Everquest - Coirnav Progression Server


Toe Sucker
Pretty sure i did up to 55 exclusively only using exp weekend/anniervsaries on phini for my ench. That exp rate was dog shit even with an exp weekend.

I don't envy your guys ability to grind these servers every few months lol


Vyemm Raider
Thank @Moogalak, he hooked me up. I just ended up redistributing heh.

Still feel bad about getting hooked up and bailing. =\ there just seemed to be too many bads playing on Agnarr. I'm thinking Coirnav will have more skilled vets despite the lower population.
Do it. Also so far I haven't had a single shitty group. Granted I'm a bit ahead of the shitter crowd (28 atm) but its been really solid so far in the puglife


TLP Idealist
Everything dead yet?

Nothing is dead yet. Like 11 of the first 12 people to 50 were not affiliated with the "top guild". I expect Phinny to die pretty soon though.

For some reason RI didn't want to start raids until level 50, so it's taking longer than expected.

Korrupt Korrupt probably knows more.


Molten Core Raider
Curious, why does the old school tlp spell website go down often when new servers come up?


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Curious, why does the old school tlp spell website go down often when new servers come up?
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<Bronze Donator>
I usually don't care about negs, but Zaide Zaide Picarded me and now I feel as if I have brought my family much shame. =\
  • 2Worf
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Molten Core Raider
Dang that sucks! You must have messed up bad!

Zaide has been probably the most professional poster in this thread. Even when I've posted off the walls random rants, he never picarded me. You done messed up sir


<Bronze Donator>
Dang that sucks! You must have messed up bad!

Zaide has been probably the most professional poster in this thread. Even when I've posted off the walls random rants, he never picarded me. You done messed up sir

i know :(


<Bronze Donator>
anyway, more picards coming probably, because i actually went ahead and started playing here

got my paladin to level 6 in four hours /played. EXP rate is....... okayish. i guess it'll weed out the scrubs at least.

look for Madriax in game

oh and /autojoin FOH guys
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Mabbu is doing the dragons tonight, we're going to bring our 3 groups and help so we can open the planes.

We're raiding on our own with 3 groups and are going to do raids with the lowest #'s possible. This is a really good server for us to play casually on, for some reason its attracted a lot of our TL raid leaders and older players. It's nice to be hanging out with old friends and healing some of the damage from the autism of past servers.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Ok, so Im probably going to be super casual because of my business. But Im closed today because of the snow and Im starting up a character on this server. If there is an FOH-welcome type of guild that doesnt mind me having a life and not being lvl 50 4 days after the server launches, that'd be cool.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
ill pass on this server , worse case ill rejoin a year from now after pop has completed and don't miss a thing.


<Bronze Donator>
Mabbu is doing the dragons tonight, we're going to bring our 3 groups and help so we can open the planes.

We're raiding on our own with 3 groups and are going to do raids with the lowest #'s possible. This is a really good server for us to play casually on, for some reason its attracted a lot of our TL raid leaders and older players. It's nice to be hanging out with old friends and healing some of the damage from the autism of past servers.
Great idea!


<Gold Donor>
Mabbu is doing the dragons tonight, we're going to bring our 3 groups and help so we can open the planes.

We're raiding on our own with 3 groups and are going to do raids with the lowest #'s possible. This is a really good server for us to play casually on, for some reason its attracted a lot of our TL raid leaders and older players. It's nice to be hanging out with old friends and healing some of the damage from the autism of past servers.

I will say that shortly after I started EQ I joined a guild where our goal was to do most raids with a smaller core amount of good players and I stayed with them till WOW, etc. Having that setup was so much more enjoyable at the time and probably led to me sticking with the game as long as I did.


<Bronze Donator>
ya thats what i liked about fippy when i joined in pop, you could only bring so many people to the raids so we had a more constant roster instead of recruiting every bob and joe on the server


Blackwing Lair Raider
ya thats what i liked about fippy when i joined in pop, you could only bring so many people to the raids so we had a more constant roster instead of recruiting every bob and joe on the server

Exactly, doing a small friends only thing will be much less stressful. Its nice to talk to friends without the stress of leading as well, we can get sassy with each other a lot and dumb shit happens like our guild split or past nonsense so its nice to just come together and bullshit casually once a week and have fun.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
So are you a sociopath or something? Your penchant for calling people "shitters" and whatever other juvenile smack talk when they were literally doing the same thing as what you're talking about being awesome now seems a little hypocritical and/or shortsighted.
  • 1Salty
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Link a post where I say doing something with small numbers makes you a shitter. I sware you crazies we hurt on Phinigel follow me around everywhere stalking me.

Ill explain though, guilds like yours are shitters because they try to be something they arent. You tried to be some top guild in open world, bringing raids to key camps, and constantly training raids which isnt the same as staying in a instance quietly with friends.

That really poor history of failed attempts at being a big guild are probably why AoS just had to absorb and take in your guild on Phinigel, your guild died bro FYI
  • 1Worf
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Looks like I might give this a shot. Don't know what to play. Maybe another necro since ill be starting with nothing.
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