Everquest Mangler Server - DOING IT ALL AGAIN, AGAIN!


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I got my wiz from 1-31 on Selos yesterday, exp is super quick.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Been six boxing on Selo and Mangler without anyone really getting too crazy (I stay out of the way of people and don't DPS race) until today. I was running the sand giant cycle in South Ro and kept seeing this guy arriving at the next pop. He was an int caster and didn't appear to have a box following him, so I figured he was using ShowEQ to help him run the same cycle. Then he informed me he was giant massively butthurt about my six box crew. I am now forever a "pixel bitch."

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<Bronze Donator>
yeah its always hilarious when youre farming a mob like ishva and you see like a solo enchanter racing from spawn to spawn with you, its obvious. at least i had a druid with me!


Potato Supreme
Been six boxing on Selo and Mangler without anyone really getting too crazy (I stay out of the way of people and don't DPS race) until today. I was running the sand giant cycle in South Ro and kept seeing this guy arriving at the next pop. He was an int caster and didn't appear to have a box following him, so I figured he was using ShowEQ to help him run the same cycle. Then he informed me he was giant massively butthurt about my six box crew. I am now forever a "pixel bitch."

You sir, need to suggest a new medal. I think all of us EQ veterans would be proud to wear one.
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Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I wish they had actual GMs, could find those Enchanters with 'tracking' super quick :*(

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Uncle Tanya
Dazzle needs a drunk-tank time out; Pixel Bitch got him waaaay too rustled for (I assume) merely existing inside a game.

giphy (14).gif
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Molten Core Raider
Man I'ma pull hadden and let rephas and axe broadsmith suck a nutt each while hadden takes the main load. Nice vid tho

He's talking about charm gate, at hadden. I'm done

On agnarr, as a shaman....there was this wiz named vamp who used to sit at hadden 24/7.
I use to put up Levi over the pond. As soon as hadden spawn I would tag with like a lvl 1 dmg spell and dive under water, then dot and nuke. Vamp would lose Everytime because he didn't know if I was gonna dive or instead stay on land after a fake dive. Juked him so much he raged so hard

Vamp would try to cast his biggest, longest casted nuke Everytime....
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Millie's Staff Member
Man I'ma pull hadden and let rephas and axe broadsmith suck a nutt each while hadden takes the main load. Nice vid tho

He's talking about charm gate, at hadden. I'm done

On agnarr, as a shaman....there was this wiz named vamp who used to sit at hadden 24/7.
I use to put up Levi over the pond. As soon as hadden spawn I would tag with like a lvl 1 dmg spell and dive under water, then dot and nuke. Vamp would lose Everytime because he didn't know if I was gonna dive or instead stay on land after a fake dive. Juked him so much he raged so hard

Vamp would try to cast his biggest, longest casted nuke Everytime....
After that video, i let the nostalgia get the better of me, i logged in and one shotted Hadden for funzies. dude was like "WTF! nobody kils me anymore! i was 2 months from retirement! why???"
  • 1Worf
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Toe Sucker
whats a guise LR going for atm? debating if its worth trying to just camp one on my 50 mage and log in my shaman to loot it or just buy it on my shaman since i know im not getting him to 34ish anytime soon lol

edit: nvm im a retard, i didnt realize you can still see no drop items on tlpauctions, guess its 500. i'll just park him there and buy one lol


Trakanon Raider
whats a guise LR going for atm? debating if its worth trying to just camp one on my 50 mage and log in my shaman to loot it or just buy it on my shaman since i know im not getting him to 34ish anytime soon lol

edit: nvm im a retard, i didnt realize you can still see no drop items on tlpauctions, guess its 500. i'll just park him there and buy one lol
I'm in no big hurry to get my shaman to max level on Mangler, but I do want to get that mask for him.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I was under the impression that the pre-nerfed dark elf mask continues to drop on TLP servers until X number of weeks after the Ruins of Kunark expansion is unlocked on the server. If that's correct, we should have at minimum 2 more months and change to camp the mask.

Would someone confirm if this is correct and how many weeks after Kunark releases that the pre-nerf mask stops dropping please?


Toe Sucker
Yeah it's something like 110 days after the launch date that it swaps to the nerfed version, so it'll be a week or 2 after kunark drops.

I just want to get it out of the way before i forget


Trakanon Raider
Ok cool.

I'm taking a super casual stance this time around on the Mangler server. I only play my shaman in experience groups typically on the weekends. Raiding on Phinigel, Agnarr, Coirnav, and then the first couple weeks of Selos burned me out pretty hardcore. I'm trying to regain interest in the game because I loved it so much, but it's hard to get back in to it after burning out so hard.


<Bronze Donator>
Honestly people are gonna hate on you for boxing, and how you respond is how it will go. You can either a)flex your muscles show your BBC and tell him to shut the fuck up and deal with it, which will end in him training you and you either owning that train or dying, or him wimping away leaving you alone cause he wont risk action for training.

or b)stay polite, do not feed into his bad energy, give him buffs and be a positive helpful eq player that just happens to 6 box. most of the time i find b to be the best option, not giving people a reason to grief you usually leads to them not griefing you and if youre even nice to them they will more than likely not grief you. but this will lead to them coming back for buffs and asking for free resses.

theres also c) just ignore them completely while making it obvious you arent a bot and sometimes they just go away.

i usually do b or c, just wait to react to what they do and keep see invis up so they get embarrassed being caught and leave. lol. sometimes you have the ones that just afk ontop of you and then i usually "accidentally" have a wizard or shaman mob in the area to ae him dead. gg
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Log Wizard
Yeah, it's 125ish days, so half way through Kunark the mask shuts off. It'll be done on a patch day too. If you have 2 40's you can basically camp it yourself once you get the camp. Only 3ish lvl 35ish mobs spawn there. It's usually solo camped by a 50 X (ranger usually that I've seen) and you just ask them to let you know when they get theirs and they just pass it off. Pretty easy. Only the completely retarded camp it and sell LR's. In fact I think the people selling LR's are camping TBB and already have it and just looking for extra cash.

If anyone is making an ogre/troll tank I'd 100% make sure to get one. The free shrink is a must basically until Planes or so, when you have more room on raids/grouping.