Everquest II


I went back semi-recently since I still had some time left on the year long subs I bought with plat last year, but I ended up quitting again about halfway through the long, tedious signature quest you're required to do as part of the new expansion. It is kind of sad to see the developers talk about how they want to do the best story telling in MMOs, and then you do the quests and you get smacked in the face with a bunch of overly long, poorly written quest dialogue -- though admittedly the story does have a kind of cheesy appeal to it. If you don't mind having to juggle so many abilities, I don't see any harm in going back for a bit, but I've never played on Nagafen so I can't tell you what the situation there is like.
You can buy subs in game ala chat channels ask for station cash card trade like always.

Or they have the Krono for eq 2 in game on the brokers for plat for 30 day sub etc.

You can also sell Krono in game for plat, think soe will have all future games have that, im waiting for it to get added to vanguard.


Just buy 1 month of station pass then krono to your hearts content full free access to every soe game for life and all you paid for is 1 month of station access.


Molten Core Raider
It seems buggy though, I krono'd my station pass account and after a month when Sony said it was just a display bug my entire account went silver. They couldn't put the account back to a station pass and credit me either, so they just refunded me the $20. Not all that bad, but dealing with customer service is annoying.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Yes but he stepped down from duo title he had of Exec Producer of everquest 1 and 2, Holly came in for 2, he went to Eq3 Next agree that anything he touches turns to dogshit.

His claim to fame at soe is SOE mote, Just let that fucking sink in for moment, Let me say that again SoE mote for roleplayers rofl.

Under his lack of leadership I mean leadership, eq 2 had some the worst fucking expansions ever.
His claim to fame is his cash shop. You have to realize in SoE's eyes he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. He took their flagship mmo, the only project under SoE that was making money, and started making A LOT more money than it was ever making.

We all know EQnext is going to be released on PS4 and we know its going to have a cash shop, of course SoE is going to have Polesmoker leading the project.


Hardcore Casual
Started playing EQ2 again, haven't played since like the 2nd xpac. I'm really enjoying it so far, love the mercs. I'm able to do a lot more solo I wasn't able to do before.


Now if that isn't a reason to play a MMO, then I don't know what is


Musty Nester
Wait. Jeff Butler is attached to EQN? I guess I knew that, but it just now sunk in.

lol. just lol. Ut really does have a point. How the fuck do these guys keep getting hired?

Is SoE run by the Teamsters or something?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I recently started playing as well. Rolled a Bruiser on the Freeport server named Morphe.

I was tempted to buy the Age of Discovery exp, but I found out you also need to buy Chains of Eternity(sp?) because they no longer follow the model of "buy the last expansion and you get everything before it for free". Not gonna shell out $80 just to get back in the game so we'll see how long it lasts.


EQOA Refugee
Honestly, save your $$ or play a game with a proper future like WoW or Rift. This game is on the decline big time and only the most dedicated people are left. The end game is still not balanced, no risk vs reward at all. Shitty itemization. Seriously, save your $$


Lord Nagafen Raider
The ability bloat is still there.

On my bruiser, I have 15 abilities that I need to fire off in sequence. Then I play whack-a-mole with whatever comes off cooldown first.

And I am only lvl 52, so as you progress and get more abilities this will only get worse, I reckon


Molten Core Raider
If you're going to play EQ2 play a beastlord. It's fun as fuck and they have like 8 regular abilities, then 4 combo builders (sort of, they build energy you spend) and 4 finishers.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
The last time I played was shortly after the release of Age of Discovery and beastlords were definitely the most enjoyable class to play in terms of not managing 30 abilities. I didn't make it all the way to the max level at the time (90 I think), but I hit mid 80's before I stopped playing. It's a shame they don't have the balls to consolidate abilities on other classes as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Also, from day 1 I could never get over how all NPCs slowly turn their head to stare at you with their cold, dead eyes as you run by them.
yeah that was fucking creepy and I really don't understand how that shit made it through playtesting.


Registered Hutt
Because the true believers shout down all criticism. I was in beta, and we of the dissent had plenty to say about the game. Furthermore, the devs really don't care if a feature is good. They care that it works the way they want it to. If no one likes it, well they can address that later right? Heh.


The ability bloat is still there.

On my bruiser, I have 15 abilities that I need to fire off in sequence. Then I play whack-a-mole with whatever comes off cooldown first.

And I am only lvl 52, so as you progress and get more abilities this will only get worse, I reckon
Some classes you can just macro a bunch of similar abilities together. That's what I did on SK, merged together all single target damage specific abilities, some AoE abilities in another macro, etc etc. Made it a lot more bearable to manage and probably performs better than hitting a bunch of different hotkeys to do abilities that are all pretty much damage+some other minor effect.


Hardcore Casual
Don't know what it is, but I am just having a blast with EQ2 right now. I'm playing a Warden and a buddy of mine is playing a Beastlord. We are just tearing shit up. With mercs we are able to do just about anything in our level range. Being able to see content that I was never able to see before.

Currently only level 44, but all and all I am really enjoying the game right now. I guess that might change the higher level we get, but I'm keeping an open mind.

If anyone at all is interested in joining in with us you are more than welcome. We are on AB, my character name is Ashtaka.