EVE Online


900+ Domi's? Hrm wonder what their goal was...
Since sentry drones are the hot thing, it is either slowcats or dominixes. CFC hasn't got Omegafleet working yet, so we won't know if that will be a functional countermove for slowcats, so in the meantime, it is time for the keyboard warriors to dial their whineplay up to 11 and bitch about drone assist and sentry drones and omg! ESS will nerf nullsec, world ends, film at eleven.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is TEST still being useless in low-sec? I was a retard for not leaving them for PL and hoping they would become a major force.

I left about a year ago because of the waffling on war with CFC and HBC drama. It's amazing how everything has happened just about as I expected. TEST wither, CFC invade, TEST lose... Now I have not kept up too much the last couple months but it seems without test numbers PL/N3 are being pushed hard by goons.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
10,000 people watching this guy's stream right now:Twitch

I always loved reading about EVE on FoH even though I never played it and had no fucking clue what half the people were talking about.

so many ships that guys framerate is like 2.


I've followed these sorts of stories and events for years. I love the idea of EVE. I just wish I could get over the first week, I think I've tried 5 or 6 times to start it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I've followed these sorts of stories and events for years. I love the idea of EVE. I just wish I could get over the first week, I think I've tried 5 or 6 times to start it.
Eve's biggest issue is the combat and well the game itself is just amazingly boring.


Silver Squire
This is easily the most interesting game that I have zero interest in ever playing. Seems like some shit went down today.


Molten Core Raider
"Earlier today an alliance in the N3 coalition missed a bill payment for the system where Pandemic Legion is staging and storing their fleets," writes EVE. "This missed bill caused sovereignty to drop across the system leaving the station vulnerable to capture. Seizing the opportunity, the CFC (Goonswarm Federation, Razor Alliance, Black Legion and the Initiative) and Russian Coalition (Solar Fleet, Darkness of Despair and Against ALL Authorities) captured the station."

You might remember that CFC got its collective ass handed to it back on Jan. 18, when it decided to tangle with Pandemic Legion's "Wrecking Ball" fleet down yonder in System HED-GP. N3/Pandemic sent aforesaid Wrecking Ball into B-R5RB to retake the station, although at a smaller strength. CFC brought in "a large contingent of Dominixes, Dreadnaughts and Titans," and decided it was time to play the Feud!"

TLDR: "Someone asked me to narrate what is going on. Basically everyone is out here fucking each other with giant space cocks at 1 frame per second because we hate ourselves. And that's pretty much Eve Online."

I'm hearing 94 Titans destroyed = $192,300?


Vyemm Raider
I don't get it. Titans can nuke everything in a spot? Why are all those ships piled on top of each other?


Molten Core Raider
Don't quote me on this but from running around I've surmised that a Titan takes 3 RL years of skill training for a character to learn to pilot, and is roughly $2000 USD to construct. Supposedly there's not more than a thousand of them. A source says the actual Titan kill count is something like 45 to 20 for CFC (Goons). In this zone right now there's roughly 1700 players so there must be people all over losing all sorts of shit.

Word is the player who was responsible for paying the rent on the space station might have been a mole planted by CFC.

I don't play Eve at all so this is all just what I've gathered from the stream, if anyone wants to provide some insight that'd be cool.


Trakanon Raider
Better details.http://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1watd2/eli5_br5rb/

I find it interesting that PL was unprepared for this. The guy on the stream said they assumed their NA numbers would be better but apparently they couldn't field enough, though he also seemed pretty chill about losing the battle.

Not that it will matter now but I'd like to know if there was really a mole or not.


The reason the battle appears slow is because of time dilation (TiDi), a mechanism to fight lag that slows down the time in game to as much as 10% of real time, not the streamer's frame rate.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
If the lost titan count on themittani.com is still accurate it was 40 NC/PL to 20 CFC/RUS.