EVE Online


The official Eve twitter is reporting 59-16 titan score this morning (Twitter / EveOnline: Still digesting numbers from ...). As in 59 titans lost for PL/N3 and 16 lost for CFC/RUS/etc. That is not even counting all the 100s of dreads/carriers, all the subcaps, and handful of supercarriers lost on each side.

The bigger loss will never be known. I can only imagine how much stuff PL has trapped in that station now. The reason the fight escalated was because PL was using this system as a forward operating base for their war effort. When you lose control of a system (like not payin your sov bill) you lose the ability to access the station where all your shiny war toys are stored. Those assets are trapped in your enemies station and you cannot use them again until you retake the system. Some really amazing screenshots coming out of the fight as well:http://i.imgur.com/D2552Aa.jpgandhttp://i.imgur.com/iyLVteJ.jpgbeing my favorites so far.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
For years and years pl's motto was never base out of a capturable station, ESPECIALLY not a capturable station that we didn't own, for exactly this reason. There were rare exceptions we had to make for limited time, but we always told people to base the majority of their stuff from npc sov just in case. I remember thinking when we moved to this station "Hrmm, wonder why we don't do that any more.". Honestly, this is a pretty catastrophic blow to PL. I think all our active members have significant assets trapped in there, and nobody knows how to deal with it. Our brass is also predicting that we won't be able to retake the station for a long time. I'll probably quit the game again after this.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Holy shit this is a massive disaster for PL/N3! PL are so fucking good I can't believe they let this happen. Although it seems n3 dropped the ball with sov, They have a ton of Super caps/caps but between the loses and whats trapped in the station.. This has to be a very, very considerable amount of the PL cap and super cap fleet disabled. PL/N3 don't have the resources to replace ships at the rate Goons do...

Decisive fights like this with super caps are super rare in eve. Even The asakai fight exactly a year ago ironically. I think that was the biggest Super cap loss in a fight. We only managed to kill like 20 Supers and some 70 dreads. It was just a bee sting to the CFC even if it looked impressive.

In The HBC era PL could check and beat CFC because they could bring to bear it's super fleet superiority while using the gigantic TEST subcap blob to get sub-cap superiority over Goons also. Letting TEST get fucked by goons because they needed to practice for a fucking tournament was retarded.


WoW Office
<Gold Donor>
Its always strange to see people who think test ever amounted to anything in eve. They didn't. Pl gave them some space, they got bloated, then they died. It's a song that's been sung by many an alliance in eve, and we shall hear it again. Every one of them was as much a fart in the wind as the last.


If anyone is interested in trying EvE BRAVE is always recruiting! We arn't one of the big boys yet through we have managed to carve a small niche where we can have fun and continue to grow!! When i am on i am usually in the FOH channel in EvE if you have any questions!


Blackwing Lair Raider
Its always strange to see people who think test ever amounted to anything in eve. They didn't. Pl gave them some space, they got bloated, then they died. It's a song that's been sung by many an alliance in eve, and we shall hear it again. Every one of them was as much a fart in the wind as the last.
I agree TEST amounted to very little, I made the wrong choice in sticking it out with them as long as I did. But the HBC era could have been really fun.

However they were theoretically very useful for PL. As I mentioned TEST subcap fleets allowed them to match goons in that as well as cap. now TEST dug it's own grave but I still think PL/N3 should have worked harder to prop them up over the summer. Being able to call in an extra fleet of 1k+ whenever needed is always useful. Even if it is a test fleet.

Oh and goons gave them space not PL. They had 250sov+ over 15k members when I left a year ago.. just checked now under 5k pilots and 0 sov lol


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Entire sov war determined by one missed bill which immediately cuts off service rather than charging late fees. Sounds like the future all right.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I always regretted not starting EVE way back... When I tried later on I felt too far behind.

Stories like this sure add to the legend.


I just started up a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. Joined BNI and I can't believe how helpful and patient people are with newbies. Makes it way easier to start having a decent corp.


I just started up a few days ago and I'm really enjoying it. Joined BNI and I can't believe how helpful and patient people are with newbies. Makes it way easier to start having a decent corp.
Right now pretty much every group in eve is an awesome place for newbies. So many people helping out in newbie systems, recruiting newbies and meaning it, taking them on roams and so on. Is surpising to see the community pull together like it has.


Eve online is okey when you start out and the game is new, then after a while you realize that some of the stuff you wanna do you cant for the Next 3-6months due to the shitty and hopelessly outdated skillpointsystem


Potato del Grande
Anyone able to send me a buddy pass? I am thinking of giving this game a shot.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I can send you one from a small fleet of accounts i have. Just drop me your e-mail in PM or something.

And yeah, we can pretty much count on CFC Metagaming fags to have caused the unpaid bill.


I can send you one from a small fleet of accounts i have. Just drop me your e-mail in PM or something.

And yeah, we can pretty much count on CFC Metagaming fags to have caused the unpaid bill.
If PL had 9 people in it's holding corp, and couldn't find 9 people that it trusted explicitly, it shouldn't have had 9 people in there. It's not the CFC's fault.