of korea and use them as a vassal for evil deeds!

I would not recommend playing as japan, game is FAR too easy so far. Next playthrough I'll pick something around Europe.


Potato del Grande
Just finished colonising North America as Norway, sharing it with Spain (California) and Great Britian (Artic part of Canada). Game keeps crashing around 12th March 1739?


Japan is bugged at the moment I've just learned. Whenever you discover the european nations, you start getting cahtolicism revolts in every province. Problem with that is japan cannto convert its religion from shinto to anything so basicaly its a never ending loop of japan getting skullfucked by 30 doom stacks of rebels that increase in number. Whenever they gain 100% of their cause, it reverts to 0 because it cant convert japan to catholicism and the dance starts all over. Gonna have to shelf this game till its fixed ;(

Are there a lot of encoded triggers for the current countries that i would miss out on if i used a ck2 converter from a mod that makes every single region its own country? I dont really like the current diplomatic protrait of the map and would much rather go on a every region is independant route for fun!


Molten Core Raider
I have taken Brandenberg to becoming the might Kingdom of Prussia, and despite some setbacks have established myself as a major power. Working my way to becoming Germany, but Austrian emperor did some ruling that prevents HRE from attacking each other so I had to leave the empire to fulfil my ambition. Just gave Sweden a beaten down, freeing the power Fins from their oppressive overlords, and claiming Brunswick, another piece I needed in the progress.

Further attacks looks like they will escalate hard and bringing in Austria, who had beat me up pretty bad every time we've come into conflict.

Still no idea how trade works, or the best methods for making money in general. Seems to have snowballed now though and I have plenty, just that typical pita about building everything in the new territories I take. So wish they would allow building queues.
I seem to have a great fondness for the unification gameplay., eg forming germany, italy, india, etc Always feels like a good long term goal to be aiming for that takes decades if not centuries to realise.


I don't know what to pick as my next game since I had to shelf the Japan one until they fix religion. Looking for a much more challenging go around, might go with cyprus.


Potato del Grande
Seems to have snowballed now though and I have plenty, just that typical pita about building everything in the new territories I take.
Are you clicking on each individual region?

I had this problem and you can click a button in the top right corner below your flag button which brings up a build menu for big empires, you select the building you want and it puts colours on the map showing which province has it (blue), which are currently building (stripes) and which can start it (green). You can build multiple types of buildings in multiple provinces in seconds, still one at a time but you can stay in that map mode and wait for new buildings or colours to appear.


Is the game is turn by turn ? and is it dfficult ?

I'm looking for an easy going game.
It is a game that ticks every day so in that sense it can be turn by turn but it's more of a real time fluent thing if you let time go without pausing.

As for its difficulty, if you re new to a paradox game in the series, I would definitely not describe this as "easy going". It has a somewhat steep learning curve, but it's a very fun game if you want to play a version of risk on absolute crack.


So I've tried playing as munster twice now, and all I have to say is fuck you Austra, fuck you right in the dick. >


Potato del Grande
So I've tried playing as munster twice now, and all I have to say is fuck you Austra, fuck you right in the dick. >
Reading this post reminded me of countries powerful in the game that are not anymore. Obviously Austria got wrecked by both World Wars... but why the fuck did Spain go to shit? I live with a Spanish guy and he mentioned being angry at France invading them..?


Reading this post reminded me of countries powerful in the game that are not anymore. Obviously Austria got wrecked by both World Wars... but why the fuck did Spain go to shit? I live with a Spanish guy and he mentioned being angry at France invading them..?
Yeah how might the Austria-Hungary empire was :> Then wars happened.


Potato del Grande
Oh yeah, good tip for dealing with Austria is to ally with Hungary and let them kick each other while you eat the vassals. Just make sure that you core them or they will get shitty about you keeping them.


Oh yeah, good tip for dealing with Austria is to ally with Hungary and let them kick each other while you eat the vassals. Just make sure that you core them or they will get shitty about you keeping them.
Yeah I was doing great with 5 territories, but the agressive war % was too high at that point and well this one little territory next to me created a coalition and he was an ally of austria. The bastard.


<Bronze Donator>
Wtf am I doing wrong? Start a game as Castille, Aragon starts fabricating claims against me, shows up with a bigger army than I can muster(reached manpower limit), and when equal-regiment armies meet in battle, their army almost always crushes mine.

So, I try the same thing with Aragon and the same fucking thing happens in reverse. Where are they getting all these units and why are they kicking my ass so much?


Registered Hutt
Reading this post reminded me of countries powerful in the game that are not anymore. Obviously Austria got wrecked by both World Wars... but why the fuck did Spain go to shit? I live with a Spanish guy and he mentioned being angry at France invading them..?
During the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon toyed with Spain's leadership and they lost their colonies in a series of uprisings that the British supported. Britain had naval dominance, and these wars only cemented that fact. The colonies had mixed loyalties and none of those were to some french puppet. Spain itself fought for its independence from french hegemony in this period. It was in no position to control its colonies. This mirrors the instability of the British economy during WW2 that sped up the end of its empire.

Spain's fall was written on the wall though. They didn't practice much synergy between the colonies and the home country; furthermore, their society didn't encourage hard work like the protestant countries. The nobles practiced serf/peasant plantations where they were as often absentee as they were terrible administrators. In the colonies, newly prosperous lowborn spanish got into this act with slaves to emulate the nobles in a system of inefficient land use that continues to this day.