EVE Online


Blackwing Lair Raider
I decided I am going to start a new char, possibly new account and join brave. Plan is to "roleplay" a newbie, in the sense it's going to be non-associated with my chars in n3 aside from giving it a few bil and possibly buying a char with a bit of SP to make me more useful initially.

Anyone with a char to sell with 4m-15m sp? i might want to buy one for my newbie? ideally PvP focused.

As for Brave being it's own block. You are going to be very poor and have problems accomplishing much more then you currently have without Sov. Now n3, maybe even CFC would likely give you some if you joined that side, but otherwise how are you guys going to get any sov? Too many other benefits of choosing a side also, like not having almost all of eve attacking you 24/7 for easy KM, having a strong ally for aid when you need it + many more.

Some Goons have actually been posting battle reports on Kugu + other sites patting themselves on the back for blowing up HERO fleets. We cant force you to go grr goons, but goons may get you there anyways as they see HERO as a n3 pawn and possible threat. Goons best FC , euro goons and Razor of CFC are there simply hurt BNI finances and morale.

I look forwards to my time in BNI and hope they are successful maximizing fun/hr. I just hope HERO leadership understands if they are going to be null players the stakes are much higher and choices will need to be made unless they want to be a REDvsBLUE 2.0 without the forever war and with unsuccessful null-deployments,.


Blackwing Lair Raider
For those casual eve watchers wanting an update since BR I figured i would write one

Pandemic Legion abandoned n3( NCDOT, Nulli Secunda aka, S2N + Friends) after Br to save the contents of it's stations that held trillions of PL assets. Worse CFC took then Deadzoned the Nulli/n3 station o-w causing n3 to loose a large chunk of its assets (including many caps). n3 looked to be facing a fail-cascade even with most CFC withdrawn, my new corp and alliance mates in Nulli admitted they thought Nulli might be on the NCDOT couch by mid-march.

However, since then nothing has gone as expected. RUS has looked terrible. Unable to stop N3 from taking/retaking sov virtually at will. Few major battles as Russians simply don't fight. The Crimea crisis has likely hurt RUS as many of RUS are actually Ukrainian.

One of the stronger RUS alliances Darkness and Despair was suddenly Disbanded! N3 have taken most of it's 66 sov systems.

Seeing the writing on the wall an English speaking Alliance in RUS bloc abandoned CFC/RUS whilst joining n3. Another blow for CFC/RUS and gain for N3.

In addition to taking RUS systems, N3 seem to destroy a RUS titan or Super Carrier everyday like this yesterdayhttp://themittani.com/news/solar-titan-down

HERO Coalition forms of Brave Newbies, TEST Alliance, Nexus Fleet, Spaceship Samurai and others. A Coalition of 15k mostly new pilots, HERO is neutral yet paid by n3 to cause havoc in the Catch region. They have helped N3 a good amount by drawing the attention of many Alliances who might contest it taking sov. Because it is basically BNI alng with a few former n3 and TEST alliance CFC + allies regard it as something of a N3 pet.

To summarize the last month. The side that lost the biggest battle in EVE history(n3), then lost many of it's assets in losing the o-w station has been running rampant. Instead of taking a dagger to it's heart like Goons claimed, N3 has perhaps broken Goons biggest ally for good this time. Overall however this has not changed the balance of power much with CFC/Goons having a key advantage in supers in addition to it's advantage in caps, subcaps, and ISK. CFC could come down to prop up the corpse of RUS at any time. If they do we do not know 100% if PL would fight with n3.

Yeah Eve is a fucking crazy game.


For those casual eve watchers wanting an update since BR I figured i would write one

Pandemic Legion abandoned n3( NCDOT, Nulli Secunda aka, S2N + Friends) after Br to save the contents of it's stations that held trillions of PL assets. Worse CFC took then Deadzoned the Nulli/n3 station o-w causing n3 to loose a large chunk of its assets (including many caps). n3 looked to be facing a fail-cascade even with most CFC withdrawn, my new corp and alliance mates in Nulli admitted they thought Nulli might be on the NCDOT couch by mid-march.

However, since then nothing has gone as expected. RUS has looked terrible. Unable to stop N3 from taking/retaking sov virtually at will. Few major battles as Russians simply don't fight. The Crimea crisis has likely hurt RUS as many of RUS are actually Ukrainian.

One of the stronger RUS alliances Darkness and Despair was suddenly Disbanded! N3 have taken most of it's 66 sov systems.

Seeing the writing on the wall an English speaking Alliance in RUS bloc abandoned CFC/RUS whilst joining n3. Another blow for CFC/RUS and gain for N3.

In addition to taking RUS systems, N3 seem to destroy a RUS titan or Super Carrier everyday like this yesterdayhttp://themittani.com/news/solar-titan-down

HERO Coalition forms of Brave Newbies, TEST Alliance, Nexus Fleet, Spaceship Samurai and others. A Coalition of 15k mostly new pilots, HERO is neutral yet paid by n3 to cause havoc in the Catch region. They have helped N3 a good amount by drawing the attention of many Alliances who might contest it taking sov. Because it is basically BNI alng with a few former n3 and TEST alliance CFC + allies regard it as something of a N3 pet.

To summarize the last month. The side that lost the biggest battle in EVE history(n3), then lost many of it's assets in losing the o-w station has been running rampant. Instead of taking a dagger to it's heart like Goons claimed, N3 has perhaps broken Goons biggest ally for good this time. Overall however this has not changed the balance of power much with CFC/Goons having a key advantage in supers in addition to it's advantage in caps, subcaps, and ISK. CFC could come down to prop up the corpse of RUS at any time. If they do we do not know 100% if PL would fight with n3.

