Ever, Jane: A New MMO Set In The World Of Jane Austen.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I totally logged into the demo you can get into. I bowed to three ladies, walked back into the parlor, and logged off. Oh my goodness, there is potential here for madness. I also now have a strange urge to re-read Pride and Prejudice.
lol, with the right group of sarcastic players, this could turn into the biggest game ever! 40 man parlor dance raids, corset crafting, snuff dealers, etc.


Guarding the guardians
the only way to kill our servers is through a program called KillServers which prohibits the keep-alive services from respawning them so they can die.


Buzzfeed Editor
So this is going to take things to where they are in all F2P MMOs - if you aren't paying a subscription, you are second-class next to the people that do.

Except in Ever, Jane, you literally ARE going to be a second-class citizen, a servant in the employ of some landed gentry who pays a subscription! Beautiful, that is just beautiful. Getting tea and trimming the shrubbery for the people with subs, that is the shit.
Get Brad in here, he needs to see how you make it fucking hardcore.


Molten Core Raider
In want of good fortune: Ever, Jane is the Kickstarter-funded MMO based on the novels of Jane Austen | Features | Edge Online



Players who refuse to be civil to one another will be exiled to a special server called Botany Bay, named after a Regency Period penal colony.

Trolls, meanwhile, will be dealt with. "Conveniently, the UK was just starting to deport people to penal colonies starting in the Regency Period. We will have a server called Botany Bay, as that was the first actual penal colony. This server is for people who don't want to play by our rules. Anyone can join it, but some people are limited to only playing there. It will be a much more free-for-all environment where our other servers will have much stricter adherence to the Regency rules of conduct."
They going to make a Rickshaw server?

The game gets more awesome the more I hear about it


Potato del Grande
Your characters Botany Bay Server are either mixed-race and/or servant babies born out of interracial wedlock? If so, sign me down!


We need to troll a server so hard and thorough that the people who aren't trolling are sent over to Botany Bay.


FPS noob
We need to troll a server so hard and thorough that the people who aren't trolling are sent over to Botany Bay.
I totally now want to RP as a star trek redshirt who has travelled back in time, doesn't give a fuck about changing timelines, and constantly warns everyone about diabeetus and george zimmerman


can i hire some black slaves.
The Empire was well on the way to outlawing slavery by the time Ms. Austin escribed her works. I know that you colonials took a while longer and had some minor unpleasantry about abolition but please understand that this game is set in thecivilisedworld.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
The Empire was well on the way to outlawing slavery by the time Ms. Austin escribed her works. I know that you colonials took a while longer and had some minor unpleasantry about abolition but please understand that this game is set in thecivilisedworld.
Slavery in mainland England or British Empire?


Buzzfeed Editor
The Empire was well on the way to outlawing slavery by the time Ms. Austin escribed her works. I know that you colonials took a while longer and had some minor unpleasantry about abolition but please understand that this game is set in thecivilisedworld.
What Itz means to say here is that it's unseemly to enslave and oppress people in your own backyard. A truly civilized nation enslaves people across the ocean, forces them into giant labor colonies and then uses the profit from their slave labor to pay proper good white house keepers. (You know, to keep all that barbarism far away from the delicate sensibilities of the civilized ladies).

So you probably can't buy blacks, Troll
...But maybe you can be a commissioned officer who slaughtered a bunch of black, Indian and/or Asian people to steal their land, which you can use to pay for a bunch of free to play servants (Some of them can be Moors, I hear).