Ever, Jane: A New MMO Set In The World Of Jane Austen.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I'm going to show up with a black date to the ball.

All hell will break loose


Golden Squire
I'll one-up that - I'll show up, as a man, with another man (also black) to the ball.


Molten Core Raider
Ever, Jane - Blog Update: We made it!

As you doubtless know by now, we made, and more than made, our goal of $100,000 - in fact, thanks to all of you we made a grand total of $109,563.

Thank you all so, so much! I can't quite put into words what I feel right now - overjoyed, overwhelmed, over..... over the moon, if you'll forgive the clich?. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You'll have had our final Kickstarter update by now, and know that we'll be leaving the game free-to-play for a week or so while we get our databases up and running, but soon - probably in the New Year - we'll be asking you all to register and after that, if you weren't able to back us on Kickstarter, we'll be asking for a contribution towards our stretch goals before we let you in! We'll also be letting the rest of you know how you can help - if only by playing our game and sending your feedback (we will, I hope, have an improved prototype before very long; meanwhile, thank you for sticking with the rather rocky one we have just now!). But maybe some of you will feel able to help us meet our stretch goals and make the game the absolute best it can be, orperhaps you have skills you could volunteer?
Step forward Rerolled. Who else is better skilled and qualified to give MMO advice?

But that's all in the future! Let's relax and enjoy the end-of-year festivities together.And yes, there WILL be parties!Watch this space...
Fucking PUMPED! There's going to be PARTIES! WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Got something right about marriage
This broad is asking for unpaid volunteers after a bunch of people just sent her money based on a promise?


Registered Hutt
gosh whats next. charging for alpha access so you can build assets for their actual game ?


Trakanon Raider
Wish I hadn't avoided clicking this thread for so long. Pure gold.

Frederick Juniper Rothchild III checking in.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I was thinking... what if they made age a form of advancement. Like, you could get more status and riches the older your character got, but at the expense of perhaps some beauty or charm. You'd have to decide if you want to be an ugly old broad with connections and cunning, or a young lady relying on charm and looks. A crusty old man with power and esteem, or a dashing young chap relying on strength and guile. Imagine the role-play potential. Want to get into that fancy ball? Well, you'll have to pretend you aren't disgusted by my wrinkly old friends attending my wrinkly old balls! And maybe only after a certain combination of age and power are you allowed to risk having a mistress! Trying to take advantage of that young lass you know would die to be admitted into your ball! That dashing young man is flirting with your old, dusty matron, what's his angle, why doth he flatter so!? ooooh the opportunity for scandal!


I love the explanation of the rules for this.


In addition to refraining from using information that has not been given in roleplay, you also cannot decide what happens to another roleplayer by describing their thoughts, emotions, reactions, or what happens to their body or possessions. You can set up a scene, but then you should allow them to respond for themselves.

Bad example: *Anger welling up inside, he pushes Thomas and watches him tumble into the river*

What if Thomas were light on his feet and stepped aside quickly as you reached out to push him? Or what if he decided to put up his hands to attempt to block the push?

Better example: *Anger welling up inside, he reaches out to push Thomas, hoping he will tumble into the river*

Thomas can now decide what happens to himself in this scene.
So you're saying it's not kosher for me to /emjams Thomas in the eye socket with his salad fork, then gingerly nibbles on the dangling optical nerve

My world is shattered.