Everquest Nerd Rage Logs


Trakanon Raider
From what it clearly looked like, he destroyed his corpse with all his gear on it making it extra dickish. I could get on board with summon to plane of fear then 100% res as trolling, but the whole "I'm gonna summon you to plane of fear to die" followed by "just trolling here's a res" proceeded by a "haha jk fuck you I am destroying your corpse with all your gear" is absolutely psychotic. You can even see in Ryan's body language that he is frustrated about the summoning to PoF, but then lightens up a little and accepts the 100% reses but then becomes devastated when he tries to loot his gear and his corpse pops. I bet you anything Rogean was watching his stream and enjoying being able to torture him seeing his live reaction, like a kid torturing a small animal - really disgusting behavior. It was a complete power trip of "I am not only going to mess with this guy and play with his emotions while I can watch his reaction live, but embarrass him in front of his 100 viewers and show everyone how powerful I am" move.
This exactly is what I am talking about. It was gut wrenching to see that dude bust out in tears. I was like dude this guy literally has nothing, and the one little thing he has (even if it is just in his head) is the clout he has in that game. To him, that was the one thing he had even the tinniest of power to do anything in. His life is pure shit. Anybody can see that, and everybody needs a fucking outlet.

I get what people are saying in defending Rogean. I really do. I am not saying that these two dudes are innocent of anything. I'm just saying that there is a line of decency that you just don't cross if you have even an ounce of humanity in you. It was disgusting and truly hard to watch.
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Uncle Tanya
I hope they can get the help they need.
I think every sane person is on board with this idea, but every sane person also realizes that it's not going to happen because they're their own worst enemies... literally and figuratively.

Welcome to the forums!
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Trakanon Raider
I don't think getting summoned and dying was so much a driver for the meltdown as it was realizing that the tiny amount of stuff he had in p99 was just deleted by a GM who was fucking with him

If you think he was having a genuine meltdown you're wrong. It's just his MO. He's done this for like 6 years straight on TLPs. He'll start arguments with people then when people say anything back he'll start crying and playing the victim. He's been kicked out a dozen different guilds on TLPs and it's always the same story, he starts yelling agressive shit at people in TS/Discord ect. Then eventually he will yell at an officer and get gkicked, then as soon as he gets kicked out it turns into a sob story about how didn't do anything wrong and the world is just out to get him.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
If you think he was having a genuine meltdown you're wrong. It's just the guys MO. He's done this for like 6 years straight on TLPs. He'll start arguments with people then when people say anything back he'll start crying and playing the victim. He's been kicked out a dozen different guilds on TLPs and it's always the same story, he starts yelling agressive shit at people in TS/Discord ect. Then eventually he will yell at an officer and get gkicked out, then as soon as he gets kicked out it turns into a sob story about how didn't do anything wrong and the world is just out to get him.
Agree. Watch the stream for 10 minutes and you'll see 20 signs of a narcissistic personality.
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Trakanon Raider
If you think he was having a genuine meltdown you're wrong. It's just his MO. He's done this for like 6 years straight on TLPs. He'll start arguments with people then when people say anything back he'll start crying and playing the victim. He's been kicked out a dozen different guilds on TLPs and it's always the same story, he starts yelling agressive shit at people in TS/Discord ect. Then eventually he will yell at an officer and get gkicked, then as soon as he gets kicked out it turns into a sob story about how didn't do anything wrong and the world is just out to get him.
I think your name might be misleading.

I kid... I kid... lol


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I like how people are sympathizing with this guy but overlook the fact that hes got white trash face tattoos..
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I mean this kinda comes with some of that territory right

Plus he's amazingly not a truecel and banged gutter muppet while she was living in her car

Thugmaxxing may actually be a path to ascension after all, very interesting

If he's 5'5 110 and not a truecel, this might be the proof
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He just wanna play some quest

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Blackwing Lair Raider
If you think he was having a genuine meltdown you're wrong. It's just his MO. He's done this for like 6 years straight on TLPs. He'll start arguments with people then when people say anything back he'll start crying and playing the victim. He's been kicked out a dozen different guilds on TLPs and it's always the same story, he starts yelling agressive shit at people in TS/Discord ect. Then eventually he will yell at an officer and get gkicked, then as soon as he gets kicked out it turns into a sob story about how didn't do anything wrong and the world is just out to get him.
Modern day America in a nutshell


Golden Knight of the Realm
I like rogean and dont care for the wonder twins, but that WAS some pure spite gm shit and p99 totally does have a history of devs being corrupt dicks, so I don't think it's really a loose use of it here.
Gonna have to disagree Yerm. These guys have a well documented history of scamming people over and over again. They should be given no quarter.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I get that they did stupid shit in the past, but I also get that they have mental challenges. When it comes to that guy playing on P99, he wasn't hurting anyone. Should have just left him alone and let him enjoy a little bit of something. If he started doing shit to cause a problem, then do something about it.

I don't think most people realize what it is like to have absolutely nothing. I was there at one point in my life, and I understand what it's like to be at the bottom looking up. I worked my ass off to get to the point where I am now, but I remember what it was like to have to decide if you want a dollar burger or put some gas in the car. I know what it is like to take a fucking shower with no hint of hot water because the gas has been cut off to the house. I know what that shit is like, and trust me when I say that if you have never been there, then you have NO FUCKING IDEA how bad it feels and how fucking bad it hurts.

I make a fuck ton of money now, but I will never forget what it's like to be down. I say it again. FUCK ROGEAN!
Yea so? I crawled my way up too. That wasn't excuse to be a thief or a piece if shit. Personal responsibility. No excuse for anti social behavior, especially stealing.


They got banned for boxing

I played with my brother and never abused the exemption, some people can't help it
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Okay apparently he was banned on suspicion and never actually two box tested.

P99 may have broken its own rules yet again?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Not sure why they jumped through hoops. Instead of finding new proof or fucking with him, just perma ban and be done.


Molten Core Raider
I'm just sad that they apparently quit streaming already. That shit was some of the most entertaining stuff on Twitch I've ever watched.