Yeah Eve is a fucking crazy game.
LOL Yeah i have been a little busy to FC too much in brave. Us as an N3 pet is absolutely absurd LOL. We have fought N3 a few times. We have been learning a ton from fighting goons as well as exposing our huge weaknesses. We are just playing down south to get our feet wet with sov warfare. I don't think this is uber serious campaign.


LOL Yeah i have been a little busy to FC too much in brave. Us as an N3 pet is absolutely absurd LOL. We have fought N3 a few times. We have been learning a ton from fighting goons as well as exposing our huge weaknesses. We are just playing down south to get our feet wet with sov warfare. I don't think this is uber serious campaign.
And if anyone would know, it'd be you.

That last post Whidon reeks of spin. It was silly to expect RUS to survive without the CFC in the first place, but there's no question that N3 is in an awful, tenuous position. When you know that you could lose all that you've gained the moment the CFC's eye of Sauron turns back upon you it must make you fight a little bit harder to get what you can. I live in wormhole space, and really don't care about 0.0 anymore. It hasn't been fun since they took towers out of the sov picture. But all I can see when I look at n3 are the beaten remains of the elitist shitbag alliances that Goonswarm has been beating the crap out of since those first baby steps in Scalding Pass. The same with PL. Pandemic Legion is not the same alliance it was when it was just Snigg. Regardless of how much folks go grrr goons, I'd prefer the rambling insanity of alliances like Goonswarm or Brave over the shit spewed by alliances like n3 and PL.


Blackwing Lair Raider
None denies that N3 is fucked if CFC comes down. Even assuming PL comes down also we likely lose badly. I was just pointing out that the aftermath of br has hardly gone as one would expect.

But right now they are letting RUS get owned. Personally I think if not for the Crimea thing with Darkness and Despair disbanding it would be very different. After br none expected RUS to role over like they have.

As for Brave Im just calling it like some perceive it. Your in Catch because N3 is paying you to be there so expect people to make assumptions based on that.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
N3 wants a disturbance, not for HERO to take over sov next door. The titan died in a system that flipped sov from only a handful of HONOR guys, who stuck around to score kills with POS guns and drones. PL hotdropped for the kill, bailed without helping to rep the TCU, and then refused any SRP for the carrier.
Nullsec politics always makes my head spin. All I know is I popped out of a wormhole in Goon space and from there to back home (19 jumps in nullsec) there were only 2 systems with any activity. Every time I goto Null is like a barren wasteland. It really makes me appreciate living in lowsec where there are constant fights.

I too want to make a new char but straight up new. I just wish I didnt have to pay for it hehe. I may even make it on my same account, I dunno.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Question for the Brave dudes. How is morale? Talking to some bni guys and about half seem to love the constant fights, the other half are really pissed discouraged by being constantly camped and dunked on by half the alliances in eve. n3 has mostly been avoiding roams near HERO to keep it to a minimum. Must suck to be faving BL/CFC t3 with talwars ect..

Still gonna app my new char to BNI tomorrow but kind of worried BNI "Burn Catch" is bankrupting or even turning off many newbros. Almost no SRP in BNI + constant losses has go to really hurt a newbies wallet.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Damn, I had heard of these Erotica 1 "Bonus Rounds" for a while now. Not sure if this Soundcloud is new but it's fucked up.

Jesters Trek: The Bonus Round

Apparently it's actually one of the more tame ones. Dude and his friends seem like borderline psychopaths.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Haven't listened, but read the article. If true, I hope some guys and their baseball bats find these asshats.


Blackwing Lair Raider
CCP published a new policy on this.An Announcement Regarding Real Life Harassment - EVE General Discussion - EVE Online Forums

Earlier in this thread someone mentioned this guy was apparently blackmailing his victims for sexual pics and IRL info in addition to this stuff. Got kicked from goons cause of that,

Edit: Apparently the reddit post might be fake (in fact a scammer hoping to snag sympathy isk). Took out much of the rest also.

Ill just say that the response of the pro-erotica 1 group has been pretty extreme.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Ill just say that the response of the pro-erotica 1 group has been pretty extreme.
Pro-Erotica 1 group needs to get the banhammer. Supporting that kind of behaviour is deserving of being tied to a tree next to a fire anthil and having your balls painted with honey.

Now, since this forum is frequented with veterans, I'd like some information.

Which out of the types of combat anoms do NOT EVER give an escalation to a combat site (Yeah yeah I know, Wiki says something, all the players I've asked give conflicting information as well)



Blackwing Lair Raider
Erotica 1 got permabanned. Kinda stupid no one seems to really care the dudes in the channel with him all these times are getting off with nothing. E1 got the guys in channel but those guys all participated in the actual messed up stuff.

Would have been fun to see James315 wall of text in response to being banned.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Erotica 1 got permabanned. Kinda stupid no one seems to really care the dudes in the channel with him all these times are getting off with nothing. E1 got the guys in channel but those guys all participated in the actual messed up stuff.

Would have been fun to see James315 wall of text in response to being banned.
Yeah, that it would be. Fuck yeah to E1 getting the banhammer.


Molten Core Raider
Both. Decreasing refine efficiency but adjusting yields to compensate I think.
there is a write up over at themittani
This will just make mining a bigger chore and a pain in the arse.

Probably a further attempt to 'encourage' (force) people out of high sec as in high sec all you can mine is lower spec ores, which inherently means much larger quantities as is. The larger quantities mean constantly shifting resource around between holds.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Sounds like a typical CCP move. Unless the demographics have changed, aren't carebears the largest subscription group? Continually trying to throw them to the lions just sounds like a good way to lose subs.